State Comptroller Debate Thread

edited March 2011 in General
(continued from Smiley Request Thread)
geoko wrote: »
even if i did, it just wouldn't be possible for mario to make it into a smiley!


  • edited August 2008
    geoko wrote: »
    even if i did, it just wouldn't be possible for me to give Mario a $50 gift certificate to Best Buy!

    Yes, but... what if it was???
  • edited August 2008
    hey, you altered that!
  • edited August 2008
    How DARE you accuse me of such treachery! I wouldn't even know how to change a quotation. Does vBulletin even allow for such skullduggery? I sincerely doubt it, but my opponent is always looking for a means to cheat the system. Geoff stands for punching fish, but I have always felt that fish deserve equal rights to all Americans. Vote Mario for State Comptroller. It's a vote for change, not a vote for fish-punching skullduggery.

    My name is Mario, and I approve this message.
  • edited August 2008
    LOOK! he had it all along! see how he deceives us all? My opponent wouldn't have the courage to punch a fish! Even if it was a zombie! Do you want the Zombie Fish to win? If so, take his side by all means. But that's not the orangebelt that I love. And did you notice that mario is of Italian descent? Do you want Italian Zombie Fish Babies going to school with your children, telling them to eat all those pasta carbs and die? No sir, I like my children on an appropriate diet and alive thank you very much.
  • edited August 2008
    This just in! My opponent has edited the messages of others to further his own devious schemes! Do you want a candidate that punches fish and changes the past without time travel? I would only change the past by traveling back in time first, like any decent American. Do you want your state comptrolled by a fish-punching history rewriter? Is that who you want your babies to be kissed by?
  • edited August 2008
    I apologize sir, but there is clear law that dictates that dead people don't get to vote. They don't pay taxes, all they do is consume our valuable brain resources. They are a burden on the system, and you sir, are letting them. But my opinion doesn't matter, what matters is the opinion of decent, hard posting orange-beltians. Do you want your threads being taken away from you by zombi- er... excuse me... the living challenged?

    EDIT: That image has clearly been altered!
  • edited August 2008
    My opponent has made baseless attacks on my stance on the rights of the living-challenged in the past. I would contend that the men who penned the Declaration of Independence, among them Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, great men who fought hard to ensure the freedoms of all Americans, are themselves deceased. If my opponent's proposed laws come to pass, then these great men would be denied their basic rights as Americans, simply because their veins no longer course with blood. I will continue to fight for the rights of all individuals regardless of expiration!

    Candidate Geoff also makes vague claims of zombiism among the fish population he so mercilessly punches. To this I must reply, sir: where are the requisite zombie test results? Without knowing the true nature of the fish's actions, we cannot in good conscience resort to fish-punching! You would have us go into war against fish that may yet have their own minds about them, that may not yet crave to bite into men's brains, that may yet be redeemed from this horrific fate! I simply cannot allow such reckless behavior, and I would hope the voters of this forum feel similarly.

    So I ask you, fellow Americans: would you elect a man with a known track record of punching fish who might not even be zombies, a man who hates dead Americans, a man who changes the record to suit his mood? Or would you rather elect a time-traveling candidate that grants equal rights to all men and fish?

    Ladies and gentlemen, I am that candidate.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm British.
  • edited August 2008
    You're American by extension of being a member of a forum community hosted on an American server.
  • edited August 2008
    Mr. Panighetti is doing two things that I find outrageous. He is attacking me personally with some made up story about time travel, making it about personal lives instead of the issues. Also, he is obviously implying that he intends to raise Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin from the graves and have them join the ranks of the living-challenged! Is that American? No, sir, I don't believe so. I want to honor their memory and allow them to rest in eternal peace, not force them to walk among the ranks of those dirty, decomposing, filthy brain-biters. No, I say we keep Orange Belt a place where the living (not limited to just Americans, our brothers across borders are welcome in my plan, so long as they're living) can go on doing so in peace, not worried about whether or not the people or fish on the other end are going to bite their children at school! This country was founded based on the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not death, oppression, and a lack of emotion!! It was created by the living, for the living! I say we tell these grave-huggers where to go! And for once, folks, I've gotta say not with our fists (yet), but one of the oldest rights reserved for the living in this great forum of ours, the vote. Let's remind these no-pulsers who runs this place!
  • edited August 2008
    I have no idea what's going on???
  • edited August 2008
    Mario, geoko, stop Borking each other right now!
  • edited August 2008
    That's not what that term means! It isn't relevant in the least!
  • edited August 2008
    My opponent has made clear his opinion on the living-impaired: he feels that they are somehow less than other citizens. He feels that the lack of the pulse indicates an inferiority. This is simply despicable. A man should be able to pursue life no matter what his disposition, but most of all when life is what he specifically lacks! What is this pursuit if not all men are entitled to pursue? Mr. Kottmeier would purport that, while all men are created equal, an inequality like early termination of life should make some men less equal than others, that their rights should be separate from those of the living. Another man felt this way once. His name was Jim Crow.
  • edited August 2008
    That statement contains pork!
  • edited August 2008
    So.... about that local sports team.
  • edited August 2008
    I say we all go and get turned into zombies, that way we must all agree on something.
  • edited August 2008

    Mario: this campaign is getting dirty
    Dr Faustus Lives: I like how you both edited each others posts
    Mario: I edited his quote. Totally different
    Dr Faustus Lives: not in the eyes of an increasingly misinformed public
    Mario: the important thing is that my opponent's horrific stance on unequal treatment for the deceased be brought to light
    Dr Faustus Lives: well, a lot of people say they're for dead civil rights, but when they get to the voting booth they still tend to vote for the pro-living candidate
    Dr Faustus Lives: I admire your idealism, but you wont' get elected with such a progressive platform in this day in age
    Dr Faustus Lives: people still fear and shun the dead
    Dr Faustus Lives: and don't want to share drinking fountains with them
    Mario: well change has to start somewhere
    Mario: it may make people uncomfortable, but these issues must be addressed
    Dr Faustus Lives: Mr. and Mrs. Middle America disagree!
    Mario: it's not surprising, then, that they get bitter, they cling to guns or fire or antipathy to people who aren't alive like them
    Dr Faustus Lives: I'm sorry, sir, but I feel ethically bound to release this to the press
    Mario: OH SHIT DON'T
  • edited August 2008
    I'm outraged!
  • edited August 2008
    I'm unsurprised.
  • edited August 2008
    Okay, Geoff, so you're asking me to settle this for you?

    By which you mean take your side over Mario's?

    I'm not getting in the middle of this dirty campaigning.
  • edited August 2008
    That man did not identify himself as a member of the press! Those comments were strictly off the record!
  • edited August 2008
    Besides I'm tired of voting for the lesser evil. Vote mario, if you're your own damn shephard!
  • edited August 2008
    mario wrote: »
    Those comments were strictly off the record!
    Oh, okay, so you only hate freedom off the record. That's much better.
  • edited August 2008
    That conversation lacks proper context! Fish-puncher!
  • edited August 2008
    Candidate geoko: What is your stance on people who've had their personality engrams scanned and placed into robotic bodies after the demise of their original puny carbon-sacks?
  • edited August 2008
    Name calling? My opponent has resorted to name calling? and yes sir, i punch fish. zombie fish. I punch them to protect my country, my people, and my loved ones. and children. This man wants your children to become zombies! what's next, classes will have to be taught in living people's languages and zombie-groans? Why should live children have to learn to speak like the dead people who want to eat their brains?

  • edited August 2008
    Did you just ignore a question of the people?
  • edited August 2008
    Candidate geoko: What is your stance on people who've had their personality engrams scanned and placed into robotic bodies after the demise of their original puny carbon-sacks?

    Robots?! They're AWESOME! But they have no need of trivial matters like this election, they can live in space!!!! How frickin' awesome is that?!
  • edited August 2008
    and to address
    Did you just ignore a question of the people?

    My fault sir, i should have pressed refresh before posting. I'm still trying to figure out how these inter-tubes-things work.