Hmm....still quite inane, and...if I may be blunt: crap. Its sonic and a sega logo...thats it. Add backgrounds and characters etc. There is a do's and don't's for sprite comics, found here!
Okay, I've never actually made a sprite comic beofre, but here is my offering.
MSPaint Magic!
Not great, but whatever. Some iffy text placement in panel three, but it works pretty good no matter what order you read them. In other news, Yoshi has a lot of great poses. Somebody should make a [good] sprite comic about him.
I bet everyone here is actually a really good sprite comic artist buy they are very lazy.
I answer to that, thank you. I'd really like to enter, but there's just no way I'm going to be able to do it in the next few days. I bet there are others. Be patient with us-- we'll show up for the next round.
Oh jebus. Stef's a chick?! Aw man...this is NOT awkward...many apologies. But yeah, I'm a dude.So I really COULD kiss you. (I assumed stef was short for Stephan, who is a kid I hang out with.) (okay, this sentance dosn't make sense anymore.)
By the way... just today and tomarrow left for entries.
Cool enough to be an entry. Alright. Entries will stop being accepted at 12:00 P.M. tonight, judging will be tomarrow, and the award will be given later in the weekend but no definite date because I'm off to Pennslyvania for most of the weekend.
Hey, you guys wouldn't want to extend the deadline by like a half hour/hour or so would you?
I don't see a problem with that, but anything longer might be a problem. It's not my call, though, so wait for official word from Agentcel.
On the subject of prizes, even though I have no chance of winning, will you draw any character from any game, or is it limited to just Zelda characters?
The Official word= Meh...I guess so. I'll let you slip in your entry. After that, no more. Which delays the judging. Which delays the prize-giving. Which delays the thread. Which delays- OH FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST YOU'RE MAKING THE ENTIRE WORLD SLOW TO A STOP! that that's off my chest... Update: Too late.
Mjc, it could be any drawing, but if you want a custom pose or something it'd have to be Kirby, Zelda, Mario, Sonic, or Pokemon. Just because of the fact that I draw this all the time anyway and I'm more familiar with the characters. Any other drawing I'd just use a reference drawing and the pose wouldn't be very original. But to answer your question, yes, it could be any game.
MSPaint Magic!
Not great, but whatever. Some iffy text placement in panel three, but it works pretty good no matter what order you read them. In other news, Yoshi has a lot of great poses. Somebody should make a [good] sprite comic about him.
I answer to that, thank you. I'd really like to enter, but there's just no way I'm going to be able to do it in the next few days. I bet there are others. Be patient with us-- we'll show up for the next round.
That was awesome.
Hurray, competition! I don't see what Hamelin's comic has to do with Smash Brothers, though... Am I missing something there?
Oh jebus. Stef's a chick?! Aw man...this is NOT awkward...many apologies. But yeah, I'm a dude.So I really COULD kiss you. (I assumed stef was short for Stephan, who is a kid I hang out with.) (okay, this sentance dosn't make sense anymore.)
By the way... just today and tomarrow left for entries.
Yep. And she has a really old slice of toast, too.
So yeah, it's kinda cool, right?
Only problem I would point out is that the line is "You're fired" and not "You are fired."
I don't see a problem with that, but anything longer might be a problem. It's not my call, though, so wait for official word from Agentcel.
On the subject of prizes, even though I have no chance of winning, will you draw any character from any game, or is it limited to just Zelda characters?
Mjc, it could be any drawing, but if you want a custom pose or something it'd have to be Kirby, Zelda, Mario, Sonic, or Pokemon. Just because of the fact that I draw this all the time anyway and I'm more familiar with the characters. Any other drawing I'd just use a reference drawing and the pose wouldn't be very original. But to answer your question, yes, it could be any game.
1.Hlavco- freaking hilarious! Killing with no reason=good. You win!
2.Mjc0961- Great effects! Relatively funny. It's 2 years old though!
3. General Salt- Donald Trump referances are always funny. Few things to fix on spelling.
4.Monkey Boy- It's shame you beat Hamelin, but you stayed on topic.
5.Hamelin- Incredible comic, would have won, but you weren't quite on topic
Kudos to Hlavco! Pick your drawing!
EDIT: Nevemind, I found the thread. Did the old picture get lost?