Spambots are so lazy these days, it's sad. Before they used to be clever, now they are just kashfaskfasdkfahl. If I'm going to click on spam I'm only going to click on the good stuff from spambots that prove they are interested in me!
But when is "now"? "Now" from the perspective of the spambot author, who was doubtlessly writing that word long before the message arrived in your PM box? "Now" from the perspective of the spambot itself? "Now" from your perspective, reading the title (although you would still not be able to read the actual message until you clicked on it, rendering the title's demand impossible.)
Then again, it didn't specify what you should be reading "now". It's quite possible that, through sheer coincidence you were reading something completely different when the spambot was coded, thus satisfying its condition purely by accident. We may never know the truth.
Lipstick32 and doie48904 have been spamming up a storm lately, with sexyl0angel06 looking like it's going to follow.
Can vBulletin be set up to hold any new user with a number in his/her name for manual approval before granting posting privileges? That would likely cut the spam down quite a bit.
And I still stand by my recommendation to prevent new users from posting messages containing links. That would cut out nearly all the spambots.
I've just went back through the last 30 or so new users and banned all of them for being spambots. I'll try and go back even further, it's just a really cumbersome process to ban several accounts one at a time.
I'm currently online with 4 spambots. We really need to do something about this. On slackerz, we used to have a special security field that said Are you human? and in order register, you had to say yes. It kept away vampires and catpeople, too.
I hate myself
Then again, it didn't specify what you should be reading "now". It's quite possible that, through sheer coincidence you were reading something completely different when the spambot was coded, thus satisfying its condition purely by accident. We may never know the truth.
'Nuff said
Can vBulletin be set up to hold any new user with a number in his/her name for manual approval before granting posting privileges? That would likely cut the spam down quite a bit.
And I still stand by my recommendation to prevent new users from posting messages containing links. That would cut out nearly all the spambots.
send doritos