Return of the Son of the Effed-Up News Thread Returns



  • edited January 2009
    If you look at the bill board at a certain way, the tugging on the dog's lip appears to be a fish, with the blood being his mouth. I wonder if they did that on purpose. They didn't pick the cutest dog for the board, either.

    Nobody will call them sea kittens. PETA doesn't have a chance in hell at permanently changing the name of a fish. It's just like that kid trying to stop everyone from cussing. IT WON'T HAPPEN!
  • godgod
    edited January 2009
    Voltage wrote: »
    But, where does PETA stand on the plight of the bacteria that they step on and kill on their nature hikes
    I don't think you can kill most Bacteria like that. Also, the tugging looks like a hook.

  • edited January 2009
    Sea Kittens are friends, not food
  • edited January 2009
    Voltage, you misunderstand me now.

    *I* will call them sea kittens if only to make my meals more entertaining.
  • edited January 2009
    Peta sucks, and they have too much time on their hands. That's every story.
  • edited January 2009
    This one made me laugh. The fact of the matter is, though, you can't equate fish with mammals. Fish don't feel pain as intensely as mammals do. They just don't have the mental capacity for pain and emotion that cute, adorable, delicious kittens have.
  • edited January 2009
    Go Sea Kitten was my favorite card game as a child.
  • edited January 2009
    Behemoth wrote: »
    This one made me laugh. The fact of the matter is, though, you can't equate fish with mammals. Fish don't feel pain as intensely as mammals do. They just don't have the mental capacity for pain and emotion that cute, adorable, delicious kittens have.

    So a better, more accurate name would be Sea Potatoes?
  • edited January 2009
    I dunno, just off the top of my head, I think ,maybe a good name would
  • edited January 2009
    Yeah PETA, we only eat fish because they're called "fish". Do you think that maybe kittens live while fish perish because humans don't consider fish cute and likable? Perhaps the fact that fish live in a completely different environment from our own, and are therefore almost impossible to commune with or connect with on any level, and in addition look nothing like what our mammalian aesthetic instinctually teaches us to associate with kinship and youth and a need to protect and love might make them more easily associated with food in our minds?

    Our selections of pet versus food are not made arbitrarily, PETA, nor are they based on semantic nomenclature bullshit. Make fish cuter and give them the ability to vocalize and walk around the house, then we'll talk. In fact, please do that anyway. That would be so awesome.

    Oh yeah, and fish taste good. That's gonna make your jobs that much more difficult.
  • edited January 2009
    There's nothing wrong with crabgrass. It just has a bad name, that's all. Everyone would love it if it had a cute name, like, uh, elf grass.
  • edited January 2009
    Hi, I'd like to vote for Mario's dancing avatar, thank you
  • edited January 2009
    Bwuh? But my avatar is now production art from the new Adventure Time! That makes it amazing.
  • edited January 2009
    Serephel wrote: »
    There's nothing wrong with crabgrass. It just has a bad name, that's all. Everyone would love it if it had a cute name, like, uh, elf grass.

    Elf grass? See, I'd probably go out of my way to stomp on it if it had a name that stupid. Gotta put it out of it's misery and all.

    Similarly, how do they know I won't just start associating kittens with fish if fish are called kittens of the sea? "Kittens of the sea" are really tasty, so maybe normal kittens are too?

    Well...I don't think I could bring myself to go that far but sometimes I feel like I should interpret anything PETA says backwards just to spite them for stuff like this.
  • edited January 2009
    Why is it that we don't eat kittens, really? I take they probably don't have that much meat on them or something like that. I mean, people eat bunnies and cute little sheep, so why not kittens?
  • edited January 2009
    I believe some places in china they serve a spicy dish of snake and cat called "Dragon Fights Tiger".
  • edited January 2009
    My comment about crabgrass was a Simpsons reference...

    Zlam, they most likely do. They serve lots of crazy stuff here. Why last Friday I went out to eat with some colleagues from work, and the restaurant had a signature dish of turtle shell and bull testicles. It even had a big full page picture to look at.

    Also, the cat traffic in China is fucking corrupt. There are cat traffickers in Shanghai and Zhejiang province (general area where I live, about an hour away) who set up traps in parks and neighborhoods to catch cats. They then mail them to Guangzhou and other southern parts of China to eat them.

    Actually, this is effed up news. I'll just post the article here. Careful, the link has pictures of the cats' crates, and they are not pretty. View at your own discretion.

    Over 1500 Cats Trapped in Shanghai and Surrounding Region for Shipment to Southern China’s Food and Fur Industries
    On Friday, 29 August 2008, local animal rescuers located several trucks with over seventy bamboo crates crammed with nearly 1500 cats in Jia Xing, a small city in Zhejiang Province, about an hour outside of Shanghai. These cats had likely been trapped in parks, from housing compounds and the street of Shanghai and neighbouring areas. Many of the cats in the crates had collars on them – obviously people’s pets, possibly trapped just meters from their home. Their destination was (and still is) Guangdong Province in southern China, to be used for food and fur.

    The trucks were intercepted late at night in a parking lot in an industrial section of town and as the cat trappers attempted to load the trucks, rescuers called the police. Some rescuers claimed to have lost their cat, while others challenged the rather unofficial-looking photocopied documents that the head of the cat smugglers produced to support his claim that he owned the cats legitimately, having paid RMB50,000 for Photocopied “ownership” papers them (USD$7,320 / GBP£4,067), and that he was transporting them all according to permit.

    Regardless of the legality of transport permits, the condition in which the cats were packed – crammed 20 or more to a small crate with no room to move and no access to food or water, while some newborns were being crushed to death and other cats had died, was a shockingly cruel sight.

    Over 15 hours of negotiations ensued, in which the local rescuers refused to pay the smugglers for the cats (an agonizingly tough approach, but buying them would fuel more trapping for the “rescue market”). By mid-day Saturday, a crowd of nearly 300 people had gathered. A local TV crew filmed animal lovers feeding the cats through the slats of the crates and watering them down to keep them cool.

    With an obvious stalemate, increasingly terrified cries coming from the crates and the deteriorating condition of the 1500 cats, several of the crates were broken and cats freed– albeit near a dangerous intersection without anybody to provide follow-up care. At this point, the area was cordoned off and further access to the cats blocked.

    By late afternoon, the crowd was dispersed and, sadly, the remaining crates of cats appeared to be loaded onto a new truck by the cat trappers.

    Although there is often little hope of helping cats already trapped and on their way to Guangdong, a focus of efforts on spay / neuter and indoor cat campaigns will hopefully someday reduce the numbers of available strays and unwittingly friendly pets going to market.
  • edited January 2009
    mario wrote: »
    Perhaps the fact that fish live in a completely different environment from our own, and are therefore almost impossible to commune with or connect with on any level.

    Not according to the current president as I type this. Time for an on-topic Bushism!: "I know that humans and fish can coexist peacefully."
  • edited January 2009
    mario wrote: »
    Make fish cuter and give them the ability to vocalize and walk around the house, then we'll talk. In fact, please do that anyway. That would be so awesome.
    In other words, fish need to be more like fishhats.
  • edited January 2009
  • edited January 2009
    Serephel wrote:
    Zlam, they most likely do. They serve lots of crazy stuff here. Why last Friday I went out to eat with some colleagues from work, and the restaurant had a signature dish of turtle shell and bull testicles. It even had a big full page picture to look at.

    what are you talking about? Bull testicles are delicious if you cook them right (deep fat fry :D)
  • edited January 2009
    He didn't say they were bad, merely that it's odd to his sensibilities to serve bull testicles.
  • edited January 2009
    Sorry, I should have been more specific. I thought it was obvious.

    They served it with turtle shells. That's the problem. They should have served it with hot dogs, kielbasa, or at the very least a plate of bananas on the side.

    I've eaten turtle before. I have not yet ingested testicles though. But I've got another year or so left on my contract, so there are still plenty of opportunities to chow on some balls.
  • edited January 2009
    Om nom nom
  • godgod
    edited January 2009
    I saw something on the National Geographic channelabout a chinese penis buffet. I'm not sure if the pun "$60 a head" was on purpose, but it included a stewed snakes penis. Apparantly, the two heads makes it an aphrodisiac.
  • edited January 2009
    What a coincidence! My penis is also an aphrodisiac.
  • godgod
    edited January 2009
    But does it have two heads?
  • edited January 2009
    Sadly, no. Just imagine what you could do with that extra head though...
  • edited January 2009
    I think having two dicks would just make urination harder.
  • edited January 2009
    Young 'Adolf Hitler' and Two Sisters Removed From Home
    A 3-year-old boy named Adolf Hitler and his two Nazi-named younger sisters were removed from their New Jersey home last week and placed in state custody, police said.

    Adolf Hitler Campbell and his sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, were taken from their Holland Township, N.J., home on Friday by the state's Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS), Sgt. John Harris of the Holland Township Police Department told

    Their father, Heath Campbell, is expected in court Thursday in Flemington, N.J., in connection with the case.

    Kate Bernyk, a spokeswoman for the DYFS, said confidentiality laws barred her from commenting on the case or even confirming that the Campbell children were involved.

    "DYFS has their reasons and they normally don’t release any information, so we kind of have to go on faith with them," Harris said. Police were not told what the agency was investigating.

    "I’ve dealt with the family for years and as far as the children are concerned, I have never had any reports of any abuse with the children," Harris said. "As far as I know, he’s always been very good with the children."

    Little 'Adolf Hitler' Denied Birthday Cake at New Jersey Grocery Store Speaking generally, Bernyk said the state's "decision to remove a child is based on the safety and well being of the child and the risk to that child, and that decision is made in conjunction with the courts and the county family court judge."

    The Campbells made national news last month when a ShopRite supermarket refused to sell them a birthday cake with Adolf Hitler's name on it. The story generated a slew of angry Internet chatter.

    Forensic psychologist N.G. Berrill said naming a boy Hitler could be considered child abuse.

    "Part of it is the infantile nature of the parents’ behavior," Berrill said. "You can name your dog something weird, but they think they’re making some kind of bold statement with the children, not appreciating that the children will have separate lives and will be looked at in a negative light until they’re able to change their name. It is abuse."

    Last year, a New Zealand court removed a 9-year-old girl from her parents in order to change her birth name: Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii. In that country, officials do not deem a name abusive unless it causes serious bullying.

    Heath Campbell told the Easton-Express Times last year that he named his son after Adolf Hitler because he liked it and "no one else in the world would have that name."

    A paper to be published in March in Social Sciences Journal by economists David E. Kalist and Daniel Y. Lee of Shippensburg University found that unpopular first names, when mixed with factors like a disadvantaged home life, can increase the tendency toward juvenile delinquency.

    Lee told that Adolf and Hitler were not names they looked at for the study.

    "Hitler most likely would be an unpopular name in the sense that not many people name their children with a name [like Hitler], but we didn’t particularly look at particularly bad names like that," he said.

    New Jersey officials said Wednesday that it is not just a matter of names.

    "DYFS would never remove a child simply based on that child's name," Bernyk said.