B-b-batteries? Oh My Fucking God! I thought we got rid of those when we came out with the GBA SP!!!
As did I. Sadly, Nintendo decided to bring them back. BUT at least you can replace them yourself *glares at Sony* and as Serephel said, it does pause the game if the batteries die. One thing they should have done, though, was let you turn off the remote without turning off the console. Like, push power button = turns off remote, Wii stays on (game paused). But nope. If you need to pause, you have to leave the remote on until it turns itself off due to inactivity.
They (have for a couple of decades and still) do sell rechargable batteries. You could always buy a few of them. They'd definitely be worthwhile for something used as frequently as a wiimote.
Any decent brand you can recommend? I already went through the nightmare of rechargable batteries that didn't hold a decent charge with my GameBoy Color and Advance, so I'm not about to go buy more unless I get some that are well recommended.
Bah, you need to camp. That's how I got mine on the 19th. As a bonus, a cold came with it!
I don't I live in Slough (where the original version of The Office is set), and it's a shithole, but it has a lot of game shops, and very few nintendo fans. Only 25 people have preordered the Wii, and I'm number 3. No camping for me.
EDIT: Ugh, I sound like a little shit when it comes to mentioning buying my wii...
# A fresh set of alkaline batteries should last, depending on amount and type of use, up to 30 hours. This can vary greatly based on certain factors, such as Wii Remote Speaker Volume, Rumble, battery quality and age, and type of game being played.
# If you are using rechargeable batteries, the only type of battery recommended are Nickel Metal Hydride batteries. When it comes to using rechargeable batteries, you must follow manufacturer guidelines for safety and proper usage. Failure to do so could cause damage to the Wii Remote and void the warranty.
# The Wii Remote will go into sleep mode if the console is turned off, if the console goes into Burn-In Reduction mode, or after 5 minutes of inactivity. This will conserve battery power.
If you still feel that the Wii Remote is draining batteries too fast, then it will need to be repaired. Please click here for repair information.
Whoever I called at Game Crazy last night totally lied to me. The clerk said they never get shipments on the weekend. So my next stop will be Best Buy, where they're supposedly getting some units for tomorrow morning. On the bright side, I picked up Elite Beat Agents at my local Gamestop today at $5 off. Excelsior!
There's a good chance that game stores, while knowing their shipping schedules, may not be honest about them. Telling people about new shipments will just cause more lines. While I don't think many people will outwardly lie about shipments, they may just say they don't know when they're coming in.
Regardless, picking up a Wii before Christmas is going to be tough. A lot of it is just going to be luck. Hit the stores early in the mornings, and hit them often.
We got a Wii! Stef and I waited outside of Best Buy for several hours this cold wet Sunday morning, but it was worth it (for me, not so sure about Stef)! I am now among the few and the proud Twiilight Princess owners on this forum. It feels good. When do they start making online games so we can start friend code-trading?
Hey, I'm totally OK with it. I got some coffee out of the deal, PLUS I got to make the Wawa Deli Girl Mii and bowl with her. That's about as good as video game adventures get for me.
I remember some Tekken tag team game that my sister got for her PS2. It had a bowling minigame on it and I think that had more hours logged into it than the actual main game.
Bowling is fun. I bet it is even more awesome on the Wii. Although the real thing is the best. Even though I'm terrible at bowling.
Yay friend code trading! My wireless may not work until I get a wireless USB adapter, because the wireless on campus has some shitty firewalls. I'll probably get one in a few weeks, so when I do, we'll all have to do stuff together.
We got a Wii! Stef and I waited outside of Best Buy for several hours this cold wet Sunday morning, but it was worth it (for me, not so sure about Stef)! I am now among the few and the proud Twiilight Princess owners on this forum. It feels good. When do they start making online games so we can start friend code-trading?
From what I hear, Pokémon Battle Revolution will be the first Wii title to have online play modes. However, you can start trading Friend Codes right now! The Wii only has one friend code for the entire console, which is found in your Wii Message Board's Address Book.
Congratulations on your new Wii and copy of Twilight Princess!
Yeah, right now all you can do with wii codes is send messages to one another and trade Miis. But its still fun! It feels so good to see the disk slot glow blue with each new message.
Takeru: I can't believe I didn't think of that myself. I love the Coen brothers...
Oh, that's how you make the slot glow? I asked on GameFAQs and all I got were a bunch of replies on how sexy the glow is. Should've seen it coming, considering that the majority of GameFAQs/GameSpot members are idiots.
As did I. Sadly, Nintendo decided to bring them back. BUT at least you can replace them yourself *glares at Sony* and as Serephel said, it does pause the game if the batteries die. One thing they should have done, though, was let you turn off the remote without turning off the console. Like, push power button = turns off remote, Wii stays on (game paused). But nope. If you need to pause, you have to leave the remote on until it turns itself off due to inactivity.
Any decent brand you can recommend? I already went through the nightmare of rechargable batteries that didn't hold a decent charge with my GameBoy Color and Advance, so I'm not about to go buy more unless I get some that are well recommended.
I don't
EDIT: Ugh, I sound like a little shit when it comes to mentioning buying my wii...
I have no idea what the hell you just said.
There's a good chance that game stores, while knowing their shipping schedules, may not be honest about them. Telling people about new shipments will just cause more lines. While I don't think many people will outwardly lie about shipments, they may just say they don't know when they're coming in.
Regardless, picking up a Wii before Christmas is going to be tough. A lot of it is just going to be luck. Hit the stores early in the mornings, and hit them often.
That includes me, I'm assuming.
In on-topic news, I will probably pick me up a Wii before or sometime around Smash Bros Brawl comes out.
Bowling is fun. I bet it is even more awesome on the Wii. Although the real thing is the best. Even though I'm terrible at bowling.
I have yet to make "The Jesus".
From what I hear, Pokémon Battle Revolution will be the first Wii title to have online play modes. However, you can start trading Friend Codes right now! The Wii only has one friend code for the entire console, which is found in your Wii Message Board's Address Book.
Congratulations on your new Wii and copy of Twilight Princess!
Takeru: I can't believe I didn't think of that myself. I love the Coen brothers...