
  • edited January 2009
    It was dedicated to you, Mario.
  • edited January 2009
    10 points to Ryan, for Rickrolling China.
  • edited January 2009
    I bought a PS3 the two days ago. I have no money to buy any games with it yet but I am already happy with the purchase because of the Mirror's Edge and Megaman 9 demos.

    Megaman games are hard... Mirror's Edge is fun!!! Megaman games make me want to buy them just to show the demo that I can beat level one.
  • edited January 2009
    I rickrolled Jake in the coolest way possible: I rang him and as soon as he answered blast forth with Rick Astley.
  • edited January 2009
    I was playing some RPG with my friends, and one of their characters got killed, and as he dissolved into a puddle of goo he rickrolled the rest of the party.
  • edited January 2009
    How did he do that? Was this tabletop or electronic? Some sort of LARP? I have questions, sir!
  • edited January 2009
    Tabletop. It's just that his character had previously sang in a band before becoming an adventurer-guy, so he'd be singing all the time. So after he got one-shotted by some monster's poisonous acid crap he decided to sing some Rick Astley as he melted.
  • edited January 2009
    That reminds me of the burning everything we see in the DnD sessions I go to with Zlam.
  • edited January 2009
    My character is the only non-NPC party member that hasn't died yet. Which is funny, because he's totally useless in battle.
  • edited January 2009
    You either have a not very fun DM, or your friends suck at coming up with ways not to die and have horrible luck rolling dice :)
  • edited January 2009
    It certainly is strange how there seems to be a strong correlation between getting in battles and dying...

    If battles aren't your character's forte, then I'd bet you spend most of your time finding more interesting ways to solve your problems than "hit it until it isn't a problem anymore."
  • edited January 2009
    Hey - so with D&D, what is each person's preferred campaign style?

    Do you like the campaign where everybody's character is super-unique, has amazing powers, and always seems to come out on top? Every dungeon has a boss. The storyline is epic. The fate of the world hangs with you! Everybody has at least ONE magic weapon. What's this +1 shit? We're talking +5 vorpal blade of GOD slaying here. Magic carpets. TARDISes.

    Or do you like the campaign where most characters are not special? Every fight is a struggle. If you go into a dungeon - SOMEBODY is going to die. You can't remember the last time you saw a +1 sword of plus-one-ness. Oh, you want to be a tumor mage? Or a tumbler? You want to be a ranger who has a golden dire grizzly bear as a pet? Screw that. You get a squirrel as a pet. If you're a tumor mage - you better get some chemo in a week or you're dead. Ressurection? Yeah, if you want a -6 constitution penalty. Forget it entirely if you're an elf, buddy.

    I tend to prefer the latter.
  • edited January 2009
    I like the campaigns where I can't hear other characters over the sound of how awesome my character is.
  • edited January 2009
    I like campaigns somewhere inbetween that. Where the monsters and battles are difficult, but you're better off being really creative with whatever special weapons, items, or spells that you have. It's definitely possible to die if you roll like shit, but as long as you don't roll too many horrible rolls, and your healers aren't completely disarmed, then every battle is defeatable (after battling for maybe an hour or so :))
  • edited January 2009
    I liked those campaigns when we'd go out and beat up all those little DnD nerds. Good times.
  • edited January 2009
    I like the campaigns where we get most of our experience and money from killing and robbing innocent town folk after taking all the money from the banks and saving them from an army of orcs... That's usually how our campaigns turn out.
  • edited January 2009
    Mish42 wrote:
    You either have a not very fun DM, or your friends suck at coming up with ways not to die and have horrible luck rolling dice
    Actually, I'm the one with horrible dice-rolling luck. I botch practically 1/3 of the time. Those guys tend to make their own problems...

    One of our players is the only one to die twice so far. Both times, he was killed by our own party. Once for seeming nice but actually being evil, the other for actually being nice but seeming evil.

    The other kid decided to shoot a super-strong evil guy in the eye with an arrow and then steal a book he was holding, despite having no idea what the book was for. So the guy chased our party all across the land trying to get the book back and eventually killed him, then just let the rest of us go because he only wanted his book back.

    The third kid, the singer, was killed because he enraged the giant sand worm by purposely singing the most annoying song he knew "to draw them out".
    XoLore wrote:
    If battles aren't your character's forte, then I'd bet you spend most of your time finding more interesting ways to solve your problems than "hit it until it isn't a problem anymore."

    Yeah, I sorta fit into that, I guess. The evil wizard guy mentioned above, after getting his book back, kidnapped one of our NPC party members. We spent months chasing him back to his tower, fell into every single one of his traps (at one point we screwed up so badly that we had to make a 22 dice damage roll, when our characters can only take eight hits before they die. Miraculously, we all survived with exactly enough damage to just knock us unconscious), and spent days climbing his tower. When we got to the top, he was waiting for us there. Our usual leader was downstairs looting the guy's bedroom, so for some reason the group made me talk to the guy.

    ...after a brief discussion, we agreed that it was to the benefit of all involved that we not fight AND that he keep our party member.
  • edited January 2009
    A few days ago I went to a pretty freakin' awesome ska show. Tip the Van, Streetlight Manifesto, and Reel Big Fish. Seeing any of them individually would be a treat, but all three was nothing short of glorious.
  • edited January 2009
    This isn't as awesome as a ska show with Streetlight Manifesto, but I think it's pretty rockin'. My friend Rachel gave me this as an early birthday present last night:


    It's the Hindu deity Ganesha, drawn in henna on my forearm. AND IT IS AWESOME. It'll probably last about 2 weeks.

    EDIT: Here's another, slightly clearer picture.

  • edited January 2009
    So that's what you meant when you said you have Ganesha on your arm. That kicks ass!
  • edited February 2009
    YAY I got a job today. First for real job that I actually had to interview for without any connections, and I'll be working longer than a week or so (like all of my other job experiences). AND I asked if I could take one of the first Saturday sessions off and start tomorrow so that I can still see my darling FistSanta on the 21st instead of having to move our dinner/weekend back ANOTHER week!!

    I'm also getting off the Master Cleanse diet. Eh, it really wasn't that hard, it was just... gross, and I didn't feel like I was actually benefitting from it that much; I feel I could produce the same results by just eating a very small amount of food per day, lol. SO I'm thinking of going out to dinner tonight! Yes you all told me you disapproved, and I did it anyway, so you can all say 'I told you so!' and I will be perfectly okay with that. The important thing is, yay being social and eating healthy! And having the prospect of getting paid!

    Yeah I'm lame and none of this is that big a deal, but hey! I'm excited. I was beginning to worry no one would hire me for my lack of job experience, and now things are finally settling in so that I'm happy and slightly busy. Next semester I can plan things better so everything will work out even better, but next semester things will probably be even more awesome anyway due to me living in an apartment with 3 friends. Woo!
  • edited February 2009

    How long were you on the diet? If you were on it for more than a few days, it may be hard to go back to solid food immediately. Listen to the directions in the diet about going back to food. You have to do it gradually, I think.
  • edited February 2009
    I know, I'm supposed to only drink fruit juices the first day, and then mostly fruits and soups the next day, buuut... I'm going to disregard all of that and risk it. My fault if I get sick. This is the 5th day of the diet, all I've had today is a spoon of peanut butter and water :D

    Gimme some real food!
  • edited February 2009
    Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Lauren! This fable is, like, six billion years old people. Can we, as a society, just resolve to start listening to wise parables, already?
  • edited February 2009
    I had Chipotle as my first meal off the diet and felt great about it! :D
  • edited February 2009
    Congratulations! Glad to hear you're eating again. =]
  • edited February 2009
    I have a major SUCCESS to report to you all...

    In January i sent a personalized demo (which i spent a week on) and CV and cover letter to this guy Alan Swan in iRadio in Galway.
    Basically this would be my dream job with all the freedom to do whatever i want creatively and sonically.
    So about a week later Alan called up Stephen Dee (who was my superior in KCLR where i was doing my work placement) and said he was going to call me later that day, but alas he didn't.

    I waited a couple of days for him to call and heard nothing, so i sent him an email to touch base with him, heard nothing.
    Waited another week and finished up at KCLR without hearing anything.
    So what did i do? I started calling him... Every day.

    That lasted for a week and a half until i just got pissed off and pretty much gave up. That was a few weeks ago now. So on Friday night I sent him a last-ditch email with all my stuff again.
    And what happens on Saturday afternoon???
    Fucker FINALLY gets back to me setting up a call for yesterday evening.

    Guess what...
    No call...
    That's twice now he's done that to me.

    So today i sent him an e-mail saying sorry the call didn't happen and I would love to hear from him, etc. etc.

    3 hours later my phone rings...

    It's him...

    "Well Conor, how's it going? Blah blah blah... Fair play for your persistence, most people would have given up by now... Blah blah blah... So do you want to come up to Athlone for a week and check out the station?"

    FUCK YEAH I DO!!!!

    So now I'm going to the station for the week starting monday for kinda like a "trial" week unpaid and all. But i'm going to impress the shit out of the whole fucking lot of them! (At least that's the plan) And hopefully get hired!!!
  • edited February 2009
    OMG! CHICKENS! HATCHING! What is the deal, folks?
  • edited February 2009
    Ok now you lost me...
  • edited February 2009
    Good luck to ya!