Socialism is the new buzzword, the term that has sprung up that is synonymous with villainy and oppression. And that's not what it means. It's just how people are (incorrectly) using it.
I find this very interesting, kinda funny even, because over here ever since this incompetent president was sworn in, liberalism has become the new "bad word". (Liberalism as in economic liberalism, not really as in social matters). Suddenly, whenever something's wrong with the country, it's fault of the "long neo-liberal night" that preceded his government. Which is complete bull because we haven't had an actual liberal President in at least a hundred years.
Also, a bit more on topic, I feel bad about McCain. I didn't really have very deep knowledge about this election, but I think I would've voted for McCain if I were a US citizen. I turned on the TV just on time for his speech, and you could really see how affected he was by all of this. He looked like a sad grandpa.
And about Latin American leaders and new relations, well, that's also bull. Hugo Chavez and his troopers have had an easy target to pin the blame on with the Bush administration, and on this point of view I'm really glad that Obama won, since it will probably be harder for them to gain sympathy from their people by insulting the US President. However, I think I would have liked a President that would not tolerate totalitarianism and human right violations as deep as the current generation of Latin American leaders are performing. Heck, I have friends who have judicial processes against them just for insulting the President, no more. It would be nice that leaders of countries as important as the US of A would conduct their international relationships with these countries in a way that clearly displays that these types of conducts are not tolerated by the global community.
I'm back! Instead of responding to questions and alligations, Pm me and I'll respond to the post by Serephel, trying to address your various concerns as well. This is of course to stop littering this thread with my petty flame war. And I'd like to clarify that I have absolutely nothing against Serephel on a personal level, hell, we hardly disagree politicly.
On-topic: I am fairly optimistic about the possibility of Bobby Kennedy in Obama's cabnet. I listen to him from time to time, and I do rather like him.
I watched that when it first came out on the front page of newgrounds a while back, and I didn't notice until now that it's from the same makers as Charlie the Unicorn. Crazeh!
I didn't call him stupid, it's just that when someone within your party campains against your party as hard as he did, you kick him out. Or at least take his chairmanship of foreign relations. But what makes me mad is that he wrote off his running against Obama as bi-partisan.
Lieberman is wrong on every issue ever. He's a neo-conservative on foreign policy and a nanny state proto-fascist on domestic issues -- video game/music/television censorship, anyone? -- and just a generally whiny, miserable fuck. He doesn't even deserve to be a Senator, let alone one in a position of power.
Actually, I really like Lieberman. Now, I don't know the whole situation, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
To me it seems that he did not like the direction of his party, and he formed his own personal opinion and found McCain to be the superior running mate. So he followed his own beliefs, and not the ordered beliefs of his party. He didn't just blindly follow a directive based on his party; he actually thought about the issue and made an independent decision.
Edit: I know nothing about his stances on issues though. I just applaud someone who thinks for themselves.
We were talking about Lieberman the whole time. Blob got Joe Biden's and Joe Lieberman's names mixed up.
Joe Biden = Democrat, VP to Obama
Joe Lieberman = Democrat, VP candidate to Gore in 2000 election. During this election he defaulted to supporting McCain and Palin, riding around on the McCain bus, speaking at the Republican National Convention, and other stuff to piss off Democrats.
He never mattered. He was just someone they used to represent the standard American. I found the whole name–occupation very annoying and unnecessary, especially when the GOP went crazy with it.
Whoops, my bad. I got confused by the way they talked about him in the speeches. I do stand by the fact that they went way too crazy with the whole name–occupation business, though.
I find this very interesting, kinda funny even, because over here ever since this incompetent president was sworn in, liberalism has become the new "bad word". (Liberalism as in economic liberalism, not really as in social matters). Suddenly, whenever something's wrong with the country, it's fault of the "long neo-liberal night" that preceded his government. Which is complete bull because we haven't had an actual liberal President in at least a hundred years.
Also, a bit more on topic, I feel bad about McCain. I didn't really have very deep knowledge about this election, but I think I would've voted for McCain if I were a US citizen. I turned on the TV just on time for his speech, and you could really see how affected he was by all of this. He looked like a sad grandpa.
And about Latin American leaders and new relations, well, that's also bull. Hugo Chavez and his troopers have had an easy target to pin the blame on with the Bush administration, and on this point of view I'm really glad that Obama won, since it will probably be harder for them to gain sympathy from their people by insulting the US President. However, I think I would have liked a President that would not tolerate totalitarianism and human right violations as deep as the current generation of Latin American leaders are performing. Heck, I have friends who have judicial processes against them just for insulting the President, no more. It would be nice that leaders of countries as important as the US of A would conduct their international relationships with these countries in a way that clearly displays that these types of conducts are not tolerated by the global community.
On-topic: I am fairly optimistic about the possibility of Bobby Kennedy in Obama's cabnet. I listen to him from time to time, and I do rather like him.
To me it seems that he did not like the direction of his party, and he formed his own personal opinion and found McCain to be the superior running mate. So he followed his own beliefs, and not the ordered beliefs of his party. He didn't just blindly follow a directive based on his party; he actually thought about the issue and made an independent decision.
Edit: I know nothing about his stances on issues though. I just applaud someone who thinks for themselves.
Joe Biden = Democrat, VP to Obama
Joe Lieberman = Democrat, VP candidate to Gore in 2000 election. During this election he defaulted to supporting McCain and Palin, riding around on the McCain bus, speaking at the Republican National Convention, and other stuff to piss off Democrats.
My ideas of the American working man have been shattered!