Apologies, but I'm not a drinker and I'm not very emotional. I can just turn on the love like a faucet and pour it out for all to see. It's there though.
Paul and I are watching the original series Star Trek episode "The Arena". This has nothing to do with the fact that I love you all! But it does have Kirk vs. Gorn, so yeah.
I love Star Trek, and I love you all, but you're the most sketchy people ever. Sometimes you talk a shit-load about every subject under our measly little sun, sometimes you'll just sit and go stale for a day or so... weirdos.
You know I'm a REALLY fuckin good typer when I'm drunk. I fuckin edit that shit like a pro. HOLY SHIT. Ryan I could cry so hard because you're not online right now. I learned how to say "Wo xi huan bai jiu" and I wanted to say it out loud to you. And it's only like 3:47 right there so don't know what else you would be doing. Except being super lame. Cuz I could have said that to you and it would have been AMAZING. One of my really good friends is taking a Chinese class and I asked him and you would have totally noticed it and it would have developed into you loving me because I'm bilingual and that's all you want in life from a girl. And is that NOT the best phrase in the world to learn?!!?
In any case.
I love you all. OMG I love you so much. Roberto. I would have said that in a Spanish accent if I had said it out loud. You are so sexy and we are seriouly soul mates if I weren't already engaged. You are SOOOO cool. Thanks for stayin up with me the other night. I took that picture for you and I totally named him Bob. You're such a wonderful friend to have.
That's how much I love you. I'd name my pancake after you. I love you so much.
Matt. Mr. Takeru man friend person. You are simply amazing. I am SOO glad you have found someone to fall madly in love with, and I wish the best to the two of you. You're a good friend too.
Mariooooooo. You have the coolest first name AND THE COOLEST LAST NAME so props to you my friend. You're so bad-ass it's not even funny. You're awesome.
Andrewwwww how's the marriage been goin? I know you've been married for over a year now so I'm guessing it's pretty wonderful. I wanna get married too but my parents think it's too young so I've gotta wait for a little while. But I'll catch up you're super cool.
Jakey McJake. I miss you so much. Where are you? You also smoke alot so I love you. Whenever you send me text messages I get so happy. BY THE WAY I smoked from a mini bong before I started drinking. Happy times.
My laptop pisses me off!! it doesn't even work well enough. This message was typed over the span of like, 3 hours at least.
You guys are special. Khan. I love you man. Where you been lately? So sad.
Peace out ya'll. Yeah ya know, FUCK YOU Adam and your prejudice-ass. I was born in Texas, what can I say. At least every other orange belt-ian has had enough decency to not say that I don't sound like a total douche. Unlike you. I'm pretty sure you think I'm an idiot. Fuck you man. I'm in college. I can't be THAT fuckin dumb. You're so rude when you're drunk. Think of this like returning the favor. Whenever you're not drunk, I totally love you. But when you're drunk you become an asshole times 50. And I think people are totally honest when they're drunk so I dunno about that. But whatever. Stop treating women like objects and stop acting towards people with the slightest southern accent TOTALLY like a prick. I would appreciate that, actually.
But yeah. The rest of you, I love coming here. Thanks for making me feel not like a loser (like Adam). Love you guys. Should post more. Eric's pissed cuz I'm typing a shit ton. I have work in like 5 hours with little children so sad. Goodniiiiiiiiight!!!!
Jesus, I was gone hiking all day today. Sorry I missed you both!
Adam: What kind of Chinese beer did you get? Qingdao (Tsingtao)? That's one of the more common Chinese beers exported, because the Germans set up a beer factory in Qingdao city like 150 years ago or something. Every year in September the city has a giant beer festival. And I keep missing it
Lauren: That's awesome that you learned that phrase in Chinese! It is written as 我喜欢白酒, and it means that you love white wine (rice wines, not western white wines). Baijiu is some strong shit at normally 40% alcohol. The good stuff doesn't even burn, and it'll fuck you up if you're not careful. I have heard of even stronger baijiu that goes up to 70% or so alcohol, which means that it burns like hellfire going down your throat, but you probably won't need to drink a whole lot anyway.
Anyway, I went hiking today up a nearby mountain, so I feel totally justified in sitting on my ass playing games and drinking beers. I may even return back here later tonight in drunkenness! We'll see.
I'm not drunk, but I did just smoke with my sister and and want to tell you all I love you all. Sometimes I feel hesitant about posting even though I've been a member for a while, but that doesn't mean I don't love you all.
Oh hey; I love you and shit. Hamlen needs to make that wiki thing happen that's gonna be great. This an awesome community for it's encouraging it's members on in a way they know is real. I've been busy lately, but you know I'm right back on here as soon as school lets out. Which is fin be too long. Hey like that Daft Punk song. Ttttto lonnnng [cheesy beat]
I looooooove baking soda. I started a small grease fire earlier and initially thought to get water, but luckily I remembered that's the worst thing to use and grabbed the baking soda.
Were you drunk when you started the fire?? If she was drunk while she managed to almost set her apartment on fire AND she was able to get it put out before anything started for realz burning, I'd say it belongs in the success thread AND the love, sweet love thread.
I think I needs me some lovin tonight. Not THAT kind of loving though. Just the drinking type of lovin.
I mean, I guess THAT type of lovin would be nice too, but seeing as there's no 3 hour trip being made by Eric or me tonight, it's not gonna happen.
Edit: You're damn right I'm an okay guy.
I've been reading "Phil Likes Tacos". The archives are vast. It is consuming much time to read through. It's an enjoyable way to pass the time though.
Just sharing the love. I love this corner of the intertubes. First person to respond to this gets extra lovin' from me!
Consolation prize for mario!
You know I'm a REALLY fuckin good typer when I'm drunk. I fuckin edit that shit like a pro. HOLY SHIT. Ryan I could cry so hard because you're not online right now. I learned how to say "Wo xi huan bai jiu" and I wanted to say it out loud to you. And it's only like 3:47 right there so don't know what else you would be doing. Except being super lame. Cuz I could have said that to you and it would have been AMAZING. One of my really good friends is taking a Chinese class and I asked him and you would have totally noticed it and it would have developed into you loving me because I'm bilingual and that's all you want in life from a girl. And is that NOT the best phrase in the world to learn?!!?
In any case.
I love you all. OMG I love you so much. Roberto. I would have said that in a Spanish accent if I had said it out loud. You are so sexy and we are seriouly soul mates if I weren't already engaged. You are SOOOO cool. Thanks for stayin up with me the other night. I took that picture for you
That's how much I love you. I'd name my pancake after you. I love you so much.
Matt. Mr. Takeru man friend person. You are simply amazing. I am SOO glad you have found someone to fall madly in love with, and I wish the best to the two of you. You're a good friend too.
Mariooooooo. You have the coolest first name AND THE COOLEST LAST NAME so props to you my friend. You're so bad-ass it's not even funny. You're awesome.
Andrewwwww how's the marriage been goin? I know you've been married for over a year now so I'm guessing it's pretty wonderful. I wanna get married too but my parents think it's too young so I've gotta wait for a little while. But I'll catch up
Jakey McJake. I miss you so much. Where are you? You also smoke alot so I love you. Whenever you send me text messages I get so happy. BY THE WAY I smoked from a mini bong before I started drinking. Happy times.
My laptop pisses me off!! it doesn't even work well enough. This message was typed over the span of like, 3 hours at least.
You guys are special. Khan. I love you man. Where you been lately? So sad.
Peace out ya'll. Yeah ya know, FUCK YOU Adam and your prejudice-ass. I was born in Texas, what can I say. At least every other orange belt-ian has had enough decency to not say that I don't sound like a total douche. Unlike you. I'm pretty sure you think I'm an idiot. Fuck you man. I'm in college. I can't be THAT fuckin dumb. You're so rude when you're drunk. Think of this like returning the favor. Whenever you're not drunk, I totally love you. But when you're drunk you become an asshole times 50. And I think people are totally honest when they're drunk so I dunno about that. But whatever. Stop treating women like objects and stop acting towards people with the slightest southern accent TOTALLY like a prick. I would appreciate that, actually.
But yeah. The rest of you, I love coming here. Thanks for making me feel not like a loser (like Adam). Love you guys. Should post more. Eric's pissed cuz I'm typing a shit ton. I have work in like 5 hours with little children
Adam: What kind of Chinese beer did you get? Qingdao (Tsingtao)? That's one of the more common Chinese beers exported, because the Germans set up a beer factory in Qingdao city like 150 years ago or something. Every year in September the city has a giant beer festival. And I keep missing it
Lauren: That's awesome that you learned that phrase in Chinese! It is written as 我喜欢白酒, and it means that you love white wine (rice wines, not western white wines). Baijiu is some strong shit at normally 40% alcohol. The good stuff doesn't even burn, and it'll fuck you up if you're not careful. I have heard of even stronger baijiu that goes up to 70% or so alcohol, which means that it burns like hellfire going down your throat, but you probably won't need to drink a whole lot anyway.
Anyway, I went hiking today up a nearby mountain, so I feel totally justified in sitting on my ass playing games and drinking beers. I may even return back here later tonight in drunkenness! We'll see.
Where doing this where makin this happen.
In that case: SUCCESS!
I think I needs me some lovin tonight. Not THAT kind of loving though. Just the drinking type of lovin.
I mean, I guess THAT type of lovin would be nice too, but seeing as there's no 3 hour trip being made by Eric or me tonight, it's not gonna happen.