Unless your child's phenomenally precocious, I don't think you'll have to worry about porn for a bit. Unless I completely misunderstand what Net Nanny is, in which case this post may be a bit more fun.
I'm known as Garnet. I like playing video games from time to time. I enjoy reading nonfiction books. I like visiting museums and talking to intelligent people.
And my humor can be considered dry sometimes too. =P
Hello, my name is 'Steven'. I’m currently trying to expand my artistic skills (mostly in crappy hand drawn comics, but not too crappy) so if anyone can help in that department, it would be much appreciated. Also let me say that I’m not American, and I have a tendency to get high/and or drunk.
I’m German. Though I used to live in the states. Either way, my English is not perfect, and my German is far from it, I forgot all the German I used to know, and I only NEED to know how to talk perfect, anything else is just optional, and seeing how I hand out around the American sites/download the American shows my German suffers even more. But that doesn’t matter to much, because I’m probably going to move to Canada, or perhaps America again.
Ill try to speak as coherent as possible, but if you do find mistakes PM me or blatantly tell me them.
No. I was Sweeper back on IS (and later Pink Lad on the first OB forms). I'm currently in love with a nice girl, but I'm probably still gay. I don't know.
I was totally thinking that everyone was complimenting me at first. Then I started thinking they were using really weird compliments. Now I realize they may not even have read the bits of my posts with content.
I think the lesson learned from this is that the Official Introductory Thread isn't the best place for a serious discussion on the state of your sexuality.
On the plus side, you are made of awesome, so it'll all work out for the best.
I'm known as Garnet. I like playing video games from time to time. I enjoy reading nonfiction books. I like visiting museums and talking to intelligent people.
And my humor can be considered dry sometimes too. =P
Then you can mistake her for Olga.
Where are you from if you're not from the 'ole U S of A?
Ill try to speak as coherent as possible, but if you do find mistakes PM me or blatantly tell me them.
On the plus side, you are made of awesome, so it'll all work out for the best.
Repeat it while staring at the image. Maybe it will help. If not, you'll at least look silly, and then I can laugh. Feel the love!