Comics Workout



  • edited May 2007
    Sometimes when I'm forcing myself to draw static figures, I make them do wacky things with their arms to change things up a bit. The more awkward the better (so the boy wins this round). I think I've pretty much decided to omit fingers in this art style; the amorphous hand-blobs can be much more expressive, and are quicker to draw. I like giving them finger-like shapes only when needed. For example, a thumb-like nub makes itself known when a thumbs-up is required.
  • edited May 2007
    Please draw us some more pictures kthxbai
  • edited May 2007
    Sorry, dudes and dudettes. I am totally suffering the MAYlaise. Although I did make something on Wednesday night (into Thursday morning).

    My Mom talks every so often about wanting to get into amateur stargazing, so I made her this Mother's Day card with the help of custom sky charts from (which is übercooool, I must say!!).


    I got a message on my voicemail early this afternoon when the mail arrived in Texas, and apparently the card made my Ma cry. (In a good way.)

    Aside from that, I've got some random sketches, a thumbnail of a four-page-ish comic based on an even weirder fever dream I had earlier this week. Too much craziness going on at work this past week. I need to get my act together drawing-wise.
  • edited May 2007
    Q-Tip challenged me to a Brew the other day, so I of course accepted. He sent me a panel with butterflies (the guy needs to cut down on the Venture Bros., methinks), so I made them go to Denny's like any responsible artist would.
  • edited May 2007
    I liked Yellow Butterfly so much I drew him again! I figured the nature of the Brew would make it all too likely that he wouldn't show up again when I got my next panel from Q-Tip, so I immortalized him in Wacom and brush tool. I call it "Human Beings Or Butterfly Wings", because Machines In Loving Grace is awesome. I don't feel I need any other reason.

  • edited May 2007
    More Brew?!? Jeff decided to challenge me too. I responded the only way I thought appropriate: with a creepy crazy old man. It seemed as good a situation as any to incorporate Billy into (hey, new cast member!). I'll try to do something that isn't Brew-related soon.
  • edited May 2007
    I like to think that Billy is the guy that Stan's grandfather actually thinks he's talking to.
  • edited May 2007
    Jason, I hear I have you to thank for the NASA comics. You ought to know that they inspired me to start a community project to remix them like crazy. So it's all your fault. I can't stop!
  • edited May 2007
    Jeff put up an art contest a few weeks ago to draw his blog's mascot, Deedee. When I finally sat down to try and draw her (in the devo revo style, of course; I gots to stay in practice, after all), I realized that I'm not very good at drawing sexy! Not sure why, but I seem to get a little uncomfortable when drawing various portions of the female anatomy. I think the discomfort comes from a lack of confidence in drawing a female correctly; I always worry people will be critical of me, tell me I'm doing it all wrong. The annoying thing is that we have all these life drawing books I should be referencing, but I'm too lazy maybe? I think I've finally got a decent idea for a comic that will work well for her character even with my squeaky-clean kid-friendly script-writing and character-drawing, so hopefully I can get that all finished before the deadline.

    In the meantime, my sketch test made for a great breakdown of my Wacom-drawing process, from blue guidelines to shading and highlights! I was extra-proud to discover while drawing this that, when I set the shading layer (which is solid-colored black) to Overlay mode, it changes the color depending on the colors of the layers underneath, making for more natural shading, especially after I bump down the opacity. I'll have to remember that trick, because I was often dissatisfied with the bland shadow coloring under Normal layer mode. Now I need to start shading intelligently, instead of pretending every character I draw is being lit from above and slightly to the left. -_-
  • edited May 2007
    One week later, and I finally finish the comic!


    I'm a little ashamed that I drew as infrequently as I did this month. Stef suggested to me that we christen the next month for daily drawings, and I'm all for it.
  • edited May 2007
    Mario, I think it's fair to say your entry puts all the other DeeDee entries to shame.

    Yay, insomnia. I agree with y'all on June, but I have a feeling that at this rate (with the craziness at work), July might be better. :( But ...why not?
  • edited June 2007

    Do you know how many professors said to me, "That's ok... This is my job!" this week? The answer is two.
  • edited June 2007
    I swoon!

    ...and I will soon bring June-offerings.
  • edited June 2007
    I read this comic in non-inked form a little while back, but I still love it! And once again, I really enjoy the somewhat muted color palette with which you comic. Xiao's harsher music flower icons were a nice touch.
  • edited June 2007
    I'll start my month-o'-drawin' with a lil' ol' sketch of the female devo revo protagonist. I liked how the Deedee progression image came out so much that I'm doin' it again! The document I sketched her into was kind of freeform and probably had some spoilers, but I think this is sufficiently representative of me making a drawing.
  • edited June 2007
    She is wearing a belly-button shirt! Who does she think she is? GOD? I mean, Britney Spears?
  • edited June 2007
    She didn't choose the shirt. She's not sure what she thinks of it just yet.
  • edited June 2007
    Here's a comic with color and lines.... and words.

  • edited June 2007
    I should be working on my online portfolio or resume so that I can actually sleep rather than grinding my teeth through my work-induced-insomnia </angst>, but instead I'm trying to finish one thing that I keep putting off: condolence cards for the three funerals last month.


    I realize that the proportions are a bit off (that left thumb looks a little stubby, and MAN, if that thumb-palm ain't meaty).

    Full details on teh ell-jay, but since this is a card for someone who might actually stumble across the LJ, it's friends only, 'least for now.
  • edited June 2007
    Hahaha, that was awesome. Sorry I couldn't stay up any later last night, I simply ran out of energy. I like the crazy flag-man.
  • edited June 2007
    Uh? When did this happen?

    Nice to see some drawerings. FWIW, all the coloring stressout paid off-- the color composition/layout is nice.
  • edited June 2007
    Hey, I remember you were angsting over what to put on the card. Good choice.
  • edited June 2007
    Not technically a drawing, but since the whole point of this exercise is to improve our comic-updating habits, a comic should be satisfactory! Zelda Comic Episode 294, yo!

  • edited June 2007
    Sketch I'd forgotten I did on Saturday, meaning I've only missed the 1st of the month:
    ...and the 10, er 13-minute sketch tonight, which always takes 30 minutes when you factor in scanning and posting, heh:
    Whoo! Hooray for drawrin'! Thanks for the peer pressure!!
  • edited June 2007
    That came out awesome! You're really kicking ass with the hatching. Her entire form is easily read.
  • edited June 2007
    It's a single panel from that third comic that I don't draw.

  • edited June 2007
    I have a lot of trouble with extreme perspective shots like that, so I'm extra-impressed.
  • edited June 2007
    Profanity! This must be 6:35: Too Hot For Internet.
  • edited June 2007
    It looks good, even if it's not what you wanted.

    Don't be a-feared o' the brush, Stef! THE BRUSHINESS IS IN YOU.
  • edited June 2007
    Yeah, I'm extremely EXTREMELY disappointed that this panel came out the same as 6:35. I need to learn to ink differently.