In Rochester, Minn., Jeremy Scherer and his wife spent three hours playing tennis and bowling, two of the games included with the Wii. Mr. Scherer says he managed to improve his scores -- at the cost of shoulders and back that were still aching the next day. "I was using muscles I hadn't used in a while," says Mr. Scherer, a computer programmer who describes himself as "not very active." Mr. Scherer is vowing nightly "Wii workouts" to get in better shape.
Wait...I wonder how old this Mr. Scherer is? I knew a person by that name in high school. And he was a bit of a programming nerd. And the chances of him living in Rochester at this time are actually pretty good. Well at least he didn't break anything.
A penis walks into a bar...
But seriously, I might have to start lifting some weights or somthing for when I get the Wii. Because I wont be getting any non game related exircise for a while after.
See? This is why we have a system of checks and balances! One rogue agent decides that penile anarchy is the way of the future, then when it happens, he immediatly regrets it!
I also vote for Tak's motion, and I'm a moderator. Well, in only one forum, but that's still one more then you. Therefore, my vote MUST be worth like seven.
Upon further consideration, your status as a moderator does not amplify your vote power. Any of us could be moderators if we got our own comic sections. Therefore you get no extra vote power here! Mwhahahahaha!
Yeah... I wasn't hellbent on making a Wii joke every post in the first place... Just the rarely seen one every once in a while. Now everyone's taking it out of proportion and just making us make more Wii jokes. If you want to complain about something, complain about the overuse of that "objection" thing from Pheonix Wright.
Back on topic... Why do all the old VC games still get labeled as new even though they put new games up for sale? It's making it really hard for me to figure out which games they just added. They even show games I bought in the "new releases" list. Let's fix this, Nintendo.
EDIT #1: Ooh, boy! Shop Channel says there is an update! I'm gonna go download it and then see what I can get. I wonder if it's the web browser. EDTI #2: Nope. Just the lousy parental controls. You know, the ones I assumed were in there already when I bought it. Good thing I didn't have kids and wanted to use them from the start or I would have been pissed off. Bleh. Get us some of the new channels already, Nintendo!
I'd really like News Channel and Weather Channel to work some time soon. They sit there, mocking me! I want to see the weather, but it asks for a nonexistent update!
I'd really like News Channel and Weather Channel to work some time soon. They sit there, mocking me! I want to see the weather, but it asks for a nonexistent update!
I know. The Japanese launch is this Saturday, so maybe they'll update it then. I hope they don't wait until the time of or after the European launch. We were supposed to have these things at our launch, and they got pushed back suddenly. While not a huge disappointment, I would like to see them work soon.
The Opera browser was also supposed to be ready at launch, as is evidenced by the Opera logo on the side of my Wii box. I'm psyched about playing some fun Wii-centric Flash games.
Upon further consideration, your status as a moderator does not amplify your vote power. Any of us could be moderators if we got our own comic sections. Therefore you get no extra vote power here! Mwhahahahaha!
My word is law and I say moderation in all things. Even penis jokes.
On the subject of the Wii I have little to say. Because I am such an individual I will probably just upgrade my computers (finally) and then maybe buy a 360 in a couple of months when the price goes down.
The Opera browser was also supposed to be ready at launch, as is evidenced by the Opera logo on the side of my Wii box. I'm psyched about playing some fun Wii-centric Flash games.
It was supposed to be ready for download at launch. Originally they wanted 2,000 Wii points for it, but then decided it would be free until June 2007. And then they pushed it back right before launch along with the News and Weather channels.
As for flash games, I like the idea, but am very afraid of what kind of games might be made.
Well, considering it seems that the wiimote just acts like a mouse in the browser, you could play flash games off just about any website on the internet.
As for ones tailored specifically to the controller, if they can use the motion sensor in other ways that it was meant to be used, even in the browser, then more power to them.
Thisis a game my friend and I made, which we were actually hoping to get in contact with Nintendo about making. But since you could already do it on the Opera browser, I guess that'd be kind of unnecissary.
Well, considering it seems that the wiimote just acts like a mouse in the browser, you could play flash games off just about any website on the internet.
I mean the content of the games... Let's just say that about two and a half years ago, the Newgrounds front page really did a number on me. Blarg. Sometimes humanity really scares me.
Newgrounds makes no illusions about being family friendly. If a flash movie makes Tom Fulp laugh, it goes on the main page, no matter how disturbing or full of penises it is.
Newgrounds makes no illusions about being family friendly. If a flash movie makes Tom Fulp laugh, it goes on the main page, no matter how disturbing or full of penises it is.
Oh, I know. And I don't have anything against Tom Fulp for putting on the front page in the first place. It's the people who make those things that make me lose hope in humanity.
Newgrounds is teeming with the refuse of decent society, locked into a self perpetuating cycle of latent homophobia/homosexuality, racism, and bad grammar -- people that five hundred years ago would have been forced to live alone in lean-tos on the edge of a forest, wallowing in their own filth and sadistic madness, nothing to look forward to save to be burned at the stake whenever fears of witchcraft inevitably would grip the townspeople. What used to be described as disturbing, deep seeded signs of severe mental disability are regarded there as the attributes one would expect to find in a popular flash.
Needless to say, I've spent a lot of time on Newgrounds. I know some of their games make use of a keyboard; how would the Wii address such a requirement?
Maybe a popup could tell you to go play on your computer. Seriously, they can design games for play on Wii, but you can't make all existing games work.
The Wii obviously isn't going to support all Flash games out there. The site I linked to is collecting only Flash games that play exclusively with a mouse, to ensure maximum Wii compatibility.
Personally, I look forward to some quality fl0w action. That game will play beautifully on the Wii.
They're making a new version for PS3, but yeah, it'll be pretty much the same game, from what I've heard. Except I think it'll play much better via Wii Remote than Sixaxis-tilting or analog stick.
Sony fanboys should praise Nintendo for getting Sony to drop the boomerang design in favor of the tacked-on motion sensing inside their standard dual-shock package (only with less shocking this time).
Wait...I wonder how old this Mr. Scherer is? I knew a person by that name in high school. And he was a bit of a programming nerd. And the chances of him living in Rochester at this time are actually pretty good. Well at least he didn't break anything.
But seriously, I might have to start lifting some weights or somthing for when I get the Wii. Because I wont be getting any non game related exircise for a while after.
My brother keeps trying to play with my wii.
This is just like when "Snake Eater" came out.
Upon further consideration, your status as a moderator does not amplify your vote power. Any of us could be moderators if we got our own comic sections. Therefore you get no extra vote power here! Mwhahahahaha!
Yeah... I wasn't hellbent on making a Wii joke every post in the first place... Just the rarely seen one every once in a while. Now everyone's taking it out of proportion and just making us make more Wii jokes. If you want to complain about something, complain about the overuse of that "objection" thing from Pheonix Wright.
Back on topic... Why do all the old VC games still get labeled as new even though they put new games up for sale? It's making it really hard for me to figure out which games they just added. They even show games I bought in the "new releases" list. Let's fix this, Nintendo.
EDIT #1: Ooh, boy! Shop Channel says there is an update! I'm gonna go download it and then see what I can get. I wonder if it's the web browser.
EDTI #2: Nope. Just the lousy parental controls. You know, the ones I assumed were in there already when I bought it. Good thing I didn't have kids and wanted to use them from the start or I would have been pissed off. Bleh. Get us some of the new channels already, Nintendo!
And I'm all "Okay, but can't I play you until then?"
And it's all "No. I ain't spinning your stinkin' disc, and you can't make me."
Man, I need to get a Wii.
I know.
Hella awesome.
My word is law and I say moderation in all things. Even penis jokes.
On the subject of the Wii I have little to say. Because I am such an individual I will probably just upgrade my computers (finally) and then maybe buy a 360 in a couple of months when the price goes down.
I'm sorry. My comment was only for hlavco. Didn't mean to imply that you had no swaying power as a moderator.
It was supposed to be ready for download at launch. Originally they wanted 2,000 Wii points for it, but then decided it would be free until June 2007. And then they pushed it back right before launch along with the News and Weather channels.
As for flash games, I like the idea, but am very afraid of what kind of games might be made.
As for ones tailored specifically to the controller, if they can use the motion sensor in other ways that it was meant to be used, even in the browser, then more power to them.
I mean the content of the games... Let's just say that about two and a half years ago, the Newgrounds front page really did a number on me. Blarg. Sometimes humanity really scares me.
Oh, I know. And I don't have anything against Tom Fulp for putting on the front page in the first place. It's the people who make those things that make me lose hope in humanity.
Needless to say, I've spent a lot of time on Newgrounds. I know some of their games make use of a keyboard; how would the Wii address such a requirement?
... That or a USB keyboard, I suppose.
Personally, I look forward to some quality fl0w action. That game will play beautifully on the Wii.
But seriously, I don't trust the SIXAXIS anyway, with the motion sensing only being tacked on, it can't be that good.