I was thinking of expressing my drunken love... And then thought, "that's overdone.. it's always Lauren, Ryan and me and the occasional Jakey"... But then figured what the heck, i'll do it anywat... I LOVE YOU GUYS! I'M HAPPY YOU ARE MY INTERNET FRIENDS
Know what I love about this place? I can come here and just interact with you lovely folks when I'm supposed to be writing. You're all great distractions. And of course I mean that in the best possible way.
Well, for one thing it was the only season where the Doctor and the companion had any real chemistry. Rose and Ten's interplay was way too cloying and always felt forced, Martha was handicapped by the writers' idea that Rose was somehow the Best Companion Evah!! and Donna was just annoying.
However, the main problem was that Ten just didn't have any personality. Nine had some very distinct character traits that informed everything he did, and Eccleston's performance made every scene he was in great regardless of the quality of the script. Tennant, on the other hand, was only good when he had a good script to work from (which was all too rare) and the writers were more concerned with making him perfect in every way and loved by all than with giving him any kind of distinct personality.
I find it significant that some of the best episodes of Tennant's run (Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Blink) were ones where the Doctor barely showed up.
No personality? I really don't see how you get that. There are multitudes of little quirks that Ten displays throughout the episodes: idiosyncrasies of speech, action, and temperament that I could point to.
Granted, there are a lot of similarities between the two Doctors, like their manic/angry shifts and such, but I see both Eccleston's and Tennant's Doctors as brimming with individual personality.
To me, Ten has this giddy curiosity that Nine never displayed with such fervor... the way he gets so wrapped up in seeking knowledge that he can even forget about the dangers at hand (Tooth & Claw, Girl in the Fireplace, The Satan Pit). Not to mention his tendency to totally geek out and start going on this long spiel about the technological aspects of some thing he finds or some process of the TARDIS.
But at the same time, his anger seems more focused and refined. Nine was generally pissed off a lot, which makes sense, since he just got out of the Time War. Ten seemed a bit more carefree until it came down to something attempting harm for others ("I'm so old... and I used to be so full of mercy. Now one chance is all you get"). So Ten doesn't hesitate when he KNOWS something must be destroyed, but he'll try his damnedest to avoid that, whereas Nine seemed more trigger happy. How many times did Nine carry around a gun in his one season versus Ten's three?
And, you know, companion chemistry and Tennant's screen presence... well, that's quite a bit more subjective (it's all pretty subjective really), but I really REALLY enjoy Ten and Rose.. I feel like it's evolved convincingly in their time together. I mean, Rose is starting to like him more, but it's not just silly googly eyes... they're generally having a blast together. And I think Tennant is just fun as hell to watch. There's only a few times that I've kinda grimaced, usually those are when the writers have him gush over some literary person who doesn't seem to deserve THAT much adoration (Agatha Christie).
But hey, we all have our own opinions. I just had to defend my Doctor.
No personality? I really don't see how you get that. There are multitudes of little quirks that Ten displays throughout the episodes: idiosyncrasies of speech, action, and temperament that I could point to.
Yes, but none of them were consistent. Hell, the guy was cursing a minor enemy to live as a scarecrow in a field for eternity in one episode and then trying to save the Master's life four episodes later. Other than his basic mannerisms (which don't really qualify as a "personality") the only consistent thing about the Tenth Doctor was that everyone in the universe wanted to have sex with him.
I was lucky enough to get an international drunk text from Bruce the other day. Brightened up my whole afternoon!
Love you allllll
Thank you.
Geez guys.
David Tennant.
What did you find better about season one?
However, the main problem was that Ten just didn't have any personality. Nine had some very distinct character traits that informed everything he did, and Eccleston's performance made every scene he was in great regardless of the quality of the script. Tennant, on the other hand, was only good when he had a good script to work from (which was all too rare) and the writers were more concerned with making him perfect in every way and loved by all than with giving him any kind of distinct personality.
I find it significant that some of the best episodes of Tennant's run (Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Blink) were ones where the Doctor barely showed up.
No personality? I really don't see how you get that. There are multitudes of little quirks that Ten displays throughout the episodes: idiosyncrasies of speech, action, and temperament that I could point to.
Granted, there are a lot of similarities between the two Doctors, like their manic/angry shifts and such, but I see both Eccleston's and Tennant's Doctors as brimming with individual personality.
To me, Ten has this giddy curiosity that Nine never displayed with such fervor... the way he gets so wrapped up in seeking knowledge that he can even forget about the dangers at hand (Tooth & Claw, Girl in the Fireplace, The Satan Pit). Not to mention his tendency to totally geek out and start going on this long spiel about the technological aspects of some thing he finds or some process of the TARDIS.
But at the same time, his anger seems more focused and refined. Nine was generally pissed off a lot, which makes sense, since he just got out of the Time War. Ten seemed a bit more carefree until it came down to something attempting harm for others ("I'm so old... and I used to be so full of mercy. Now one chance is all you get"). So Ten doesn't hesitate when he KNOWS something must be destroyed, but he'll try his damnedest to avoid that, whereas Nine seemed more trigger happy. How many times did Nine carry around a gun in his one season versus Ten's three?
And, you know, companion chemistry and Tennant's screen presence... well, that's quite a bit more subjective (it's all pretty subjective really), but I really REALLY enjoy Ten and Rose.. I feel like it's evolved convincingly in their time together. I mean, Rose is starting to like him more, but it's not just silly googly eyes... they're generally having a blast together. And I think Tennant is just fun as hell to watch. There's only a few times that I've kinda grimaced, usually those are when the writers have him gush over some literary person who doesn't seem to deserve THAT much adoration (Agatha Christie).
But hey, we all have our own opinions. I just had to defend my Doctor.