Election '08 (or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Politics on the Internet)



  • edited November 2008
    lol, North Dakota is a battleground state.
  • edited November 2008
    Maybe so, but it's still funny.
  • edited November 2008
    I'm drinkin martinis for Obama! Suck it squares (Republicans)!
  • godgod
    edited November 2008
    Vote Nader hypothetical person who hasn't voted yet.
    I'm surprised Nader isn't doing better than he is. I mean, he's been running for, what, four elections? Five elections? He's got to know what to do by now.
  • edited November 2008
  • edited November 2008
    Obama projected to win! CA put him over the 270 mark!
  • edited November 2008
    Congratulations President Barack Obama!
  • edited November 2008
  • edited November 2008
    It sucks McCain can't just say "Fuck You" you know he wanted to, and that sure as hell is what his supporters wanted.
  • edited November 2008
    Are people actually surprised by any of this? I thought this was a pretty predictable outcome.
  • edited November 2008
    I disagree. We're seeing the old McCain starting to come back, the McCain who had great respect by both parties. Now that he doesn't have to pander to the religious right, he can show his true colours again.

    The speech was heartfelt, and despite myself hating the way he ran much of his campaign, I do respect him for that.
  • edited November 2008
    My parents called, and they held the phone up to the TV so I could listen to McCain's speech. It almost put a tear to my eye; he sounded very gracious.

    McCain's a good guy. The problem was the religious right that he had to pander to.
  • godgod
    edited November 2008
    I agree completely with Night Lord. I remember thinking at the beginning of the primaries "If any of these Republican candidates win, I hope it's McCain. He's the most moderate and sensible of the group." Then we saw this complete reversal, with him saying he wants to double Guantanamo in a Republican debate (I'm pretty sure that was him), and just becoming this angry old man. I hope we can see him return to how he was.
  • edited November 2008
    You guy's reactions are silly. Nothing in politics is heartfelt. Even if McCain was some kind of nonpartisan uber mavric, he changed and that means he is willing to do what ever he needs to for his own good.

    And according to my player's guide, my friends, thats textbook lawful evil right there.
  • edited November 2008
    This is exactly why nobody here likes you.
  • edited November 2008
    I don't have cable and my antenna isn't hooked up so I won't be able to see the speeches until they show up on YouTube, but I've heard that the music playing when McCain walked off the stage after his concession was the theme from Crimson Tide. Whoever picked it either hasn't seen the movie or has a sense of humour.
  • edited November 2008
    You mean how in Crimson Tide when an old Navy career man is fought and beaten by a young, Harvard educated black officer? Yeah, that was an odd choice, I hope it was done on purpose.
  • edited November 2008
    Serephel wrote: »
    This is exactly why nobody here likes you.

    ... is this because the D&D reference the blatant hate towards polititions, or my spelling?

    To be fair, I don't think Mario, Andrew, Hlavco or MacJake piticularly dislike me.

    And lastly, don't think I won't lash back if you say something so blastfoumus. Sure, it is a little silly to get worked up over a comment from some person you'll never meet, but I'm not gonna take crap from a "cyber bully" either. Good day sir.
  • edited November 2008
    I don't know you well enough to form a legitimate opinion of you, but you make a bit of a big deal over things and seem to have a negative outlook on many other things. Just try to be happy!
  • edited November 2008
    (blasphemous is actually the spelling, Blob.... from the word 'blasphemy'. English teacher moment!!)


    Bout damn time!!!
  • edited November 2008
    NoLonger wrote: »
    I don't know you well enough to form a legitimate opinion of you, but you make a bit of a big deal over things and seem to have a negative outlook on many other things. Just try to be happy!

    Whoot! Defeatists fore life, I ever do saye.

    Illithid: Nice.
  • edited November 2008
    Andrew said it best.

    Congratulations on electing the black Jesus.
  • edited November 2008
    ...alright, I'll concede a little, I was being mean. I apologize.

    Regardless, I don't appreciate that kind of attitude towards politics. The political world is filthy enough as it is, and those of us who are old enough to have experienced a few elections know how dark and bleak it can be.

    But the last 8 years have been terrible to our great nation. A culture of with-us-or-against-us has taken over the White House, and it has made a mockery around the world of what our nation stands for. Despite the fact that McCain ran for this same party, he was not always this way. He was a man of honor and respect in his earlier days, and some might argue he was a Republican simply out of convenience.

    Despite his ridiculous insults throughout the general election, he redeemed himself tonight and he conceded with honor and respect.

    But there are other Americans who do not understand the idea of respect. They still have that with-us-or-against-us mentality, and they're the ones who were booing tonight at McCain's speech.

    And your cynicism towards McCain's speech reminded me of that.

    That's not what this country needs. We have the ability to come together and influence ourselves the direction of our home. I live in a communist country, and the people here don't even know how their government works. They don't know different positions' responsibilities, or who even picks new party members or who holds internal elections. They live in a state of apathy, saying that as long as the government makes good choices, they're content. End of story.

    Believe me when I say America is fucking awesome. I have friends from all corners of the earth, and maybe I am biased with a hint of domestic bias, but our country kicks so much ass. We have our own problems, granted, but they pale in comparison to problems other countries deal with. Obama's story is home-grown American, and it reenforces that anyone in America can follow their dreams.

    So enough with the hate, and enough with the cynicism. We're not going to make any progress by hating McCain, just as some of his followers are going to hate Obama because he's black, because they think he's Muslim, or just because he won.

    (Also, I should add that even though I have posted multiple times about my hatred of Palin, I should clarify that I don't actually hate her. I believe she loves her country and wants to make it a better place. I just think her love of Jesus is a conflict of interests, and that doesn't change the fact that she's retarded)
  • edited November 2008
    What you just said... discusts me so much... instead of rebuttleing I'm just going to leave the OB for a while.
  • edited November 2008

  • edited November 2008
    Don't come back.
  • godgod
    edited November 2008
    A bit pointless given your leaving (left?), but what is even remotely disgusting about that?
  • edited November 2008
    I am about to go to school and face many disgruntled children! Also: My math teacher from last year said she would move to Canada if Obama won. I'm thinking of sending her a going away card.
  • edited November 2008
    Yeah... I'm not seeing the problem, Blob. He apologized and stated his position clearly. What's wrong with that?