Election '08 (or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Politics on the Internet)



  • edited October 2008
    So it's 20 minutes into the VP debates and it looks to me like Palin is already getting torn up. Thoughts?
  • edited October 2008
    I'm having trouble streaming it live from over here, so I guess I have to wait for somebody to post recordings. Sad.
  • edited October 2008
    On several occasions it was her word against Joe's facts. But, you know about this. The people on this forum are probably too smart to fall for either side's BS, so I'm not gonna rant on about the debate.
  • edited October 2008
    I just caught up on the Katie Couric interviews with Palin. She apparently doesn't read newspapers. That's just great for a VP.

    Jesus tap dancing Christ I'm only 24, yet I frequently read the Economist and the Wall Street Journal, not to mention I have way more foreign experience than she does. Shit I should run instead of her.

    Actually, I like the sound of this. I'll run a campaign on very, very conservative Christian values, mostly from Leviticus. I promise that as a Vice President patiently waiting to become President, I will draft legislation that devotedly follows Leviticus 15:19-30. I will require all women in the government to be secluded away during their time of the month. Furthermore I will require any who interact with them to be declared unclean and subsequently forced to cleanse themselves per the Bible's instructions.

    McCain/Jones 08.
  • edited October 2008
    Gerhauser/Jones '12.
  • edited October 2008
    I only watched for a few minutes, and it seemed to me that Palin is certainly a lousy candidate, but in all seriousness, they both sucked. It was an evade the question bash your opponent contest, that's it.
  • edited October 2008
    I liked the debate.
  • edited October 2008
    I'm getting so fucking sick of this shit.

    Obama, McCain, Biden, and Palin. They aren't answering questions. All they do to answer every question is sling more mud at the other person.

    Ifill: "Governor, please if you want to respond to what he said about Sen. McCain's comments about health care?"
    Palin: "I would like to respond about how Obama eats babies. When he's sitting at Senate meetings, he eats babies."
    Ifill: "Senator, your response? Does Obama eat babies in the Senate?"
    Biden: "I think the real issue here is that John McCain throws kittens into wood chippers when he's bored."

    Sigh. It's just normal politics. All they do is take shit out of context and throw it back. Evade, sling mud, divert attention from any solid arguments your opponent might have had and hope no one notices. I thought we'd have a cleaner fight this election, hell even the Economist predicted this campaign would be different. Boy that went to hell.

    Edit: She even admits she's not answering questions "the way the moderator or you want her to". Argh, answer the question or just go home! I don't want to hear rhetoric, there is no shortage of that! I want to know where you stand on these issues!

    Edit 2: We should have given Ifill an air horn. Every time someone tries to avoid a question, she should sound it and tell them to try again.

    Edit 3: Why do we even bother having a structured debate when Palin just uses her slots to talk about how she fought corruption in Alaska? She's not answering questions, she's just patiently waiting for her next speaking slot to continue her previous thought.

    Edit 4: So both your candidates predicted these financial crises years ago. Whoop de doo. It's one thing to "predict" a problem years in advance, it's another to actually DO something to prevent it.


    Edit 6: Did Palin actually tell Biden to stop pointing fingers at the past? She has been purposely ignoring questions and rambling off bad votes that Obama made.

    Edit the last: I'm trying to not be totally biased, but I can't find anything Biden did bad that Palin didn't do worse and more frequently. He dodged questions a few times, but he was at least eloquent about it. He was just normal politician fare, proving he can cite stats and information about McCain's voting record. Although, his suit was very shiny, and I think it's sad that that stood out the most for me.
  • edited October 2008
    I just lost my train of thought every time Biden flashed those pearly whites. He smiled as if to say "isn't that cute, she's making things up."

    But the biggest thing that ticked me off was that nobody paid attention to the questions. Why even HAVE questions? They already had all their big attack points written down, and were going to harp on those instead of have a real debate. Both of them, sidestepping, smiling, winking, fighting about whose dad could beat up ther other's dad.

    Whatever, I should've watched the Canadian debate instead. I like how they actually debate, instead of have two people try to give prepared speeches overtop of one another. Actually - I'm watching it now, You can watch too! Click under the picture on the right, "watch the recorded debate."

    Five leaders at the roundtable, actually debating. No podiums this time around. Well, not perfect debating - this isn't highschool debate club - but somewhat closer. Talking over each other. Looking the other guy in the eye. Being honest, getting loud, speaking English (some better than others.)

    And around 22:30, Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe says "turd," twice. Sadly, he speaks English much better than the Liberal leader.
  • edited October 2008
    I'm probably a bit biased but this debate has convinced me that Palin is totally unqualified to be vice president, god forbid she becomes president. It seriously seemed like she was just some woman they picked off the street, gave her some statistics, and told her to say maverick as much as fucking possible. At least Biden looked like her knew what he was talking about with foreign relations.
  • edited October 2008
    Like I said your all too smart with politics for this bs, and it makes me proud to be a somewhat respected member of the orange belt.
    On an off note, I'm wearing the professor's last avatar, right now. win.
  • edited October 2008
    I demand pictures!
  • edited October 2008
    You demand pictures of a duplicate of a picture of which you were the originator?
  • edited October 2008
  • edited October 2008
    I'm working on it, but I ain't got no computer, so. I'll do the best I can do. I'm bleaching a smudge right now.
    It's all bitmappy (and cramped), but thats kinda on purpose.
  • edited October 2008
    A cramped bitmap? Those are my favorite kind of bitmaps!
  • edited October 2008
    As they are mine, they emanate win.

    I.S... I barily goasted ye.
  • edited October 2008
  • edited October 2008
    LOL! That's awsome!
  • edited October 2008
    Five bucks says that WAS one of her note cards.
  • edited October 2008
    Five bucks says the craziest things.
  • edited October 2008
    hlavco wrote: »
    Five bucks says the craziest things.

    Silly hlavco, money can't talk.
  • edited October 2008
  • edited October 2008
    mario wrote: »

    So she's willing to give away a sacred zora saphire, but not five measley bucks? What a bitch.
  • edited October 2008
    Holy crap, that's the section of Zelda Comic we were in when I first found it back in 11th grade. Memories.
  • edited October 2008
    Mets love 5 bucks. Or so I heard once.

    (Ha! That's TWO old dead comics by OB members I've referenced!)
  • edited October 2008
    You're not counting mine are you?
  • edited October 2008
    Since he didn't reference yours, obviously not.
  • edited October 2008
    Well to be fair he did make actual reference on the one.
  • edited October 2008
    So friends, did you see the last debate? Because if you didn't, Obama will get you. He will find you, and he will eat your children.