Dude, I don't know if there's an option to delete all of a spambot's posts, but when I clean up the Slackerz forumz, I usually just go to delete user, and there is an option to delete all of their posts. It's probably a lot different between smf and vbulliten, though.
I still say we should just prevent new users from posting links until they get a few regular posts on their accounts (say, 5.) That'd weed out 90% of the spambots right there.
That sounds crazy enough to try! Most spambots have a URL in their signatures, so let's see what disabling that for the low-class Registered Users group does. Sadly, I can only disable URLs in signatures, not in posts proper (at least not on a per-group basis). Experimentime!
Since so many people have been seeing spambots, I think you should give everybody the power to ban everybody else. That way the first person who sees a spambot can get rid of them.
Hmm... so now we have the next generation of spambots in the Tom Servo thread. This one has a picture and is actually trying to sound like it generally needs help with something. Scary.
Jesus, they tell you about this kind of thing happening back in basic training, but...I just wasn't prepared for this.
This would make a pretty evil April Fools joke.
Jakey: thanks for fighting the good fight!
There is absolutely no way this could go wrong.
It was another one o' them "Interests = Username" types.
Edit: ACK!!! They're posting new treads now! THE HORROR!!!