Election '08 (or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Politics on the Internet)



  • edited September 2008
    If someone assassinated Bush you'd be stuck with President Cheney. That's probably why no one tried.
  • edited September 2008
    I think Dave Chapelle once said that the first black president could hedge against assassination from racists by picking a Mexican as a VP.
  • edited September 2008
    Exatly, or keep picking another black for Vp for an endless cycle.
  • edited September 2008
    Americans, can you illustrate me about the two-party system you have going on? What I really want to know is how can an small party or independent candidate run for President? I remember reading on Wikipedia sometime ago that Ross Perot told his supporters that he would run for Presidency only if they got him on every State's ballot. How is it possible to run for President and not be automatically included into every State's ballot? That's stupid.

    Here, if a person wants to run for President they need the support of a registered political party or they have to gather enough valid signatures to endorse his or her candidature: 1% of the registered voters. And they are obviously then put in the ballot, which is the same for the whole country since we are not a Federal state.
  • edited September 2008
    Don't you be criticizing our true form of Democracy, or President Bush will march right over to Ecuador and tell you a thing or two!

    In actuality, our system is pretty much broken. Jakey explained some of this to me in a different context, but it might be applicable here. The two party system is in power, and their loathe to give up that power. They make it difficult to allow 3rd parties into the vote, because it disrupts their power. Look at what happened in Florida in 2000. Many people believe Nader stole the election from Gore, because many of his voters would have voted Gore instead. Had Nader never run, Florida might've gone to Gore, and our country would be very different right now.

    So, I'm guessing they make it difficult for 3rd parties to get in, because they represent an uncontrollable variable that can upset their election strategies.
  • edited September 2008
    In theory our system is the same as yours. Or even better. Any individual can be written in as a choice. But inreality, you have to be a member of one of the 2 major parties (sometimes you alomost have a hpope with the grreen party). the only real good it has is that iof a third party ever gets enough support, one of the 2 major parteies will adopt the issue they were trying to raise.
  • edited September 2008
    As far as the ballot question is concerned, while technically you can write in a candidate, your odds are much better if the candidate is actually printed on the ballot - less mis-cast ballots and such. The problem is, there is no uniform procedure for running elections in the United States, and each state sets its own rules for ballot access and structure. So you have 50 different criterion to meet, at different times, and usually with wildly different requirements - some require signatures, other require money, others require god only knows. So it is very hard for anyone without the resources of the two major parties to get on all 50 ballots, particularly the GOP and the Dems dominate the state governments as well. Ross Perot was able to do it in '92 because he was a billionaire.
  • edited September 2008
    And nuts
  • edited September 2008
    Go America.
  • edited September 2008
    Back when we had a mock election at my elementary school, I was one of 12 kids out of 400 to vote for Ross Perot.
  • edited September 2008
    So I could just write Godzilla McFarts on the ballot and if someone happens to have that name then he gets one vote accounted on his favor? How does this work when you vote with those fancy voting machines and not paper?
  • edited September 2008
    You know what we need, in reality?

    We need someone who won't give up, someone who won't let go of the war. We need a guy who can say "screw America, I'm going to get more oil!", possibly while drunk. We need a man, to stand up, and lead us all to a brighter six months from now. He also needs to be from Texas. Cause cowboys are badass. And the war in Iraq needs more troops sent over. Because there's NEVER enough. So -in short- who do I personally believe that we need to be president in 2008?

    Vote George W. Bush for '08.
    You won't (not) regret it.
  • edited September 2008
    minority government ftw
  • edited September 2008
    But Harper eats babies! Or so I read somewhere...

    kukopanki wrote: »
    So I could just write Godzilla McFarts on the ballot and if someone happens to have that name then he gets one vote accounted on his favor? How does this work when you vote with those fancy voting machines and not paper?
    In that case you have to ask for a special ballot so you can write names in. That's also part of the reason why having your name actually on the ballot helps you substantially, most people are lazy and don't want to make the effort to get a different ballot.
  • edited September 2008
    Jakey, he also has warm soft hands, strong hands, like sensuous oven mitts ready to envelop you and pull you safely from the oven. Blue eyes, beautiful blue eyes like Canadian skies, and he is kinda tall, and he said my name, and *squeeeee*
  • edited September 2008
    That made me cum, even.
  • edited September 2008
    I've already made my support for geoko public and I stand by that endorsement. I do not condone the zombie lifestyle and will not support the zombie agenda.
  • edited September 2008
    ...aaaaaaaaaaaaand now it was announced that Gov. Palin's 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant. Abstinence-only sex education works wonders again!
  • edited September 2008
    Jake, how dare you think ill of Palin's daughter! She ... must have been.... artificially inseminated? Does that preserve virginity? :/

    but this just adds to it - 5 kids, including a baby with downs syndrome, and now a grandchild? When will she ever have time for 'work'?

  • edited September 2008
    According to Angels and Demons it does.
  • edited September 2008
    Is that one of those crazy Brittish rock bands? You young people and your rock music!
  • edited September 2008
    kukopanki wrote: »
    Is that one of those crazy Brittish rock bands? You young people and your rock music!

    Work of the devil!!
  • edited September 2008
    Thanks for that link. I had never before seen truth in such a pure, unadultered state.
  • edited September 2008
    So apparently Acts 19:19 says to destroy all rock music? They must have been able to see the future, to write that thousands of years before it happened.
  • edited September 2008
    Well, obviously Andrew. That's how the Bible works, duh.
  • edited September 2008
    I forget the bible passage, but the best one is about how when God said that he holds all things together, he was really talking about holding protons together in the nucleus, even though they should repel each other. God is the residual strong force!
  • godgod
    edited September 2008
    Wow, and here I've been thinking that it was the neutrons in between the protons keeping the positive fields from touching and repelling each other.
  • edited September 2008
    I still believe any more than 3 children is being socially irresponsible. Is she one of those people who is against contraception, believing it "ties the hands of God"?
  • edited September 2008
    Well, what if you've got enormous amounts of money? Then it's not necessary irresponsible.