Wii finally got the details.



  • edited October 2006
    hlavco wrote: »
    Mario Party is what did us ALL in.

    (Curse you, wind-up Shy-Guy!)

    My sister got rid of the first mario party game because it was so harsh on the controllers. SSB is pretty hard on 'em too, but it was fun enough to be worth it.
  • edited October 2006
    Yeah...I'm glad I didn't get those games...my controllers are in tip-top shape! However...I do enjoy Smash Bros.!
  • edited October 2006
    Night Lord wrote: »
    I think personally that the nunchuck and wiimote will work perfectly for ssb:b, if its used a bit like this:

    Nunchuck stick: Move
    Wiimote A: Main attack
    Wiimote B: Second attack
    Flick Wiimote up once: Jumo
    Flick Wiimote up twice: Double jump
    Nunchuck back buttons: Shield
    Flick nunchuck to side: dodge

    Now Zelda: TP, thats worrying me...
    I can think of few things that sound more annoying than flipping up the Wii-mote to jump.
  • edited October 2006
    I think it would work better for players like me. just using your thumbs and index fingers in games is extremely limiting. You can only do well if you have fast thumbs. This will allow for faster command combinations.
  • jcjc
    edited October 2006
    Sounds pretty imprecise to me, which is kind of a problem for fighters.
  • edited October 2006
    Didnt nintendo offer some kind of glove to use while playing Mario Party? I know that I got a blister on my palm from playing Tug-o-War.
  • edited October 2006
    XoLore wrote: »
    Did your nose just get longer?

    No, Battalian Wars honestly had some messed up controls.
  • edited October 2006
    I honestly shed a tear over this video....
  • edited October 2006
    I refuse to watch it because it'll just make me want the Wii even more and I won't be able to stand it.
  • jcjc
    edited October 2006
    The glove was Nintendo's response to lawsuits from parents of kids who screwed up their thumbs playing Mario Party.
  • edited October 2006
    Hmmm, looks like they made Gohma scarey as hell, I wasn't expecting that.
  • godgod
    edited October 2006
    This makes me seriously reconsider my idea of waiting to get the Wii untill any possible bugs are worked out.
  • jcjc
    edited October 2006
    Well, you could always buy it for the Gamecube, like I'll be doing (when it hits $20)
  • edited October 2006
    *Agentcel can not talk at the moment-he is presently drooling all over at the computer screen at this Zelda trailor*
  • godgod
    edited October 2006
    !!!!!!!!! wrote: »
    Well, you could always buy it for the Gamecube, like I'll be doing (when it hits $20)
    Yeah, but I think it's going to be a lot better for the Wii.
  • edited October 2006
    I'm going to buy TP for the GameCube. I don't feel like buying another system just for TP.
  • edited October 2006
    I'm going to buy TP for the GameCube. I don't feel like buying another system just for TP.

    Stop-just-stop. Another system just for TP? Bull. There are going to be so many other awesome games.....so I believe you just insulted the Wii.
    god wrote: »
    Yeah, but I think it's going to be a lot better for the Wii.

    Fo sho'!
  • jcjc
    edited October 2006
    Stop-just-stop yourself. If Salt has a Gamecube, and wants to play Zelda, buying the game he wants on the system he has is not a horrible idea. Especially since, unlike the usual case, GC Zelda isn't going to be an inferior port (see also: every multiplatform game ever) but in fact a game developed for the Gamecube. So there's not that much downside to it, other than not being able to play it backwards and with the waggle wand, but it does have the upside of not costing $300 right off.
  • edited October 2006
    Yeah, but he was trying to say that since there are so many other good games coming for the Wii that any statements regarding buying it for one game are ignorant. And I have to agree. Although I see your reasoning, I hate it when people say that. There might be a game you want so much that you go out and by the system so you can play it, but there are also plenty of other games that you can and will buy to play on it.
  • edited October 2006
    It's theoretically possible that some people haven't yet been sold on the idea of the Wii. In that case, an established series like Zelda could very well be their only current incentive to take the plunge for a new system. Further, if the same game is available for a console they already own, there would be little to no incentive to go through with the upgrade.

    I myself am on the fence in this regard. I don't expect to have a great deal of extra spending money by November 19th, and $50 is a hell of a lot less than $300, last time I checked. That doesn't mean I'll never get a Wii, but I'm not terribly optimistic at getting one at launch time (a shame, since I was able to do this for the Game Boy Advance, the GameCube and the original DS. Had a lot of fun waiting outside of Target in the early mornin', too).
  • edited October 2006
    Agentcel wrote: »
    Stop-just-stop. Another system just for TP? Bull. There are going to be so many other awesome games.....so I believe you just insulted the Wii.
    There are going to be many other awesome games, but I'm not that interested in them. I'm just saying I'm not gonna buy a Wii at launch.
  • edited November 2006
    The Wii is a mere 13 days away....I have a Nintendo Power with tons of info:

    I.The Wii comes with:
    A.The Hardware Consol
    B.One Wii remote+ nunchuck attachment
    C.Sensor bar (to detect positions of Wiimotes)
    D.Wii Sports™
    E.Wrist strap and all necessary cords for hookup

    II.The Wii chanels
    A.Disc Channel-plays games.
    B.Mii chanel-creates your own avatar (as seen in the SCIENCE! thread)
    C.Photo Channel-Downloads pictures from your camera for editing, and saving
    D.Forecast channel-shows you the weather around the world.
    E.Wii shop channel-buys Virtual Consoles...web browsers...etc. You use Wii points as currency. (1¢ per point.)
    F.News channel-take a wild guess what you can watch on this channel.
    G.Wii message Board-personal calender where you can post notes.

    Wii can also download past games on the Wii shop channel!

    In Nintendo Power, every staff member's #1 game was The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess.


    Wii: $250
    Xbox360: $300-400
    PS3: $600
  • edited November 2006
    Apparently Gamestop is starting to roll out Wii demo stations in various stores. Anyone see one yet?
  • edited November 2006
    They had one at a music concert, somewhere. Can't remember where....
  • edited November 2006
    That was probably at the Nintendo Fusion Tour or whatever it was called. A friend of mine went to it, but I don't know if he got to try it out. The line was probably horrendous.

    I missed out on the chance to preorder my Wii. However, I have a couple friends who work at various Game Stops. One is going to grab me a Wii as soon as second shipment comes in (assuming he's working that day, which he hopefully will be, since he's full time).