if it had long sleeves, i totally would wear something like that all the time. but i'm not sure about the practicality of something that only warms the back of my neck.
You'd need to make it have ear-flaps as well. Just to complete the effect.
I read that and imagined a hood with stupid little cat-ears. Then I got the image of some girl wearing a mini-sweater thing with long sleaves and a cat-eared hood in my head and laughed out loud which caused people to look at me funny.
I was browsing user profiles at http://www.sitespaces.net/, and one of the user icons had someone wearing the knitted mask. One of their comments had this picture in it. I immediately thought of you and leesh.
It looks like a creepy fetish mask... Mr. Bungle would love these. On a separate note, if I can find a picture of it, y'all will be totally jealous. I started skiing at age 2, and by the time I was 8 I was hot sh*t. My mom knitted me a sweater that said "Mogul Monster" on it for me to wear skiing. I was the most bad-ass 8 year old on the slopes.
I saw the Nintendo power stuff. It was pretty cool, though I felt somewhat scooped. JC and I were discussing his awesome idea that someone should start a Craftster-type for game-related crafts, and Nintendo Power done beat us to all the finding.
Nintendo Power is a surprisingly okay magazine these days. Far from the "HEY GUYS BUY FESTER'S QUEST WE GIVE IT A REVIEW OF 10/10 OR MAYBE 11 IF IT JUST MEANS YOU'LL BUY IIIIIIIIIIT" it used to be.
Anyway, the fact that NP cares about knitting just means that our site is a really good idea.
The knitted projects were very slick. I'll try to remember to scan them tonight. I agree on Nintendo Power becoming a much better magazine than in the past, and the crafts section in particular is a great feature I always make a point of checking out. They'll often feature NES cover bands, and with the introduction of the Wii's Internet Channel also include cool Wii-centric websites like Wiiminder and Wiicade.
Well, let's move off of Nintendo for a moment and over to Sony. Then let's bring knitting back into the discussion in some small manner. Then you would find yourself right around here.
You'd need to make it have ear-flaps as well. Just to complete the effect.
and TheMachine: ...
I read that and imagined a hood with stupid little cat-ears. Then I got the image of some girl wearing a mini-sweater thing with long sleaves and a cat-eared hood in my head and laughed out loud which caused people to look at me funny.
"Bark! Bark!"
Huh? Something is amiss here...
It still cracks me up when I look at it.
Anyway, the fact that NP cares about knitting just means that our site is a really good idea.
I had way more NES games than are ever necessary.
EDIT: Specifically the picture toward the bottom.
EDIT: Holy crap, that's an awesome band name. DIBS! Opposable Appendage is gonna rock yur friggin socks off!
"Unopposable Appendages" will make a MUCH better band name.
Thank me in the liner notes.
EDIT: Because it's hard to spell when you've been drinking.