State Comptroller Debate Thread
(continued from Smiley Request Thread)
even if i did, it just wouldn't be possible for mario to make it into a smiley!
Yes, but... what if it was???
My name is Mario, and I approve this message.
EDIT: That image has clearly been altered!
Candidate Geoff also makes vague claims of zombiism among the fish population he so mercilessly punches. To this I must reply, sir: where are the requisite zombie test results? Without knowing the true nature of the fish's actions, we cannot in good conscience resort to fish-punching! You would have us go into war against fish that may yet have their own minds about them, that may not yet crave to bite into men's brains, that may yet be redeemed from this horrific fate! I simply cannot allow such reckless behavior, and I would hope the voters of this forum feel similarly.
So I ask you, fellow Americans: would you elect a man with a known track record of punching fish who might not even be zombies, a man who hates dead Americans, a man who changes the record to suit his mood? Or would you rather elect a time-traveling candidate that grants equal rights to all men and fish?
Ladies and gentlemen, I am that candidate.
Mario: this campaign is getting dirty
Dr Faustus Lives: I like how you both edited each others posts
Mario: I edited his quote. Totally different
Dr Faustus Lives: not in the eyes of an increasingly misinformed public
Mario: the important thing is that my opponent's horrific stance on unequal treatment for the deceased be brought to light
Dr Faustus Lives: well, a lot of people say they're for dead civil rights, but when they get to the voting booth they still tend to vote for the pro-living candidate
Dr Faustus Lives: I admire your idealism, but you wont' get elected with such a progressive platform in this day in age
Dr Faustus Lives: people still fear and shun the dead
Dr Faustus Lives: and don't want to share drinking fountains with them
Mario: well change has to start somewhere
Mario: it may make people uncomfortable, but these issues must be addressed
Dr Faustus Lives: Mr. and Mrs. Middle America disagree!
Mario: it's not surprising, then, that they get bitter, they cling to guns or fire or antipathy to people who aren't alive like them
Dr Faustus Lives: I'm sorry, sir, but I feel ethically bound to release this to the press
By which you mean take your side over Mario's?
I'm not getting in the middle of this dirty campaigning.
Robots?! They're AWESOME! But they have no need of trivial matters like this election, they can live in space!!!! How frickin' awesome is that?!
My fault sir, i should have pressed refresh before posting. I'm still trying to figure out how these inter-tubes-things work.