I recently found a bottle of Tabasco sauce in an export food market. So today for lunch, I decided I was going to make some eggs and rice, and cover all that shit in Tabasco.
The first egg's yolk wasn't very firm, it was a little runny. But I figured whatever, I grabbed another bowl and decided to start again. Second egg went fine.
Third egg exploded in a viscous black, rancid ooze.
I didn't want to cook anymore. So, I just ate the bowl of rice I had already prepared for the eggs, and some peanut butter toast. East meets West.
I don't know what the deal is here. Eggs are never refrigerated in China. Never. When I go to the store, they're just in big stacks on shelves, or in center isle displays. They're never in the dairy section either. So I always buy warm eggs. It kinda creeps me out, but I love eggs. Most of the time, it's not a problem though.
Actually, as long as I'm thinking about it, butchers at supermarkets and smaller food markets all have their raw meat hanging out for anyone to grab. So when people buy raw meat, customers get their hands all over it when they pick out what slabs they want.
It's a $20 all you can eat Teppanyaki (also known as Hibachi) grill.
All the sushi you can eat.
All the sashimi you can eat.
All the oysters, clams, fish, steak, beef, and pork you can eat.
All the beer you can drink.
All the sake you can drink.
There are lots of milk tea shops all around the city; they are quite popular. I usually frequent the one nearest my house, and this one high school kid who works there all the time keeps recommending all of these good drinks to me.
And I've found a favorite: it's a beer/tea hybrid. It's half beer, and the rest is a mixture of various teas and sweeteners, and it's filled with ice. It is iced sweet beer. It is amazing. And it is about 75 cents.
That sounds really weird! Beer and tea?? If you say so!
In the past few days I've been introduced to the wonders of college food... which isn't actually that bad, in the food court here. I have yet to try to dining hall for the dorms I'm staying in... I'm kind of afraid to....
My uni's halls has a canteen, but I have a feeling that I do not wanna spend a year of my life eating that pre-made mass microwaved crap that canteens always prepare. I'd rather just eat subway every day. Mmm...Subway...
Pictures are here: http://riphisel.spaces.live.com
Hint: I'm the white guy.
Oh, you should know the answer to that. You saw that same look in every Asian woman you came near for a whole year.
Good Lord, it is truly the food of kings!
I recently found a bottle of Tabasco sauce in an export food market. So today for lunch, I decided I was going to make some eggs and rice, and cover all that shit in Tabasco.
The first egg's yolk wasn't very firm, it was a little runny. But I figured whatever, I grabbed another bowl and decided to start again. Second egg went fine.
Third egg exploded in a viscous black, rancid ooze.
I didn't want to cook anymore. So, I just ate the bowl of rice I had already prepared for the eggs, and some peanut butter toast. East meets West.
I don't know what the deal is here. Eggs are never refrigerated in China. Never. When I go to the store, they're just in big stacks on shelves, or in center isle displays. They're never in the dairy section either. So I always buy warm eggs. It kinda creeps me out, but I love eggs. Most of the time, it's not a problem though.
Actually, as long as I'm thinking about it, butchers at supermarkets and smaller food markets all have their raw meat hanging out for anyone to grab. So when people buy raw meat, customers get their hands all over it when they pick out what slabs they want.
And a pre-emptive "Fuck you" to Jake.
It's a $20 all you can eat Teppanyaki (also known as Hibachi) grill.
All the sushi you can eat.
All the sashimi you can eat.
All the oysters, clams, fish, steak, beef, and pork you can eat.
All the beer you can drink.
All the sake you can drink.
There are lots of milk tea shops all around the city; they are quite popular. I usually frequent the one nearest my house, and this one high school kid who works there all the time keeps recommending all of these good drinks to me.
And I've found a favorite: it's a beer/tea hybrid. It's half beer, and the rest is a mixture of various teas and sweeteners, and it's filled with ice. It is iced sweet beer. It is amazing. And it is about 75 cents.
In the past few days I've been introduced to the wonders of college food... which isn't actually that bad, in the food court here. I have yet to try to dining hall for the dorms I'm staying in... I'm kind of afraid to....
... You could get lead poisoning from all that bacon.
My bloodstream is nothing by bacon grease.
I don't own any chocolate that I can melt down and slather on some bacon. Otherwise, I totally would.
It's not too terrible. Not great, but not terrible either. I'm sure that Mario can attest to this...