I don't know... but I assumed that you were male as well. Perhaps the extreme randomness?
I guess it just reveals how sexist we all really are.
EDIT: After reading your posts, I realized why we all think you're male... because you like video games. It's a scientifically proven fact that females don't like video games.
Actually, I thought you might be a girl because of the way you introduced yourself and talked about running to the Zelda forums, but that's because you reminded me of a certain girl from my college years.
Yeah, you made it quite explicit. However... because your tagline is "RAWR", I immediately associated you with Mish. So you kinda seemed more like a girl from the start.
NEVER! This is Nick! They only have crappy shows! But Avatar isn't crappy. Naturally they must try to eliminate it. Good shows have no place being on nick.
I'm back!!! After countless months of getting better at... things, I have been able to gather up the shredded remains of my attention span for this forum and tape them together again.
And I have a cool new avatar, made by me of course.
We do all miss the seagull game. I still talk of my "seagull brethren" regularly. I speak of them at school and in town. I still remember those damn pinko commie pigeons that were attacking us seagulls in '95.
And if you're talking about me, which...I think you are, I'm a girl. XD
Why is it that people think I'm a boy? o_O
I guess it just reveals how sexist we all really are.
EDIT: After reading your posts, I realized why we all think you're male... because you like video games. It's a scientifically proven fact that females don't like video games.
I really need to stay away from encyclopedia dramatica.
Your avatar looks like an eevee, and eevees are male until proven otherwise.
Maybe I still do? Though I indirectly referenced my gender in my initial post, sooooo...hopefully not.
The series is over at the end of this season.
I would offer to make you one, but it would be..terrible. Ask Khan.
And I have a cool new avatar, made by me of course.
Good to see you again. But I must say, I miss the seagull avatar.