Not too much. XXY results in male genitalia, though they can have small testicles. In general, the results of multiples or deficits of sex chromosomes will be similar to a hormone imbalance.
Of course it does! everything is determined by genetics. There is no free will or parental responsibility. The extra x in xxy's can cause secondary female sex traits to develop. So even though it's mostly a guy, it can look like a chick. and without all the fuss of hormone injections and surgery.
GREENFIELD, Calif. -- A father is accused of trying to sell his 14-year-old daughter for marriage in hopes of getting money and 150 cases of beer in return, Greenfield police said.
Macelino de Jesus Martinez, 36, was arrested Monday on suspicion of trying to arrange to have his daughter marry Margarito de Jesus Galindo, 18, for $16,000, 100 cases of Corona, 50 cases of Modelo beer, several cases of meat, two cases of wine, 50 cases of Gatorade and 50 cases of soft drinks, authorities said.
The girl moved in with Galindo and when payments were not received, her father called police to get his daughter back.
Greenfield Police Chief Joe Grebmeier told KSBW Action News 8 that both Martinez and Galindo, who are immigrants from Mexico, face the possibility of being deported as illegal immigrants.
Grebmeier also said that both men didn’t fully understand that what they were doing was wrong.
Also, the girl told police that she willingly moved in with Galindo.
Arranged marriages are common in the section of Mexico where both Galindo and Martinez are from.
But California law prohibits arranged marriage where one or both of the parties have been coerced.
Galindo was arrested and booked into the Monterey County Jail on suspicion of statutory rape, and Martinez was arrested and booked on suspicion of receiving money for causing a person to cohabitate.
Grebmeier said that there have been rumors of arranged marriages taking place in the Greenfield area before, but that this was the first arrest concerning the act of human trafficking in the city that he knows of.
The case will head to the district attorney’s office Tuesday.
I read that as "Father Accused Of Selling Daughter For Bear", and would just like to say that I would definitely sell my daughter for a bear. If I had a daughter.
Nothing's illegal in Mexico. I really don't see how any crimes were committed here. The only thing that could be considered a crime is statutory rape. I don't know California law, but if they didn't do anything and were waiting until after they were married, that would be legal too. this can't be considered coercion or human trafficking.
Mmmm... this is actually kind of tricky. If the two parties are actually honest about not knowing that they were breaking the law, then this is a little harder. I say this as someone who has broken the law in China several times without actually knowing that said actions were against the law. It's really hard to familiarize yourself with all the differences in law between your home and a foreign land, especially when there are noticeable cultural differences.
For example, when I move to a new home, I am supposed to notify the local police station and Hukou office within 24 hours, or they make you sit in a police office all day, pay a fine, and sign a form in Chinese that says you're a bad little foreigner. Although in all fairness other Chinese didn't know this law either.
Of course, I make an effort to learn about my host country and to speak the language of the natives. I have never once expected someone to speak my language for me. I can only hope that these two guys are the same.
As I've said a lot of times before, I don't know about the Anglo-Saxon legal system, but in Ecuador and from what I know all the other countries that follow a Roman Law system, the law applies to everyone including foreigners, and the ignorance of it doesn't excuse any person.
Now, if the girl honestly went with the man because she genuinely wanted to then the father and the other man have committed no crime, except maybe statutory rape, as said before. However, if the girl wasn't completely informed of the true nature of her going away, then this would fall under the category of human trafficking.
Mmmm... I know that ignorance of the law is no excuse, but I would like them to have at least a little leniency, assuming that they are honest about not knowing it was against the law. Again, I'm saying this as a foreigner in China with a criminal record for being ignorant, so I can relate.
Although on second thought, there is a slight difference between neglecting to notify authorities before changing residences and bartering a child for gatorade, beer, and meat.
In criminal matters, the ignorance of the law by a person because of his or her poor education, or foreignness, as is the case, is generally considered to be an attenuating circumstance that the judge must consider when ruling.
That is, supposing the judge actually finds them guilty, because if it were me I would just ask for a case of Corona and consider the case closed.
It falls on the judge to decide if knowledge of the law is a reasonable assumption for the accused party. An obscure rule about helping the government keep tabs on you could hardly be considered common knowledge, so unless that information was in an easily accessible source (like a pamphlet of foreigner rules when you enter the country) it is not reasonable to expect you to read through all the written laws and find it on your own. Statutory rape is common knowledge, so if he did that, and the father allowed him to do it, then they are both guilty of a crime (rape, accessory to rape/child endangerment). The idea of giving a dowry may seem culturally odd to most Americans, but if you asked around, most people probably wouldn't be able to cite any actual laws against it, they might be able to guess it's illegal, but it would really be based on nothing but the notion that it is "wrong". For that part of it, I think most would say it is unreasonable to expect them to know that.
A young boy named Adolf Hitler, who attracted national attention when a local supermarket refused to make a birthday cake with his name on it, has been taken away from his parents by authorities, according to a local website. reports that Adolf and his sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, 1, and 8-month-old Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie, were removed from their home by New Jersey's Division of Youth and Family Services.
No reason was given for why the children were removed, however, and Holland Township police chief David Van Gilson told the site they had not received any reports of abuse or negligence.
Back in December, the boy's parents, Heath and Deborah, were outraged when a local ShopRite declined to provide them with cake for Adolf's birthday.
"They're just names, you know," Heath Campbell told the Easton Express-Times in December. "Yeah, they (the Nazis) were bad people back then. But my kids are little. They're not going to grow up like that."
However, Heath reportedly denies the Holocaust and their home is decorated with swastikas.
The parents were to attend a hearing regarding their children on Tuesday, but it was apparently postponed.
It is kinda fucked up that Child Services won't say why they took them. You can't really take kids away from their parents just because they hold a very idiotic set of political beliefs.
Half of Rural southern Us therefore would be required to have their children removed, if child services wants to go looking for a bunch of short-sighted, ignorant rednecks. They probably have better things to do.
YOU DON'T have to look at the page views of Web sites like to know that a lot of people adore kittens.
Conversely, not as many people adore fish – in fact, gives a "page load error," and has only the number 0.
The animal rights campaign group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA, has decided to play off of people's awe of kittens by re-branding fish as "sea kittens" in order to discourage people from killing and eating them.
"Would people think twice about ordering fish sticks if they were called Sea Kitten sticks? Help us save fish by changing their names!" PETA writes on its Web site.
The new sea kitten Web portal is complete with a petition, cute little stories about sea kittens – some attend Clamster University! – and a tool to design your own sea kitten.
The petition has more than 4 544 signatures as of this writing.
"Given the drastic situation for this country's [United States] sea kittens – who are often the victims of many major threats to their welfare and ways of life — it's high time that the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) stop allowing our little sea kitten friends to be tortured and killed. Who'd want to hurt a sea kitten anyway?!" the Web site asks.
How far will this "sea kitten" label extend?
Will people find themselves ordering the "Chilean striped sea kitten with mashed potatoes"?
Certainly, there are already vegetarians out there who do not consume fish for ethical reasons.
Princeton professor Peter Singer, famous for his arguments about why not to consume meat, similarly advocates avoiding eating fish in Animal Liberation, although he notes that things do get fuzzier when considering simpler forms of marine life, like molluscs and oysters.
Of course, besides being a favorite delicacy at restaurants and family dinners, fish also form part of specific eating rituals in certain cultures.
For example, in China, the fish is served whole – with the head and tail intact – to represent prosperity, especially on Chinese New Year's Eve.
In Slovakia, it is traditional to let a carp swim in the family bathtub in the days before the feisty critter becomes part of the Christmas meal. And, it is a Jewish custom to eat fish on the Sabbath, one reason being that the numerical value of the Hebrew word for fish, "dag", adds up to seven, and the Sabbath is the seventh day.
So what do you think: Is it ethically acceptable to eat fish?
Will the sea kitten campaign be effective?
Would your goldfish mind being called a sea kitten?
But, where does PETA stand on the plight of the bacteria that they step on and kill on their nature hikes or when they sautee their mushrooms? Why stop at saving the fish? I mean, why do we really want to save a fish. It's one of the great father son activities on Earth. Furthermore, isn't fishing in the bible? Jesus fished. What do you think he did when he lifted the hundreds of fish out of the sea of galilee, throw them back?
Peta has also tried placing billboards around the US that said this:
EDIT: Thanks Andrew.
that's a frightening thought. I'm pretty certain I'm just an xy.
And isn't XXY or XYY "pair" a bit oxymoronic? A pair is 2, and will only ever be 2 unless the language changes some more in that direction.
For example, when I move to a new home, I am supposed to notify the local police station and Hukou office within 24 hours, or they make you sit in a police office all day, pay a fine, and sign a form in Chinese that says you're a bad little foreigner. Although in all fairness other Chinese didn't know this law either.
Of course, I make an effort to learn about my host country and to speak the language of the natives. I have never once expected someone to speak my language for me. I can only hope that these two guys are the same.
Now, if the girl honestly went with the man because she genuinely wanted to then the father and the other man have committed no crime, except maybe statutory rape, as said before. However, if the girl wasn't completely informed of the true nature of her going away, then this would fall under the category of human trafficking.
Although on second thought, there is a slight difference between neglecting to notify authorities before changing residences and bartering a child for gatorade, beer, and meat.
That is, supposing the judge actually finds them guilty, because if it were me I would just ask for a case of Corona and consider the case closed.
Here's the follow up:
Report: Child named Adolf Hitler removed from home in New Jersey
Peta has also tried placing billboards around the US that said this:
I for one find this hilarious. Who knows, maybe next time I go out to eat I'll order the blackened sea kitten. YUM!