I still don't understand how people can hate Spider-Man 3. They tell me that the dance scene is stupid, and all I can think is "Do you hate fun, or something?"
My complaints were simply that they had too many villains in Spiderman 3. It tried to set up complete origins and conclusions with 3 separate villains independently while also dealing with Spiderman's own inner conflicts and the movie came out pretty rushed as a result. I don't actually care much about the dance scene. I would have liked Spiderman 3 better if they took out at least one villain.
Oh, Spider-Man 3 was rushed, no doubt. The studio actually forced Venom into the movie despite what Raimi wanted to do. If it was just Harry and Sandman as the villains, the plot would have been much tighter, for sure. Mary Jane had some weird characterization too. It's definitely the worst of the 3, but it's not the train wreck that I see people describe it as.
While we're on the subject, what do you think of Garfield Vs Maguire as Peter Parker and/or Spider-Man? I think Garfield plays a better Spider-Man, if only because he has the right cockiness about him. Unfortunately, that carries over to how he plays Peter, and I just can't see Peter Parker as some by-choice loner with mad skateboard skillz. Tobey was a great Peter. He got the social awkwardness part just right. His Spidey left a bit to be desired though. Maybe it was just the writing, I don't know. Sam Raimi is really cheesy a lot of the time.
I'd agree regarding Garfield vs Maguire. The new Spiderman is a better Spiderman, but they are a bit off with his identity as Peter. He isn't really nerdy so much as geeky. Of course it could be that the actual comics were more unrealistic about it. Any kid who had it in him to dress up in a costume and be a vigilante hero like that would probably not be a total socially awkward nerd. So overall I'm ok with him not being the usual Peter. The comics and old cartoons weren't perfect and I see no reason why a reboot should have to adhere to source material that by definition shouldn't count for anything because it's a reboot.
I think a lot of people don't know what "reboot" means.
The way nerds/geeks are viewed has definitely changed. I just think that these days, Garfield's Peter Parker is the kind of guy that could be considered cool. That just seems out of character to me. Spider-Man is supposed to be as much as an escape for him as it is a burden. At least that's how I see it.
Look at the fluffiness on that pikachu! That is some grade-A fluff. Also the movie looks like it'll be pretty funny, and the Pokemon are pretty well-integrated into the world itself.
Lot of hate for the Pikachu fluff level online but what did they expect? The anime makes everyone look like their skin is made of rubber. I fully support this style.
Yeah, I like it more every time I watch the trailer. Just takes some adjusting to.
I'm curious to see whether the full movie finally reveals whether Vaporeon has fur, skin, scales, or some other option. I've seen people draw that thing so many ways.
While we're on the subject, what do you think of Garfield Vs Maguire as Peter Parker and/or Spider-Man? I think Garfield plays a better Spider-Man, if only because he has the right cockiness about him. Unfortunately, that carries over to how he plays Peter, and I just can't see Peter Parker as some by-choice loner with mad skateboard skillz. Tobey was a great Peter. He got the social awkwardness part just right. His Spidey left a bit to be desired though. Maybe it was just the writing, I don't know. Sam Raimi is really cheesy a lot of the time.
I think a lot of people don't know what "reboot" means.
Look at the fluffiness on that pikachu! That is some grade-A fluff. Also the movie looks like it'll be pretty funny, and the Pokemon are pretty well-integrated into the world itself.
Next, Toy Story 4:
I love the song they chose, and the existential crisis of not-toys being turned into toys could be... interesting, or maybe disturbing.
I'm curious to see whether the full movie finally reveals whether Vaporeon has fur, skin, scales, or some other option. I've seen people draw that thing so many ways.