WICHITA FALLS, Texas -- Jeremiah Love called himself a superhero and a serial killer and put up images of dismembered women on his MySpace.com Web page.
Love is a 26-year-old police officer in Wichita Falls, Texas. And now he's been indefinitely suspended, because authorities are concerned that the images and statements on his Web site could undermine public confidence in the police department.
Love's Web page has been removed. But it was listed under the name Leatherface. The Wichita Falls Times Record News said Love's site included several graphic images of dismembered women as well as vivid pictures of a nude woman eating entrails and a bare-chested woman with the word "Loath" carved into her flesh.
As Love's occupation, the site listed "super hero/serial killer" and he listed "Pizza, human flesh (barbecue only)" as his favorite meal.
The assistant city attorney said it may be difficult to use the officer's testimony in criminal cases because of the material on the Web site.
"Love espoused a fondness for violence on his MySpace site. These are comments that would make it difficult if he was trying to defend himself against a complaint regarding excessive force as an officer. There may be no evidence of excessive force -- but when someone looks at his site, the comments could be used against him in court," Julia Vasquez said.
Love intends to appeal his suspension. He told internal affairs investigators that the site was meant to be humorous and reflective of horror movies.
According to the paper, WFPD Chief Dennis Bachman sent Love a letter that said, "Since indiscriminate, unlawful and unnecessary use of force by officers of the Wichita Falls Police Department cannot be condoned or tolerated, every use of force that you, Officer Love, will be potentially involved in can be subjected to scrutiny in a court of law."
The paper reported also that Love said a comment on one of his friend's sites that mentioned the use of a Taser gun on homosexuals was an "inside joke."
A police sergeant and an officer who also use MySpace were accused of breaking departmental regulations while using the site.
I don't think so. He used the name Leatherface and was posting as one would expect the Texas Chainsaw Masacuer himself to, if he had a MySpace page. Living in Texas with the recent come-back of the movies, I could see a horror movie fan making a site like that. The site (most likely) wasn't meant to represent himself. As an officer, he should have realized that in today's oversensitive society this could get him in trouble, but it certainly doesn't make it wrong, nor does it show that he will be prone to violence or that he should be discredited in court.
Because they're too soft to inflict damage and it's the sickest thing I've ever heard.
VG Cats did. I'd find the link to the comic, but I'm too lazy.
Mostly 'cause it kinda sucked in its early years.