State Comptroller Debate Thread



  • edited August 2008
    Audible gasp! This changes quite a few things!
  • edited August 2008
    Zombies love me for my brains, that's why I'm a big supporter of Mr. Panighetti's platform.
  • edited August 2008
    You've won me over with this dramatic ad, Mr. Panighetti. But I will withhold my vote until I see Mr. Kottmeier's rebuttal.
  • edited August 2008
    well, a "rebuttal" will have to wait, if that's what the people want. I had already written a script and started on a less personal ad focused on the issues.
  • edited August 2008
    geoko wrote: »
    well, a "rebuttal" will have to wait, if that's what the people want. I had already written a script and started on a less personal ad focused on the issues.

    got my vote...
  • edited August 2008
    But where are the slogans?!?
  • edited August 2008
    Mario's stance on the issues is so weak he has to resort to the ol' dirty trik of "experience". Well, mario, if that's your real name, you're not convincing me. I'm voting geoko.
  • edited August 2008
    Batman would not be pleased.
  • edited August 2008
    My opponent's experience is not in question. The disturbing fact of the matter is that Mr. Kottmeier has proven time and again his inability to answer the call to action. When the going gets tough, who do you want sitting at the button? The guy telling "scary" stories? Please.
  • edited August 2008
    Fellow Orange Beltians, do you really want "Never Gonna Give You Up" to become the official anthem of this state? Nay, I say! I say nay!
  • edited August 2008
    I'm going to write in a yet undisclosed third-party candidate!
  • edited August 2008
    Go ahead! Throw away your vote!
  • edited August 2008
    Oh yes, indeed, put mario at that button so that when the going gets tough, he can rickroll it. He got elected before on false promises, guaranteeing you all comics twice weekly. Now look, he posts a new comic bimonthly? I've promised short spurts of large quantities of brew from the start, and by god I've stuck to it! consistency is one thing I have shown, unlike my opponent who just wants to focus on issues of no importance - like my love of robots. I too have deleted spam, even sent mario PMs with the user names of spam bots. If elected, I promise to punch every spam bot in the face!

    Also, how can he accuse me of not being there for the people, after all, I am the :police:
  • edited August 2008
    Geoff, you may love robots, but can you protect them from malicious hackers? Malicious hackers like these!

  • edited August 2008
    oh, if men think they can hack these mofos, they're welcome to try!

    besides, all we have to do is watch for someone walking around in the intertubes that doesn't belong there. and beyond that, the tubes haven't even reached space yet. I think we would notice giant tubes leading up to space.
  • edited August 2008
    Mr. Panighetti, you recently stated in a public speech that you have a plan to, and I quote:
    mario wrote: »
    help rehabilitate our zombie population and make them functioning members of society.
    What would be the steps and details to his plan? You must forgive my skepticism but no previous attempts at such a project have ever produced efficient results.

    Mr. Kottmeier, I must say I do not approve of the apparent fear mongering your campaign is indulging in.
  • edited August 2008
    My comprehensive plan shall be presented in greater detail in due course. I am saddened that the polls were opened before we were both able to outline our plans for the office of state comptroller, but such things are beyond my control.
  • edited August 2008
    Fear mongering is certainly not my campaign's intention, I just want orange beltians to be aware of a very real danger. We should seriously consider some sort of "zombie alert" system that would categorize the current zombie threat level by... oh... i don't know... smell. i'm just thinking out loud here (i like to be very open with the press and people about my ideas)
    Field of flowers - no threat
    air freshener - minimal threat
    stuffy room - a zombie threat exists
    Rest Stop Men's Room - zombies are gaining momentum, containment needed
    Water treatment facility - zombie outbreak, quarantine of some areas may be necessary
  • edited August 2008
    To both candidates: Which one of you would I rather have a beer with, and why?
  • edited August 2008
    To both candidates: Which one of you would I rather have a beer with, and why?

    me, cause mario doesn't drink. and i know a lot of good beers. ^_^
  • edited August 2008
    Me, because I'd be the designated driver. A vote for Kottmeier is a vote for drunken driving escapades!
  • edited August 2008
    It sounds as though I would only actually be having a beer with Geoff, while Mario is simply driving me and an unconscious Geoff back to my seedy motel room where we will "discuss politics." And by "discuss politics," I mean date rape. My vote for Geoko still stands! A vote for Geoko is a vote for Date Rape!
  • edited August 2008
    I am undecided! Candidates: Does Arkansas REALLY have mountains? Or are they slightly oversized hills?
  • edited August 2008
    It sounds as though I would only actually be having a beer with Geoff, while Mario is simply driving me and an unconscious Geoff back to my seedy motel room where we will "discuss politics." And by "discuss politics," I mean date rape. My vote for Geoko still stands! A vote for Geoko is a vote for Date Rape!

    ...And you're pro-date rape?
  • edited August 2008
    I am undecided! Candidates: Does Arkansas REALLY have mountains? Or are they slightly oversized hills?
    Arkansas is just a story people tell to kids to scare them.
  • edited August 2008
    mario wrote: »
    ...And you're pro-date rape?

    I don't think the issues I support should really be any of your concern.
  • edited August 2008
    I am undecided! Candidates: Does Arkansas REALLY have mountains? Or are they slightly oversized hills?

    hmmm... well, at first glance on a topo map it appears they're more like large hills. but... i suppose i'd have to check with an arkansasnian.
  • edited August 2008
    Arkansas is just a story people tell to kids to scare them.
    Seriously, even the name sounds made up. ArKansas? What a joke.
  • edited August 2008
    I can almost see it now...

    Some pirates once landed in Louisiana once long ago looking to do some business in the middle of nowhere and so started heading north to go further inland. They wandered quite a ways but grew weary of being away from the sea. One began to grumble and asked where they were and another jokingly said "Kansas" to which another added "Ar, Kansas". Coincidentally one of them was busilly working on their treasure map at the time and being a little drunk labeled the area "Arkansas". The map later fell into the hands of a local who quickly located the treasure in this "Arkansas". Later in his life he become the governor and renamed the state to "Arkansas" in honor of his good fortune he had found there.

    ...I must be tired. I'm writing rambling little stories again.
  • edited August 2008
    Bah, must every thread on the internet devolve this way? Mario would certainly stop this. Were's Geoff? Thread necromencing no doubt, 'tis not my buddy...
