Sometimes when I'm forcing myself to draw static figures, I make them do wacky things with their arms to change things up a bit. The more awkward the better (so the boy wins this round). I think I've pretty much decided to omit fingers in this art style; the amorphous hand-blobs can be much more expressive, and are quicker to draw. I like giving them finger-like shapes only when needed. For example, a thumb-like nub makes itself known when a thumbs-up is required.
Sorry, dudes and dudettes. I am totally suffering the MAYlaise. Although I did make something on Wednesday night (into Thursday morning).
My Mom talks every so often about wanting to get into amateur stargazing, so I made her this Mother's Day card with the help of custom sky charts from (which is übercooool, I must say!!).
I got a message on my voicemail early this afternoon when the mail arrived in Texas, and apparently the card made my Ma cry. (In a good way.)
Aside from that, I've got some random sketches, a thumbnail of a four-page-ish comic based on an even weirder fever dream I had earlier this week. Too much craziness going on at work this past week. I need to get my act together drawing-wise.
Q-Tip challenged me to a Brew the other day, so I of course accepted. He sent me a panel with butterflies (the guy needs to cut down on the Venture Bros., methinks), so I made them go to Denny's like any responsible artist would.
I liked Yellow Butterfly so much I drew him again! I figured the nature of the Brew would make it all too likely that he wouldn't show up again when I got my next panel from Q-Tip, so I immortalized him in Wacom and brush tool. I call it "Human Beings Or Butterfly Wings", because Machines In Loving Grace is awesome. I don't feel I need any other reason.
More Brew?!? Jeff decided to challenge me too. I responded the only way I thought appropriate: with a creepy crazy old man. It seemed as good a situation as any to incorporate Billy into (hey, new cast member!). I'll try to do something that isn't Brew-related soon.
Jeff put up an art contest a few weeks ago to draw his blog's mascot, Deedee. When I finally sat down to try and draw her (in the devo revo style, of course; I gots to stay in practice, after all), I realized that I'm not very good at drawing sexy! Not sure why, but I seem to get a little uncomfortable when drawing various portions of the female anatomy. I think the discomfort comes from a lack of confidence in drawing a female correctly; I always worry people will be critical of me, tell me I'm doing it all wrong. The annoying thing is that we have all these life drawing books I should be referencing, but I'm too lazy maybe? I think I've finally got a decent idea for a comic that will work well for her character even with my squeaky-clean kid-friendly script-writing and character-drawing, so hopefully I can get that all finished before the deadline.
In the meantime, my sketch test made for a great breakdown of my Wacom-drawing process, from blue guidelines to shading and highlights! I was extra-proud to discover while drawing this that, when I set the shading layer (which is solid-colored black) to Overlay mode, it changes the color depending on the colors of the layers underneath, making for more natural shading, especially after I bump down the opacity. I'll have to remember that trick, because I was often dissatisfied with the bland shadow coloring under Normal layer mode. Now I need to start shading intelligently, instead of pretending every character I draw is being lit from above and slightly to the left. -_-
I'm a little ashamed that I drew as infrequently as I did this month. Stef suggested to me that we christen the next month for daily drawings, and I'm all for it.
I read this comic in non-inked form a little while back, but I still love it! And once again, I really enjoy the somewhat muted color palette with which you comic. Xiao's harsher music flower icons were a nice touch.
I'll start my month-o'-drawin' with a lil' ol' sketch of the female devo revo protagonist. I liked how the Deedee progression image came out so much that I'm doin' it again! The document I sketched her into was kind of freeform and probably had some spoilers, but I think this is sufficiently representative of me making a drawing.
I should be working on my online portfolio or resume so that I can actually sleep rather than grinding my teeth through my work-induced-insomnia </angst>, but instead I'm trying to finish one thing that I keep putting off: condolence cards for the three funerals last month.
I realize that the proportions are a bit off (that left thumb looks a little stubby, and MAN, if that thumb-palm ain't meaty).
Full details on teh ell-jay, but since this is a card for someone who might actually stumble across the LJ, it's friends only, 'least for now.
Not technically a drawing, but since the whole point of this exercise is to improve our comic-updating habits, a comic should be satisfactory! Zelda Comic Episode 294, yo!
Sketch I'd forgotten I did on Saturday, meaning I've only missed the 1st of the month:
...and the 10, er 13-minute sketch tonight, which always takes 30 minutes when you factor in scanning and posting, heh:
Whoo! Hooray for drawrin'! Thanks for the peer pressure!!
My Mom talks every so often about wanting to get into amateur stargazing, so I made her this Mother's Day card with the help of custom sky charts from (which is übercooool, I must say!!).
I got a message on my voicemail early this afternoon when the mail arrived in Texas, and apparently the card made my Ma cry. (In a good way.)
Aside from that, I've got some random sketches, a thumbnail of a four-page-ish comic based on an even weirder fever dream I had earlier this week. Too much craziness going on at work this past week. I need to get my act together drawing-wise.
In the meantime, my sketch test made for a great breakdown of my Wacom-drawing process, from blue guidelines to shading and highlights! I was extra-proud to discover while drawing this that, when I set the shading layer (which is solid-colored black) to Overlay mode, it changes the color depending on the colors of the layers underneath, making for more natural shading, especially after I bump down the opacity. I'll have to remember that trick, because I was often dissatisfied with the bland shadow coloring under Normal layer mode. Now I need to start shading intelligently, instead of pretending every character I draw is being lit from above and slightly to the left. -_-
I'm a little ashamed that I drew as infrequently as I did this month. Stef suggested to me that we christen the next month for daily drawings, and I'm all for it.
Yay, insomnia. I agree with y'all on June, but I have a feeling that at this rate (with the craziness at work), July might be better.
Do you know how many professors said to me, "That's ok... This is my job!" this week? The answer is two.
...and I will soon bring June-offerings.
I realize that the proportions are a bit off (that left thumb looks a little stubby, and MAN, if that thumb-palm ain't meaty).
Full details on teh ell-jay, but since this is a card for someone who might actually stumble across the LJ, it's friends only, 'least for now.
Nice to see some drawerings. FWIW, all the coloring stressout paid off-- the color composition/layout is nice.
...and the 10, er 13-minute sketch tonight, which always takes 30 minutes when you factor in scanning and posting, heh:
Whoo! Hooray for drawrin'! Thanks for the peer pressure!!
Don't be a-feared o' the brush, Stef! THE BRUSHINESS IS IN YOU.