Hate, contemptible hate.



  • edited May 2011
    I have a big canker sore on the side of my tongue. It's right at the part of my tongue that rubs against the edge of my teeth. Talking, eating, and swallowing are all painful right now. Joy.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm totally getting a cold. Too many all-nighters can do that! It's funny, because I'm staying up all night to study for a psychology test about stress and what it does to you. The more I read, the sicker I get.
  • edited May 2011
    My intestines have become hipster.

    Ascending colon: "Hey, guys, you know what's totally mainstream? Fluid resorption."

    Descending colon: "Oh, man, totally. Every colon is doing that these days. It's totally sold out. We should stop doing it"

    Transverse colon: "Oh, definitely. Everyone expects the colon to increase the body's fluid levels, but it would be totally ironic if we caused dehydration instead."

    Ascending colon: "Yeah! You hear that, Small Intestine? We're not part of your fascist system any more! From now on, we're not absorbing any of the liquids you excrete!"

    Conscious mind: "WHYYYYYYYYY!?"
  • edited May 2011
  • edited May 2011
    That sounds shitty.

    ...wait, that's some sort of awful pun isn't it? ugh. Sorry.
  • edited May 2011
    XoLore wrote: »
    That sounds shitty.

    ...wait, that's some sort of awful pun isn't it? ugh. Sorry.

    Do it right:

    So, I guess you could say your colon is being shitty. *Dons sunglasses* YEEEEEAH!
  • edited May 2011
    I don't know if I've ever felt so unmotivated to finish a paper in my life. I've had the prompt for around a month at this point, it's gonna take a good amount of time to get the research and writing done, and it's due by midnight Friday night. I've been putting it off for so long, and at this point I'm spending more time focusing on two other finals I have in the next two days. I know I'll get through it, but MAN. I'm really tempted to just write a really, really shitty paper and just take a lower grade in that class. I absolutely cannot wait until this semester is over... it's so close, but christ. There's so much to do before I can start off my summer.
  • edited May 2011
    So I take it you weren't able to do the paper on something that you are highly interested in?
  • edited May 2011
    That's what makes it so horrible! I'm having to analyze at least 7 different math text books from a total of 3 different time periods since the American Civil War, talk about the significant changes between the books and how the culture and history in America affected the changes, and make some broad generalization to why anyone should give a shit about it. If it didn't have a page requirement on it I don't think I'd mind it that much-- I'd just write what I thought was significant and call it a day-- but they're expecting me to write at least 10 pages over this crap. Don't get me wrong-- I've written plenty of 10 page papers before, it's not the length itself that bugs me. It's realizing how much BULLSHIT I'm going to have to vomit into this essay in order to complete the damn thing.

    It doesn't help that I reeeeally don't like this class. I will be SO GLAD to never take it again!
  • edited May 2011
    Wow... that... actually sounds like an interesting project. But of course I'm not loaded with other course work and have been out of school for a year, so I'm obviously in a very different position.
  • edited May 2011
    My typical procrastination habits make me put off work on even interesting projects. Especially ones that are known about a long time in advance.

    Teachers need to assign things in many tiny, bite-size chunks. It's the only way I can get anything done.
  • edited May 2011
    Lauren: Ten pages of tit shots. Guaranteed A+
  • edited May 2011
    Oi, I have a five page paper due soon, I'm writing on how to write and effective action scene. I'll probably end up with a good 15 pages at the rate I'm going.

    I clearly don't share your situation, but I sympathize.
  • edited May 2011
    Tonight's the night! I have yet to get any substantial work done on that paper, and my hardest final is in about an hour. I got roughly 3 hours of sleep on Wednesday night, and it's all that I'm currently running on. I wish I had done some more research for the essay, but this final seriously takes top priority; it's 50% of my final grade, it's by far my hardest class, and if I don't make at least 70% on this final I'm going to fail. I've been studying for it nearly nonstop since I woke up Wednesday throughout ridiculously long study sessions, and I'm pretty sure I'm developing arthritis in my knuckles on my right hand. As soon as I get out of this final I'm headed to the library, and I'll have 12 hours to do pretty much ALL of the research and ALL of the writing for it. Alright....


    I'm such a spectacular student :D I'll have to post an update around midnight tonight to report if I actually finish this damn thing, lol. I'm pretty sure I will... I've never procrastinated on an essay to the point where I didn't have enough time to actually finish it, and when it really matters I feel like I'm quite good at writing SOMETHING acceptable in a record amount of time. My current record for procrastinating a paper is doing the research and writing a 5 page report in roughly 45 minutes before printing it out and turning it in, so this actually looks pretty respectable in comparison.

    We'll seeeeee!
  • edited May 2011
    Well? What happened?
    Wow... that... actually sounds like an interesting project. But of course I'm not loaded with other course work and have been out of school for a year, so I'm obviously in a very different position.

    HA! I thought the exact same thing. It funny how ambitious I am with writing essays and doing research now that I don't have to.
  • edited May 2011
    Gah, I gotta admit... sleep deprivation did me in for this one. Turns out there IS a limit to how little I can sleep and still get stuff done. I made it through the exam, thought I did EXCELLENT on it, and headed over to the library to start working on the essay. I was researching sources and analyzing the textbooks for a good while (I admit, I was procrastinating actually writing the damn thing), and at like 6:00 I started writing it all. I was making excellent time (like I figured I would, I usually don't have any problem actually writing papers), until... around 10:00 or so, my body just shut down. My eyes wouldn't focus on my monitor at all, and I swear it was probably the most frustrating experience I have ever had in my entire life. Luckily, I had already written most of the paper before I shut down... but I still wasn't finished. I managed to force out an extremely shitty conclusion as well as whatever analysis I still needed, and I sent it at midnight apologizing profusely to the professor that I could do better than this whether it was possible for him to deduct points for a late grade if I sent him a better draft within the next day. I went home, crashed, and woke up the next day around 1:00 to edit it and make the essay a lot better.

    I've already sent him the second, MUCH better draft of my essay, but I have yet to receive any kind of email about what his decision will be. Shit sucks; I've been sleep deprived while writing an essay before, but never have I been completely blind to my computer screen purely because my eyes wouldn't focus on a single sentence. It was miserable. If I end up with a 50 on that paper, it's completely my fault and I'll accept the grade for it. Luckily, if I had to bomb any 'final', this was the class I was doing best in-- I'll be able to afford the shitty grade and still pass the class (I'm pretty sure, anyway!), but I'm hoping he's a nice guy and will give me the late grade option.

    IN CONCLUSION: I failed the test of will power against sleep deprivation. How annoying; I was doing SO WELL until my body just gave me the ultimate "Fuck you". Lesson learned, I suppose. For future reference: my body will NOT forgive me if I decide to go 3 full days under constant stress and no sleep.
  • edited May 2011
    I think I had that partly happen to me when I was younger and reading the Lord of the Rings in the middle of the night (yes, I really am a huge nerd). Probably not as bad. I hadn't been quite so pinched for sleep, but maybe the fact that I had hammed through the second book in 2 days and immediately shifted to the 3rd book and tried continuing my pace of continuous reading did me in. Less sleep deprivation and more non-stop reading of small text for like 4 or 5 days when I was a little kid running a bit behind on sleep is what got me.
  • edited May 2011
    I can recall the first time I was ever so sleep deprived that I couldn't focus my eyes on a page. I had just gotten off a plane landing in LA from Sydney Australia, and I was jet-lagged like CRAZY. I was reading Harry Potter in the airport during the layover, and I couldn't see the words on the page because it took sooo much effort to focus my eyes. I remember, after I finally got home after the drive from the airport in Dallas, I ended up going to sleep within a couple minutes of entering my house, and I slept for 15 hours straight.

    Also, last week when I was studying for my number theory test, I was going over so many Euler Totient problems for so long that when I looked up reacting to a noise, I hallucinated numbers floating around in the air as an afterimage from the page. That freaked me out a little bit... I decided it was time for a break and I walked home from campus, haha.
  • edited May 2011
    I think it'd be awesome if this was one of the professors who just skims the essays he gets at the end of every semester.
  • edited May 2011
    I think Bruce's suggestion was just pure genius.
  • edited May 2011
    Ryan: The TA tooootally did that for my first essay of the semester. The first two pages were completely covered in comments either saying "vague" or "passive voice", and the last two pages were untouched. I was pissed. When I went to go confront him about why my grade was low (I got an 80, I felt it should have been higher), he was like "Oh, uhhh it might have been one of the last papers I graded, soooo... yeaaahh..." and then he pointed out random things in my paper that he was obviously trying to find for the first time. What an asshole. He concluded by saying "Oh, well don't worry, the professor has given you a chance to rewrite it if you want!"

    I didn't take him up on the offer.

    The actual professor is extremely nice though! I just got an email from him tonight telling me not to worry about it, he'll grade my second draft of the paper I sent and he won't count off for being late since he thought I was responsible for everything else I did throughout the semester. Success!

    You're right, though, I probably should have just sent him a picture of my boobs. Far less stress and effort.
  • edited May 2011
    TV ads are a real double edged sword for me. Some of them are utterly amazing, which make me smile. For example some of the geico ads I've seen on hulu have been great (the dog chasing a cat one is a particular favourite)

    This is negated by the crap ones though. There was one ad about the horrors of "Bacon collars" and how a brand will stop this. Who actually gets worked up about their collars? Who actually thought an ad where a white nerdy guy insists an athletic black guy is his twin was a good idea?
  • edited May 2011
    Although incredibly rare, it is technically possible.
  • edited May 2011
    When I'm drunk at 11pm and I ring someone in who lives 5000 miles away in Texas or Illinois (Naming no names!) I expect an answer.

    Thank god Californians have the decency to answer their phones!
  • edited May 2011
    Was that you? I didn't recognize the number.
  • edited May 2011
    You missed out, man.
  • edited May 2011
    Sorry Bruce!!! I was visiting Eric's older sister and was meeting her year old baby that I'd never met before. It was a weird situation for me and I couldn't answer any drunk dials! D:

    By the way, it is a CUTE baby... Next time, Bruce, next time.
  • edited June 2011
    Mouth abscess coupled with a cold and sore throat is not fun.
  • edited June 2011
  • edited June 2011
    100 degrees at 45 degrees equals second degrees. The moral: be careful when pouring bacon grease.