This one time back at the beginning of sixth grade, I took this kid's sheet and put it in my booksack just for fun. The sheet wasn't anything important or anything.No one and I mean NO ONE caught me do that.
I haven't played my trumpet in three years. My only other option is the didgeridoo, which doesn't fit too well in many musical ensembles. Not to mention I'm pretty new to the instrument.
I pretended to play an alto sax once upon a time. I say pretended because I never really practiced or put much effort into it in general. That was about a decade ago. I don't think I could even remember how to play the notes at all anymore.
A flute, two clarinets, an alto, a tenor, tuba, trumpet, french horn ... and a conductor! I think we're set. Perhaps Apathy and his beard can cover the drums, and Pickle can borrow my brother's trombone.
How does Wednesday evening at the elementary school gymnasium sound?
Have I mentioned that I was once a very accomplished percussionist? I may not be as adept on the set as I once was, but I can certainly accompany any little orchestra you wish. Does anyone have any spare timpani they could lend me?
I've decided that the first song we'll play is Ravel's Bolero, on account of it being freakin' epic. And I mean epic in the true, dictionary sense of the word, not on the "lolz epic winzzz!!!11!!" way.
Fun fact: Nintendo had initially intended to use Bolero as the music during the exposition-text at the beginning of The Legend of Zelda but they couldn't get the rights and so used a re-arranged version of the overworld theme instead.
Like this.
BUT WE CAN! I'll be the director, you be the dudes who play the thingies!
Thus far with limited success.
How does Wednesday evening at the elementary school gymnasium sound?
I knew that I sensed a kindred spirit in you. I am also a former tuba player!
I also used to play the alto/baritone sax for many years, and I'll bet I could polish off the rust from my technique.
1:17 my friend. Watch and be amazed.