We've discussed this before, that's no way of treating new people dangit! Welcome new person! And Azrodal, I totally would've noticed that you weren't annoying me anymore!
Because this is a good site with a strong community, both of which are things to which people are drawn. Because without addition of new members a community will eventually wither and die. Because "New" is a relative term and will have to be precisely defined before it can be used as a standard for excommunication.
Because seeing old timers overreacting to our mere presence is too goddamn funny.
He's my best friend for almost nine years running.
Mind your tone.
Because this is a good site with a strong community, both of which are things to which people are drawn. Because without addition of new members a community will eventually wither and die. Because "New" is a relative term and will have to be precisely defined before it can be used as a standard for excommunication.
Because seeing old timers overreacting to our mere presence is too goddamn funny.
We're kinda off the grid here.
I still arbitrarily hate everything new though.
*shakes fist*
Damned whippersnappers.
That's because we took it.
Bonus points for actually saying "whippersnappers."
Was wondering what that mysterious dripping noise was...
Potter Puppet Pals reference. Couldn't resist, sorry.
If that is your real name.
I'ma call you Darren