I love you all. I always say that, but I mean it now.
I haven't posted much because of schoolwork and teaching... but i'M DRUNK AND YOUA are aesome. Caps lock!! woo.
Take care veryone, tna and love each other,!!!
Okay I thought i'd post more hate, but ic ant do that here.
honestly, i lvoe this place. all of you you rock my face off. I check this place daily even at work. Lauren, i've had fun gettgin to know you over the last few weeks and you are seriously awesome. bruce also entertains me at work, and you kick ass too son. I look forward to meeting your british ass someday.
Adam and Tanya, you two are fucking awesome. Our Japan adventues are the best time of my life. Climbing Fuji, going to the zoo and seeing bear sex, Azuma, Niinomi, Fujiwara, all of our memories are wonderful. Espeically Adam and his penchan for sending me large, hairy, bulging penises through DS no matter what the time of day or who might be looking at my DS at that time.And Tanya I will always have the video of us at hte park with you riding the zipcord.
Roberto, you too deserve some credit. I like hearing what you think, because you add non-US perspective to issues and discussions, and they totally rock. I hope that someday you find your iPod cable.
Jakey jakey jakey. No love thread is complete without a total confession of love for you. i can't begin to describe how much i want to have a beer with you someday. It is a life goal of mine. Up there with hugging a panda, trekking across the Great wall of china,a and becoming fluent in 5 languages.
Andrew. You are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I fucking love you man. i tell my friends here about you even thoguh they probably don't give a fuck. but whatever.
To everyone else: I love you all. Seriously. Everoyne says i lvoe you and all that. but you guys kick ass. you help us form a great community of people here, and all of you deserve props.
Rage drinking tonight, hard and fast. But I still love all you guys. No matter how rage filled I am I still think of the OB with love and admiration. Regular round of loving to everyone!
This place is a great place to be, you guys are all amazing. Though my post count per day isn't what it once was, I still try to stop by a few times a day to keep up with eveyrone. Gonna try to sign on iChat more, but rest assured I'm still around lovin' everyone here.
All expenses paid trip to California. Talking and socializing at a conference, free food, and an open bar to frequent while working. I love my job so goddamn much.
I really really really want you Americans to ammend your Constitution so you can elect Arnold President. God that would be so incredibly freaking awesome.
And beer is still definitely awesome.
You are all weepy bitches:
While I eat sugar-coated cookies, hoping I will die of diabetes.
...Right. Off to bed then.
iPhone is awesome I love t. It ducks ixg spelling mistakes.
I love you more though. Holy shit. Youre all awesome. Seriously. Youqall rock. Duck yes?!
I love you all. I always say that, but I mean it now.
I haven't posted much because of schoolwork and teaching... but i'M DRUNK AND YOUA are aesome. Caps lock!! woo.
Take care veryone, tna and love each other,!!!
Is it ok if I love all you guys while sober?
honestly, i lvoe this place. all of you you rock my face off. I check this place daily even at work. Lauren, i've had fun gettgin to know you over the last few weeks and you are seriously awesome. bruce also entertains me at work, and you kick ass too son. I look forward to meeting your british ass someday.
Adam and Tanya, you two are fucking awesome. Our Japan adventues are the best time of my life. Climbing Fuji, going to the zoo and seeing bear sex, Azuma, Niinomi, Fujiwara, all of our memories are wonderful. Espeically Adam and his penchan for sending me large, hairy, bulging penises through DS no matter what the time of day or who might be looking at my DS at that time.And Tanya I will always have the video of us at hte park with you riding the zipcord.
Roberto, you too deserve some credit. I like hearing what you think, because you add non-US perspective to issues and discussions, and they totally rock. I hope that someday you find your iPod cable.
Jakey jakey jakey. No love thread is complete without a total confession of love for you. i can't begin to describe how much i want to have a beer with you someday. It is a life goal of mine. Up there with hugging a panda, trekking across the Great wall of china,a and becoming fluent in 5 languages.
Andrew. You are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I fucking love you man. i tell my friends here about you even thoguh they probably don't give a fuck. but whatever.
To everyone else: I love you all. Seriously. Everoyne says i lvoe you and all that. but you guys kick ass. you help us form a great community of people here, and all of you deserve props.
I am very drunk. very very very ery drink. drunk.
Rage drinking tonight, hard and fast. But I still love all you guys. No matter how rage filled I am I still think of the OB with love and admiration. Regular round of loving to everyone!
Edit: rage only subsides when drunk. drinking sagain to make ti goes away. but still loves you all.
who wone. was it the red guys? I don'teven care. you all; rock. nuts to football.
So glad I don't have school tomororw.
I mean, wow. Goddamn. and Ganféd Faerie is back. I mean, wtf is that? I twondered if eh sowuld. And she did! Shit!
oh god this drumbeat...
Nor can I remember the girl who called me cute, and that's pissing me off