Love, sweet love



  • edited November 2008
    Well I guess I was speaking more generally about posting on the forums, but if you need alcohol to accomplish this task, more power to ya!
  • edited November 2008
    Alcohol really does bring everyone together. It's the perfect substance.
  • edited November 2008
    Does he really have to be totally drunk?

    Since I don't drink, the most incoherent I ever get is when I'm really tired. Which is the case about 80% of the time 'cause I'm irresponsible and stay up too late. And really I just get more chatty and random is all.
    On that note, I like you all just fine. I'm not drunk so I'm not quite on "love", but I'll say if I could strike up conversations about computer hardware and the companies that make it I'd never leave here. There are other forums for the hardware stuff, but they just aren't as fun.
  • edited November 2008
    Just about every time I've been drunk and wanted to post here, I end up hanging out with friends for hours, and I'm all sober'd up when I get back to my computer. Just know, that I totally love you guys whenever I am drunk. I love you guys when I'm sober too, I'm just a little more hesitant to confess my love for everyone.

    And I totally miss Khan too.
  • edited November 2008
    Jakey has ravished which I have ever held sacred. I don't in what I can now believe, but i do know that I can no longer believe in love.
  • edited November 2008
    Jakey and his party hardy one night flings tends tend to do that.
  • edited November 2008
    it wasn't even the hardy one-nighty. In fact, that's what i loved about him. it's the party and his sick sick ways in which he gets his thrills.
  • edited November 2008
    Oh I know all about his sick thrills. Did he ever make you do that one role play, when he's the vet and you're the small dog that he has to put to sleep? That one was kind of uncomfortable.
  • edited November 2008
    NO! that's just sick. I was a monkey.
  • edited November 2008
    No no, not the circus trainer role play. The vet one.
  • edited November 2008
    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah I was a gerbil in that one.
  • edited November 2008
    I really wish I didn't have such a liver of steel. I've been drinking all day but I'm barely buzzed. Either way, I can emphatically say that I do indeed harbor emotions that may be considered or similar to "love" towards every member of the orange belt. Also, spellchecking and slow typing help.
  • edited November 2008
    Hail, greetings, and good evening, my fellow patrons of this fine, tangerine Orange Belt! After much deliberations on the ramifications of continual imbibing of strong alcoholic beverages, I have elected to disregard them and consume large quantities this fine night!

    I do not know what my night shall entail, so I shall have to declare here prematurely my love for all of you. You ragamuffins and scallywags, despite your shenanigans and hijinks, are a lovable bunch of tykes, and I am forced to admit that I do feel strong feelings of adoration for you all.

    Well, I am afraid I must be off. Good evening ladies and gentlemen!
  • edited November 2008
    Good luck! Though I was enamored by the eloquence of your declaration, I hope we can also see a followup post after inebriation has kicked in.
  • edited November 2008
  • edited November 2008
    Hey guys I just downed a martini AFter having a rum and coke and ah.. vodka and cranberry and Im feelin pretty good. I was gona make another dirty martini but kristi said I should probally give it a few minites and I think she's right.

    hold on, i gotta do a shot, you guys are great.
  • edited November 2008
    Damn right we are.
  • edited November 2008
    also i am on a second martini and i am rocking the fick out of rock band two, i just got the free songs from the code ontthe back of the rock band 2 manual and i have 20 free songs, no idea what they are

    did I say how great you guys are. and the ladies, the ladies arwe great too, all the laides ever. Jeff does not discriminate between any of the XX chromosome holding womens.
  • edited November 2008
    waiting for all the songs from rocj band one to transfer to rock band two is boring!
  • edited November 2008
    If it's so boring, then you should post here while you wait.
  • edited November 2008
    We just planed a seven song aset. my throat hurts from singing all loud and shit.
  • edited November 2008
    Women. I mean come on.

    I'm going to drink coke and vodka tonight. Wee.
  • edited December 2008
    Weee.... going through some rough times now. Work, life, etc. Ouch.

    Coke and vodka makes the pain go away. Yay. You guys are all my friends. I look forward to talking with you all every day. I have nothing new to say, youre all awesome, love you, want to meet, etc etc.

    But Jakey, thanks for being a wall to rant to today. It was quite helpful. You're a sexy sonbitch.

    I am drinking lots of vodka coke and eating pepperjack cheese while contemplating the odd circusmstances of colleagues and roommates that surround my life while watching Scrubs and playing Star OCean 2 in Japanese on my PSP. Yay.
  • edited December 2008
    Has anyone ever tried Calimocho (aka coke and red wine)? I saw it on a travel program last night and wasn't sure if my stomach was supposed to turn, or my mouth to water.

    Since this seems the most alcohol fueled thread, please advise.
  • edited December 2008
    Perhaps I'll have to try that after all my work for the semester is done...
  • edited December 2008
    i drank almost half a bottle of vodka and ate lots of peanut butter sammiches. lit absorbed the vodka while watching scrubs. you guys are fabuloso.
  • edited December 2008
    You knwow wha? ouyro'e all so awsome.

    You heled me sm ucha and i appeally appreciateate it! I love you all guys. youakall rok!
  • edited December 2008
    shakeycat wrote: »
    Has anyone ever tried Calimocho (aka coke and red wine)? I saw it on a travel program last night and wasn't sure if my stomach was supposed to turn, or my mouth to water.

    Since this seems the most alcohol fueled thread, please advise.

    Red wine with coke is really nasty, it is a disgrace for both wine and coke, and you only drink it when you are under the legal age for drinking and try to look cool in front of the rest of your high school classmates.
  • edited December 2008
    Yay I love you too Bruce!

    Wine and coke, no I have not drank before. I've had red wine and Sprite before, that was so-so.
  • edited December 2008
    Where's Apathy when you need him?

    It's ok, I'm here!


    Booze is awesome though.

    Somebody may want to check these opinions in about 6hrs though. Beacuse I am sinking some beers tonight (need to be in top drinking condition for New Years).