Eh, don't get all upset. They were drunk, they were having a fun time. As long as they weren't giving him more alcohol, the incoherent friend would be fine.
Honestly, if the friend was THAT drunk, it was probably better he stay in one place. Too drunk in a car = vomit. All over the place. Let the friend sober up in the corner. He shouldn't have had that much to drink in the first place, it's his fault he's that drunk; let the festivities carry on. It's a wedding for pete's sake. Have some fun. One person getting too drunk shouldn't stop the entire night for everyone else. Everyone who drinks regularly is going to have a bad night every now and then, and you know what? The only solutions are to either take him to the hospital to get their stomach pumped, or you just wait it out. Judging by McDouche's reaction, it sounds like it was a 'wait-it-out' type of too drunk.
If you were so worried, why didn't you just take the friend home yourself? It's not your problem? Then don't worry about it. If the drunk friend is mad at McDouche, let him worry about that. It's not your business to decide what is required of someone else's best friend.
You fit in as well as anybody does I'd say. Opinions expressed around here are not necessarily shared in part or in full by all individuals. Myself I appreciate a little difference of opinion at times.
Regardless of the responsibility of the drunken party, it was said by one "McDouche" that he would supply a ride to those who have had their fill of drinks. When the time came to make good on his promise, he tried to back out. That does show a lack of integrity. A failure of trust. Lacking much knowledge of the situation, I can't say much beyond that.
Another response could be "Good point Mish, I never considered that the guy may vomit in Mac's car, which could be why Mac wanted to wait it out. And I can empathize with Mac wanting to have a good time out with his friends, because I wanted the same thing that night! Unfortunately, I was stuck babysitting a drunk, whom I did not feel was my responsibility to take care of. Also, my concerns for the drunk's state were brushed off, and that made me feel unimportant and quite frustrated."
Another valid response would have been: "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."
It certainly sounds like it was a frustrating situation, but I wouldn't place all the blame on McDouche. He offered a ride: he didn't offer a ride at a specific time or event. If someone asks me for a ride or I offer it they know they're bound to having to leave when I want to.
My back started going into horrible spasms on Christmas, and I it was probably the worst pain I've ever felt. In an attempt to dull the pain enough to get off my couch and use the bathroom, I took a tylenol 3 and two percocets over a period of about two hours (we only had them because my sister had knee surgery recently but stopped taking them because they made her so sick). Now, apparantly I'm a lightweight, because I ended up passing out in my bathroom and an ambulence was called. Now I at least have some Flexeril and it's getting better, but I've spent the last two days lying down in my living room when I had planned to work on my last college essay.
Since when does one response count as everyone's opinion? Melinda, you totally fit in here. Don't stop posting because one person says something that doesn't agree with how you think. Just don't think that you can say anything and people are going to blindly agree with you. I didn't agree, so I voiced my opinion. You're very welcome and highly encouraged to do the same.
Please don't just leave because of one post that you don't agree with. That's just silly. I don't represent anyone here except myself, and it's a fairly large online community. You're still as welcome as you've always been. If my one response to your post is too insulting for you, fine, have beef with me. Don't assume the rest of the forum 'doesn't get you' though.
tldr; come back, this isn't a big deal and you shouldn't think it is.
I am having increasing difficulty finding intelligently structured right-leaning commentary on social and political issues.
I pride myself on trying to not be partisan. Part of not being partisan means reading well structured discourse from both sides of the debate. Even if I don't agree with certain opinions, I enjoy reading those that are founded in fact and logic.
I'd expect quality out of the Wall Street Journal. After all, the average reader of the WSJ has a decent IQ, and it costs money to read most of the news and to post commentary. But honestly, some of the comments here are barely different than those from 4chan. Here are some selections from the comments section of an article about the attempted terrorist attack by the Nigerian guy:
JR what you said will require common sense and would circumvent political correctness. There should be a list of eveyone with an Ismalic Muslim name, the likes of Barrack, Hussein, Obama and heading the list should be those that cannot produce a certificate of live birth in the US of A. We, the stupid ignoramus that we have become, are going to be in for a ride if the Kool-Aid drinkers sin DC are not dealt with. God bless America and curse tthese Islamic Muslims animals.
all are a bunch of liars and they probly send him back home so he will have a new chance to do it right this time . when you got a muslim in office what do you expect
Now why would a Nigerian hate America?
I am looking for some reasoned answers.
Because he is a muslim. And all muslims hate all non-muslims. Like you do.
You are on every new message board that has to do with any WSJ article on mayhem in the muslim world from Palestine to Pakistan, Egypt to Nigeria, Singapore to East Timor. That is none of your business. You should stick to your native Pakistan. Only reason is because you hate non-muslims. You are fighting the global war with your writings. Your brothers are fighting with suicide vests.
What has Obama or the State Department got to say to them? Further restrictions and inconveniences on regular passengers is an absurd response. Sad to say but Middle Easterners ought to be put on special Military planes flying to the US from Europe. An agreement with major airlines so that this can be initiated should be in the works asap.
It was intentional. Koreans still don't understand the nuisances of English.
(douchebag obviously doesn't know the difference between a nuance and a nuisance)
I could go on, but really it depresses me and forces me to sink further into my own misanthropy. How can people with so much money be so batshit retarded?
By "people with so much money", I'm sure you meant expensive educations. And it does show, the grammar is a million times better than what you find on 4chan. Of course, their pre-suppositions are still full of ignorance. People are just people, some people never learn how to question their own social or political views. They probably inherited them and they have no reason to doubt them.
Guys, seriously, Shovel Fulla Waffle having an anxiety attack and Ryan's window into the world of The Wall Street Journal Online are probably the two funniest things I have ever seen. Ever.
I have to fill out a two month backlog of daily reports. We have a task tracking system that all departments use to measure project progress. While it works well for client teams, it isn't well suited for internal operations (given that I've gone two months without doing it and nobody's said a word).
Either way, I need to get them done by the end of the calendar year, which is tomorrow. So I get to spend a few hours searching through e mail and calendar entries to figure out what I did each day.
This is entirely my fault, but that won't stop me from being bitchy.
Well balls. It seems some other landlords in my building commissioned another construction project or two to begin after the New Year. It's not terribly bad yet, but I was enjoying several months of peace and quiet that are most likely coming to an end.
I just got finished with my first week of work. It totally sucks. I just do bitch work all day and I'm exhausted by the time I get home. Hopefully it'll get better as I adjust to a routine, but for now, this blows.
Also, I have about a 40 - 60 min commute depending on traffic and stop lights. Both my parents had hour long commutes, but I don't know if that's average or an exception. For those of you here that are employed, how long is your commute?
Honestly, if the friend was THAT drunk, it was probably better he stay in one place. Too drunk in a car = vomit. All over the place. Let the friend sober up in the corner. He shouldn't have had that much to drink in the first place, it's his fault he's that drunk; let the festivities carry on. It's a wedding for pete's sake. Have some fun. One person getting too drunk shouldn't stop the entire night for everyone else. Everyone who drinks regularly is going to have a bad night every now and then, and you know what? The only solutions are to either take him to the hospital to get their stomach pumped, or you just wait it out. Judging by McDouche's reaction, it sounds like it was a 'wait-it-out' type of too drunk.
If you were so worried, why didn't you just take the friend home yourself? It's not your problem? Then don't worry about it. If the drunk friend is mad at McDouche, let him worry about that. It's not your business to decide what is required of someone else's best friend.
Regardless of the responsibility of the drunken party, it was said by one "McDouche" that he would supply a ride to those who have had their fill of drinks. When the time came to make good on his promise, he tried to back out. That does show a lack of integrity. A failure of trust. Lacking much knowledge of the situation, I can't say much beyond that.
It certainly sounds like it was a frustrating situation, but I wouldn't place all the blame on McDouche. He offered a ride: he didn't offer a ride at a specific time or event. If someone asks me for a ride or I offer it they know they're bound to having to leave when I want to.
Since when does one response count as everyone's opinion? Melinda, you totally fit in here. Don't stop posting because one person says something that doesn't agree with how you think. Just don't think that you can say anything and people are going to blindly agree with you. I didn't agree, so I voiced my opinion. You're very welcome and highly encouraged to do the same.
Please don't just leave because of one post that you don't agree with. That's just silly. I don't represent anyone here except myself, and it's a fairly large online community. You're still as welcome as you've always been. If my one response to your post is too insulting for you, fine, have beef with me. Don't assume the rest of the forum 'doesn't get you' though.
tldr; come back, this isn't a big deal and you shouldn't think it is.
I pride myself on trying to not be partisan. Part of not being partisan means reading well structured discourse from both sides of the debate. Even if I don't agree with certain opinions, I enjoy reading those that are founded in fact and logic.
I'd expect quality out of the Wall Street Journal. After all, the average reader of the WSJ has a decent IQ, and it costs money to read most of the news and to post commentary. But honestly, some of the comments here are barely different than those from 4chan. Here are some selections from the comments section of an article about the attempted terrorist attack by the Nigerian guy:
(douchebag obviously doesn't know the difference between a nuance and a nuisance)
I could go on, but really it depresses me and forces me to sink further into my own misanthropy. How can people with so much money be so batshit retarded?
Shovel, please, grow the fuck up and come back.
Why can't we all just get along?
Either way, pretty impressive.
Either way, I need to get them done by the end of the calendar year, which is tomorrow. So I get to spend a few hours searching through e mail and calendar entries to figure out what I did each day.
This is entirely my fault, but that won't stop me from being bitchy.
Edit: I am finished! Happy day!
Also, I have about a 40 - 60 min commute depending on traffic and stop lights. Both my parents had hour long commutes, but I don't know if that's average or an exception. For those of you here that are employed, how long is your commute?