Dude, that's kinda copyright infringement. He can't sell a product he doesn't own, and he does the comic as a voluntary effort using symbols from another company. It's not something he can just compile.
Dude, that's kinda copyright infringement. He can't sell a product he doesn't own, and he does the comic as a voluntary effort using symbols from another company. It's not something he can just compile.
I know that, just trying to get the ball rolling with some ideas.
I'm not going to lie, I'm not the biggest fan of this comic. I mean, it's okay, I guess, and I'll read any new updates, but I could never get through the archives. It seemed way too text heavy, and was constantly setting up for puns that were just not that funny. It never felt like it had a lot of originality or creative thinking. That's why I'm going to be a goddamn complete grinch to anyone who suggests otherwise, and encourages ways to keep it going.
Donation button? More like retard button (click here if you're retarded).
I could never get through the archives. It seemed way too text heavy
Davey, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but have you looked at the dates of the past, oh... 10 comics? Updates are few and far between, and I would expect that it'll be a long while before Mario finds the time to update 'regularly.'
But hey, in the mean time you can enjoy the REST of the internet! Hurrah!!
Is it possible to enjoy to ENTIRE internet at once? I'm pretty sure it isn't even if you could view it all at the same time, some of it is pretty disturbing, not enjoyable at all.
He might not be able to sell books, but t-shirts are perfectly fine, so long a they don't have any copywritten material on them. I mean, 8-bit Theater and The Abridged Series manages to crank out non-copyright-infringing shirts.
Personally, I'd buy a shirt based on the "I believe in breadboxes" joke.
I never considered the comic particularly marketable. It's pretty random stuff most of the time.
In all honesty, it's a product of Eight Years Ago Me, which I'm not anymore. I want to be true to the story and give it a satisfying conclusion, but it doesn't help that I don't get the same enjoyment out of making it as I once did. I used to be content with one-off jokes and random 8-bit sprites because I found the idea novel, but as a storytelling medium, sprite comics are extremely limited. I think everyone is pretty much over the kitsch of video game artwork nowadays.
Maybe not the thing you wanted to hear if you're waiting for more comics. They'll come eventually, but expect more of a trickle than a downpour. I do have a few episodes storyboarded in the wings, just need to sit down and build them.
If you want a sprite comic that updates far more regularly (and has been for the past nine years), please go read Captain SNES. Eventually I had to stop following it because I didn't have time to keep up with all the disparate plotlines, but reading through the archive should keep you occupied for a few days at least.
I had this idea a few days ago, but never got around to posting it, then I saw Dustin's post, and I'm glad someone else thought of it.
But here's the only problem, if Mario wants his URL on it, as I'm sure he does, then he'll have to set up another website without "Zelda" in the name, and then either have that be his personal portfolio, or have it redirect to ZeldaComic.net.
As for shirt ideas, how about "Onomatopoeia is da bomb." with an 8-bit bomb on it.
I had this idea a few days ago, but never got around to posting it, then I saw Dustin's post, and I'm glad someone else thought of it.
But here's the only problem, if Mario wants his URL on it, as I'm sure he does, then he'll have to set up another website without "Zelda" in the name, and then either have that be his personal portfolio, or have it redirect to ZeldaComic.net.
As for shirt ideas, how about "Onomatopoeia is da bomb." with an 8-bit bomb on it.
I believe in breadboxes is good too.
Nintendo holds no rights over the name "Zelda." It's a very real name, and they can't sue him just because it's on a t-shirt. To reference the Abridged Series once again they have their normal URL, which includes the phrase "Yu-Gi-Oh," on their shirts. They might be a good legal reference if (big "if") Mario ever decides to make shirts.
Nintendo holds no rights over the name "Zelda." It's a very real name, and they can't sue him just because it's on a t-shirt. To reference the Abridged Series once again they have their normal URL, which includes the phrase "Yu-Gi-Oh," on their shirts. They might be a good legal reference if (big "if") Mario ever decides to make shirts.
Never thought of that, good point.
Maybe we should deluge his Dot Matrix blog with Zelda related spam... lol
I really don't think there's enough active fanbase these days to justify merchandise of any caliber. Just imagine you had a t-shirt with some snazzy zeldacomic slogan on it that nobody else would understand and pretend also that it's too nice to wear.
Possibly. I lose track of time. Also, if you really need a zeldacomic fix, you could attempt to remix a zeldacomic. I've made plenty of remixes of other comics in the past, though I can't recall if I've pulled off one for ZC. Meh, I'm too lazy to do one though. ZC seems a bit tougher to remix than my usual fare for some reason.
Possibly. I lose track of time. Also, if you really need a zeldacomic fix, you could attempt to remix a zeldacomic. I've made plenty of remixes of other comics in the past, though I can't recall if I've pulled off one for ZC. Meh, I'm too lazy to do one though. ZC seems a bit tougher to remix than my usual fare for some reason.
That's because Zelda Comic has something that no other comic in the history of forever has had. And as soon as I figure out what that something is, I'll let you know.
Ah ha ha.
Seriously though, we need to motivate Mario. Let's have Bowser kidnap his girlfriend.
What if he put all his comics in book form and sold them?
I know that, just trying to get the ball rolling with some ideas.
He really should have a donate button though.
Donation button? More like retard button (click here if you're retarded).
Davey, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but have you looked at the dates of the past, oh... 10 comics? Updates are few and far between, and I would expect that it'll be a long while before Mario finds the time to update 'regularly.'
But hey, in the mean time you can enjoy the REST of the internet! Hurrah!!
Is it possible to enjoy to ENTIRE internet at once? I'm pretty sure it isn't even if you could view it all at the same time, some of it is pretty disturbing, not enjoyable at all.
Personally, I'd buy a shirt based on the "I believe in breadboxes" joke.
In all honesty, it's a product of Eight Years Ago Me, which I'm not anymore. I want to be true to the story and give it a satisfying conclusion, but it doesn't help that I don't get the same enjoyment out of making it as I once did. I used to be content with one-off jokes and random 8-bit sprites because I found the idea novel, but as a storytelling medium, sprite comics are extremely limited. I think everyone is pretty much over the kitsch of video game artwork nowadays.
Maybe not the thing you wanted to hear if you're waiting for more comics. They'll come eventually, but expect more of a trickle than a downpour. I do have a few episodes storyboarded in the wings, just need to sit down and build them.
If you want a sprite comic that updates far more regularly (and has been for the past nine years), please go read Captain SNES. Eventually I had to stop following it because I didn't have time to keep up with all the disparate plotlines, but reading through the archive should keep you occupied for a few days at least.
Foolish mortal, stop living 'real life' and cater to the internet fanbase needs for updates, lest ye suffer more passive aggressive posts.
Paying for a roof over your head and food is for the weak of will/anyone that has moved out of their parent's basement.
More like a complete and utter lack of interest.
I had this idea a few days ago, but never got around to posting it, then I saw Dustin's post, and I'm glad someone else thought of it.
But here's the only problem, if Mario wants his URL on it, as I'm sure he does, then he'll have to set up another website without "Zelda" in the name, and then either have that be his personal portfolio, or have it redirect to ZeldaComic.net.
As for shirt ideas, how about "Onomatopoeia is da bomb." with an 8-bit bomb on it.
I believe in breadboxes is good too.
Yeah. It is...
Nintendo holds no rights over the name "Zelda." It's a very real name, and they can't sue him just because it's on a t-shirt. To reference the Abridged Series once again they have their normal URL, which includes the phrase "Yu-Gi-Oh," on their shirts. They might be a good legal reference if (big "if") Mario ever decides to make shirts.
Never thought of that, good point.
Maybe we should deluge his Dot Matrix blog with Zelda related spam... lol
I sense sarcasm.
But really, even if it's just, like, every other week, we just want something.
Also no, surly and unreasonable people somehow end up with what they want a good majority of the time.
Then follow one of the thousands of other comics on the internet. Better yet, make your own terrible comic made just to appeal to you.
That's because Zelda Comic has something that no other comic in the history of forever has had. And as soon as I figure out what that something is, I'll let you know.