Pictures and very large signatures are generally discouraged around here. Large spammy signatures threaten to fill more space than the content of the thread in ordinary circumstances and such a thing becomes quite irritating to some of us who don't enjoy wading through all the cruft to get to the good parts.
My personal opinion is that I'm more specifically against large signatures than picture signatures. If a picture is very small and not animated, it's fine for a sig. I do however encourage interesting avatars. That is the preferred location for image-based differentiation.
Eh, I still say it's just text, quite amusing text at that. However it wouldn't quite work the same way if he just wrote "Zombies, 'Eat Flesh.'" in his sig. You need the color scheme and font for it to work, and I honestly don't mind.
Okay, I'm starting a new business. For the low price of $1, you can send me a link, and I'll check if it's a rick roll for you. this first one is free.
"Off-Topic disscustion will die!!!!" :police:
Edit: Oh, and welcome!
and that explains mario's disintrist in topic keeping.
Welcome. Get a helmet.
Welcome to the forums nevertheless!
Although there seems to be a rabid hatred of image signatures here, so I would suggest changing yours to text before someone yells at you for realz.
My personal opinion is that I'm more specifically against large signatures than picture signatures. If a picture is very small and not animated, it's fine for a sig. I do however encourage interesting avatars. That is the preferred location for image-based differentiation.
Picture sigs invite the wrath of the Orange Belt. Most pics we post are funny pics for birthday threads, so image sigs can be very distracting.
EDIT: and yes, it's a rick roll.
oh and
eat flesh.
ain't perfect but it gets the point across.
also... I didn't figure out that it was a Rick Roll
EDIT!: It's Dr. Horrible, I think.