So...who has their Wii?



  • edited November 2006
    I got my wii. Stores in ND can't open until noon on Sundays due to some law. So the wait was a bit longer for me. I havent been able to play it much though, lot's of college stuff.
  • edited November 2006
    until noon on Sundays due to some law.

    Well...technically if you're Christian you shouldn't work on the sabath....but since when was that rule followed?
  • edited November 2006
    I don't know if it's any different from DS wireless setup, because I don't do much DS wireless. The only game I'd play wireless is Mario Kart, and I quickly got sick of racing against three other yoshi eggs snaking across the course over and over again.
  • edited November 2006
  • edited November 2006
    Serephel wrote: »
    I don't know if it's any different from DS wireless setup, because I don't do much DS wireless. The only game I'd play wireless is Mario Kart, and I quickly got sick of racing against three other yoshi eggs snaking across the course over and over again.

    Alright. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, snakers sure do suck in Mario Kart, but that's not the point of this topic. I'd say Hamelin's comic there wins the internet.

    Disregarding the e-mail that Maddox's book was available, this is the best damn e-mail in the universe:
    Greetings from

    We thought you'd like to know that we shipped your items, and that this
    completes your order.


    The following items have been shipped to you by
    Qty Item Price Shipped Subtotal items (Sold by, LLC):
    1 Nintendo Wii $249.99 1 $249.99

    EDIT: Oh man! I nearly shat myself laughing at the back of the Twilight Princess package. Why? Nintendo has an official stamp on the back letting you know that there is a Nintendo Power Player's Guide available for the game. *see signature* The only thing that could make this funnier (or sadder, perhaps?) is if they had it right at the top next to the "Nunchuck accessory" icon.
  • edited November 2006
    Um..we can have images in our signatures now?!!!
  • edited November 2006
    Oh, don't put images in sigs. Those get annoying as shit.
  • edited November 2006
    Sewiously, you guys.
  • edited November 2006
    OMG! That post in the link about the broken wrist strap is from my neighbor. I freaked out my sister-in-law by knowing about it when she was telling me.
  • edited November 2006
    How hard are these people swinging their Wiimotes? They don't need that much motion to work.

    Although the temptation to spin in a circle to do Link's spinny attack is quite strong...
  • jcjc
    edited November 2006
    Too bad it doesn't have a mic that you can yell 'sheeyaaaah' into.
    That is still the spin-attack yell, right? I haven't played the new Zelda.
  • edited November 2006
    It's more of a 'hyaaaaah!'
  • edited November 2006
    Serephel wrote: »
    Oh, don't put images in sigs. Those get annoying as shit.

    I don't see anything formally forbidding it, and it's only a tiny image so it isn't annoying as shit, but I'll play along with your little game... This time...
  • edited November 2006
    Serephel wrote: »
    How hard are these people swinging their Wiimotes? They don't need that much motion to work.

    I think I'll retract my statement. My little cousins were over here, and I being the good, responsible adult I am, decided to entertain them with video games, or Wii Sports to be exact.

    One of my cousins was having fun with Wii Bowling, and the thing just flew out of his hand across the room, bouncing off of a couple walls before coming to a halt. Fortunately, the remote still works, but that little string holding the strap on is no more.

    The TV was undamaged.
  • edited November 2006
    Wow. Either there are some really weak strings floating around out there, or Nintendo did really poor testing in that department. However, if this is the biggest problem Nintendo will have in regards to Wii, they still owned the crap out of Sony. I can't wait to hear what major malfunction Sony brought us with the PS3.
  • edited November 2006
    I believe the string is to stop it from hitting the ground if you lose your grip.
  • edited November 2006
    Exactly...just like the Nintendo DS.
  • edited November 2006
    Behemoth wrote: »
    I believe the string is to stop it from hitting the ground if you lose your grip.

    I'm pretty sure we'd already established that, but thanks for reminding us in case we would have forgotten.
  • edited November 2006
    Wait, that strap is to hold your DS? I thought it was used as a thumb nub for the touch screen. Oh, by the way, couldn't you just use those DS wriststraps for the Wii if the strap busts?
  • edited November 2006
    I havn't even come close to losing grip of my remotes yet. I've hit people while swinging them though....especially on tennis.

    On a completely unrelated note, my mom, who has never played a video game in her life, beat me and my friend in Wii bowling on her first try.
  • edited November 2006
    Takeru wrote: »
    Wait, that strap is to hold your DS?

    Nope. Try it. It's not long enough for you to get a good grip of the DS if you wear it.
  • edited November 2006
    mjc0961 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure we'd already established that, but thanks for reminding us in case we would have forgotten.

    Actually, dick, nobody had established that yet. Everyone was talking as if they expected it to withstand the force of a full swing.
  • edited November 2006
    It's established via common sense. Why on earth would you let go of the remote after completing whatever movement was required for the game? If you constantly did that, of course your wrist strap is going to snap. And while we're on the subject of not throwing things around, how about you cool down the flames? That was totally uncalled for.
  • edited November 2006
    Well, to be fair, you did sound a tad condescending.

    Regardless, let's drop this before it escalates further and just get back to talking about penises or whatever this thread is about.
  • edited November 2006
    Alright. I'll bow to the power of your pun... for now...

    Anyone's batteries almost dead already? Granted, these batteries that came with the Wii aren't exactly top of the line, but how much life can we expect out of a pair of batteries?
  • edited November 2006
    B-b-batteries? Oh My Fucking God! I thought we got rid of those when we came out with the GBA SP!!!
  • edited November 2006
    I already killed the batteries in my first remote, so I just swapped out remotes to continue my round of Zelda.

    Nintendo did well with batteries, though. When the batteries die, the remote loses its connection with the Wii, so the game auto pauses.

    As opposed to the Wavebird. I was in the middle of some boss fight in Metroid Prime when it died. That wasn't cool.

    Also, remember how good Nintendo is at reselling the same thing over and over again, with minor upgrades. I'm positive that rechargable Wiimotes are in development.
  • edited November 2006
    No apologies from me. But I'm willing to accept that it was a miscommunicatuion caused it all in the first place.

    ANYWAY: They (have for a couple of decades and still) do sell rechargable batteries. You could always buy a few of them. They'd definitely be worthwhile for something used as frequently as a wiimote.
  • edited November 2006
    I've been on the hunt for a Wii for about a week now. I'm going to try a local Game Crazy tomorrow morning, so wish me luck!

    Also, NO ONE ELSE CAN GO THERE TOMORROW TO BUY A WII. Do not jeapordize my chances at getting some Wii action on. You've been warned, hypothetical forum-goer that lives within driving distance of a Game Crazy in Sacramento.