There is no such thing as planning too early!!



  • edited December 2008
    NOOO! FLORIDA!!! TIM TEBOW!!! You just got rid of Disney World and the number one sports state this century (I'm serious, look how many championships the state has won: The Buccaneers, Lightning, Gators, Marlins...)
  • edited December 2008
    Hey! Let's all go to Disney World together! They always have awsome inclusive deals.
  • edited December 2008
    I'd prefer Disney Land, most of the OB is in California already
  • edited December 2008
    That could be pretty fun, I'd be up for that.

    Okay, we need a raise of hands. Who here is seriously considering doing this? Not Disney Land particularly, just a get together in general.

    *raises hand*
  • edited December 2008
    I'm only five, so I'll sit this one out.
  • edited December 2008
    You're serious about being five? Damn, you're quite well informed and articulate for a five year old.
  • edited December 2008
    *hand up*
  • edited December 2008
    That is a smart idea if it could actually work maybe you should try something more SCIENCE!y like maybe going under ground using a huge robot lift Ecuador out of the South American continent onto Florida or into the gulf of Mexico then the U.S. could adopt florida to be a state and then we could be the fifty-one states of America. anyways *hand up*
  • edited December 2008
    Aww guys you'd really do that for me? That's so sweet of you. And really, there's nothing good in Central America anyway, so tossing them into the ocean seems like a fine idea. You get on that, and I'll work on winning the lottery. I promise!
  • edited December 2008
    I'm not saying anything yet and probably won't for a while. Traveling rarely is kind to me, but I may consider this more in the coming months. I'm not sure what 09 holds in store for me at this time.
  • edited December 2008
    *raises hand*
  • edited December 2008
    Eh, a big forum rendezvous is something that's been discussed on a few other places I'm on, but nobody has actually managed to coordinate any. All their plans apparently degenerate into running around at various conventions.

    I'd be impressed if ya'll could pull this off. Good luck! :D

  • edited December 2008
    The Orange Belt is surprisingly close knit, you'd be surprised at what they can pull off. Like an occasional brew! (Sometimes...)
  • edited December 2008
    I definitely have my hand raised.
  • edited December 2008
    Hand = Airwards
  • edited December 2008
    hand = tentatively raised
  • edited December 2008
    *hands in the air, like I just don't care. Except I do care about this*
  • edited December 2008
    I already said I want this, but if a hand count is required, then a hand in the air you shall have!

  • edited December 2008
    I have to go on internships in the summer. Maybe I'll get one in California. Who knows?
  • edited December 2008
    People are leaning towards California it seems. What cities are we looking at? Who lives where and is willing to put people up besides Mario? And Mario what part of California do you live in?
  • edited December 2008
    I live in San Mateo (about 20 miles south of San Francisco). My place isn't huge, but I've got plenty of floorspace for sleeping bags.
  • edited December 2008
    I'd like to come! We can play 1000 blank white cards - 1000 times.
  • edited December 2008
    How about traveling 1000 miles to play 1000 blank cards 1000 times on 1000 different little aliens that suck the blood of Italian sausages.
  • godgod
    edited December 2008
  • edited December 2008
  • edited December 2008
    Now, people, I have noticed a couple of young 'uns have expresssed interest in showing up to tyhis.

    Now, I must speak wih the honesty that onlt alcohol can bring. Simple fact ist there really should be a lower age limit of 18 onm this.

    Simple fact is that saying "Mom[sic], Dad. I'me off to meet a random ragtag group of misfites from the internet aged 18-26, one of whome is a pot smoking, alscohjole drinking drunken singer, another is a china-based proto-alcoholic, A smarmy trdunken Brit and others whose chraracter flaws I am yet unaware of" will not go down well. At all.

    I on't wanna be lynched.
  • edited December 2008
    Night Lord wrote: »
    another is a china-based proto-alcoholic

  • godgod
    edited December 2008
    Someone here is a singer?
  • edited December 2008
    I'd prefer if we only included people that we regularly talk to outside of the OB.
  • edited December 2008
    Then how are you supposed to meet new people isn't that the entire point of a forum.