Takeru, spell check your posts before you submit them. This is a respectable forum and we won't have you running around spelling skillz "skills," even if it is an easy enough mistake.
This one kid at our school did something similar. One of the other guys in his gym class left his locker open, so he decided to take a crap in the guys shoes and then peed all over his football jersey. Then, being the brilliant guy he is, he told everyone that he did it. I'm pretty sure it took all of two hours for him to be officially expelled. Man I hated that guy. I will always remember him for his superhuman stupidity and extreme doucheness.
I think the worst we ever had at my high school was someone lighting a trash can on fire, and then one time a guy tried to strangle another guy over a cheating girlfriend.
Oh, and freshman year this girl I sat next to in English class made a death threat to the entire school in one of the bathrooms, but she was expelled and the threats were empty. Still weird that I talked to her a lot. I mean, I knew she was crazy, but I didn't expect she was THAT crazy.
Once, there was a guy who gathered up a lot of his wrestling buddies' poo, and put it in the locker of this guy he really hated. The victim happened to be black, and the guy got arrested for committing a hate crime.
We had a guy split open another guy's head with a chair in the cafeteria. It was messy. Then, of course, his gang had to get revenge and somehow some of them thought I was connected to one of the guys from the other gang and kept inviting me to a "one on one" fight in the trail across the street from the school.....yeah, call me crazy, but I just didn't see him as a one-on-one kind of fighter. Lucky it got straightened out after a couple of weeks and some other guys got jumped instead.
This one time, our school cafeteria broke out in a huge shit-throwing fight, where everyone defecated in their hand and then flung it at each other (similar to our primate relatives who also fling shit). It was a glorious battle, that lasted for hours before the faculty and staff could calm things down.
Aaaaand, I cant believe I forgot this story. One of the bathrooms at my school was closed because someone kept on shitting in paper towels and throwing them away. It was almost without a doubt the kid from the tanner cat videos that I posted before.
Thats not even a story I made up, is the bad part.
I've never been in a physical fight (at school and not with my younger brother), I've avoided most school drama, and I never got detention or got suspended or expelled or whatever.
We had a boys washroom shut down once for shit being smeared all over the walls. I don't recall if the shit-smearer was ever caught, but boy was everybody ever pissed!
Last year during homecoming week, we had a pep rally and believe it or not, The principal kissed a goat. Everyone started laughing. Recently in gym class, I hid this kid's booksack. The guy used to the same thing to me. Anyway, I ran into the lockeroom and I took the guy's booksack and put it in the toilet. It probably took him a few minutes to realize his booksack was missing. He found it and it had poop smeared on it (cause there was some poop in the toilet when I hid the booksack in there.) No one knows I did it. At least not yet. Everyone started laughing and making fun of him. I couldn't help but laugh either.
I should have never posted that.:( To be honest with you guys, I never smeared shit on that kid's booksack. I didn't even put it in the toilet. I hid it in one of the bathrooms, but the booksack was on the floor. Telling the truth sometimes hurts, but it is better than a lie.
I wish Eric would post his embarrassing stories in here. Man he's got a good one about him getting stuck under a pipe that served as a border to a sandbox. Or the ice cream truck story... his stories are actually really sad, but usually hilarious as well. He says he thinks they're funny too now so it's all good to laugh at a little kid's torture, right?
During spring break, our baseball field was vandalized (among other things). Apparently someone burned a swastika on one of the walls, so now the staff can go after the culprits on charges of hate crimes. That's not even mentioning the massive tagging, the sabotaged intercom system, or the other shit that happened.
Then, about a month ago, someone threw a portable and a couch into the swimming pool. The swim team's practice was halted for two weeks, and I swear that the pool still looked murky when the pool was being refilled.
I know all of you tend to go off topic every now and then, but try to keep on topic. I've decided to let you all talk about any funny stuff that happened to anywhere. It doesn't just have to be school. It can be anywhere and anytime.Post away.:)
Oh yeah, speaking of burning stuff into football fields, one year a couple kids got into our school's football field at night and burned a gigantic A into the field on the 45 yard line. It was really tall, but I'm not sure why it wasn't on the 50. The asymmetry of it bothered the hell out of me, but for all of us in the marching band it made our shows much easier, because it gave us more points of reference.
Oh, and freshman year this girl I sat next to in English class made a death threat to the entire school in one of the bathrooms, but she was expelled and the threats were empty. Still weird that I talked to her a lot. I mean, I knew she was crazy, but I didn't expect she was THAT crazy.
In England we just used to beat each other to a pulp.
In Australia there is mainly chest beating and malicious gossip.
...People died that day.
At school?
Thats not even a story I made up, is the bad part.
I should have never posted that.:( To be honest with you guys, I never smeared shit on that kid's booksack. I didn't even put it in the toilet. I hid it in one of the bathrooms, but the booksack was on the floor. Telling the truth sometimes hurts, but it is better than a lie.
Now, someone say something mildly funny so we can all laugh heartily, have the scene freeze and roll the credits.
Then, about a month ago, someone threw a portable and a couch into the swimming pool. The swim team's practice was halted for two weeks, and I swear that the pool still looked murky when the pool was being refilled.