I never did that well in spanish class, and that was years ago now, but at least I can almost understand that. The Japanese leaves me totally in the dark.
I met the CEO of our parent company today for the first time. Our parent company is a big, multinational, 8000+ employee company. He already knew who I was. When he walked in the room he nodded at me and said "hey Ryan".
I have planned, and am about to execute, our first family vacation in 3 yrs. We're going to Columbus Zoo!
I'm taking a mini-notebook so I can write impressions for my forthcoming review from the perspective of a nursing mom of a younger toddler and a potty-training older toddler.
I'm not sure yet if this is going to be a success, but I'm hopeful!
I have made plans to share a hotel room for Connecticon with two very lovely ladies. The word threesome has been thrown around quite a bit regarding this subject.
I'm afraid to ask if my Sim has woohoo'd any.
Special note to Adam and Tanya: 俺は香港で張恒陽と一緒に遊んでるぞ!お前たち早く中国に来るで!
What the frell is a 張恒陽
But yeah, japanese... no chance.
EDIT: Here are some photos!
My reputation precedes me.
I'm taking a mini-notebook so I can write impressions for my forthcoming review from the perspective of a nursing mom of a younger toddler and a potty-training older toddler.
I'm not sure yet if this is going to be a success, but I'm hopeful!
Does this count as a success? I'm really not sure how to feel.
Fuck all ya'all.
I think I'll manage somehow.