


  • edited August 2008
    pffffff... i ate chicken wrapped in bacon for breakfast. (in brazil.)

    also, i highly recommend bacon wrapped shrimp - you'll have to ask bevin for the recipe.
  • edited August 2008
    I still haven't tried shrimp... I dunno why, it's everywhere I go. Everybody else just seems to enjoy it so much that I'd feel bad taking a piece away from them if it turned out I didn't like it.
  • edited August 2008
    hlavco wrote: »
    I still haven't tried shrimp... I dunno why, it's everywhere I go. Everybody else just seems to enjoy it so much that I'd feel bad taking a piece away from them if it turned out I didn't like it.

    wait... you've never had any kind of shrimp... ever???

    oh yur comin' over. i'll make my beer battered shrimp and bevin will make her bacon wrapped shrimp and we'll all weep as we enjoy their tasty goodness.
  • edited August 2008
    I dunno... 3000 miles seems like a long way to go for shrimp.
  • godgod
    edited August 2008
    I dont usually like shrimp, but theres a good hibachi place near my house that gives you a couple of pieces while they cook the food, and thats good.

    Also, bacon wrapped crab.
  • edited August 2008
    Bacon wrapped crab and shrimp both sound amazing.
  • edited August 2008
    I can't decide what to have for lunch.

    A. Crappy cafeteria food. Two dishes and a big ass plate of rice. Easy and quick. But not very good.
    B. Big plate of dumplings. But I have to walk in the hot hot sun to get it. Delicious.
    C. McDonalds. Easy, but pricier, and I feel like a stereotype.
    D. Baked juicy dumplings. Incredibly delicious, but they require a full 20 minute walk in the burning sun to get there.
  • edited August 2008
    I vote for B. Or C. Who gives a shit about stereotypes? Those Chicken McNuggets are delicious.
  • edited August 2008
    I vote B or D, I personally don't like McDonald's and Dumplings sound good :)
  • edited August 2008
    Eh. I went with A, because I had some money left on my meal card, and it's our last day eating there, since our office is relocating this weekend.

    It wasn't very good, but I had to use up the money.
  • edited August 2008
    You should have gone with D. Good food always trumps hot weather.
  • edited August 2008
    It's like a hundred degrees here. I did a cost-benefit analysis on deliciousness of food and pain of summer, and I found that the cafeteria was close enough to set a higher ratio of cost/benefit than the farther away delicious dumpling restaurant.
  • edited August 2008
    What the humidity like where your at?
  • edited August 2008
    Terrible. There's a big lake in the city to make sure that the air is always oversaturated with water.
  • edited August 2008
    An important topic here guys. I turn 21 in 8 days and I want to celebrate correctly. When it comes to alcohol, I really have no idea what's good or what I might like; so I'm asking for your expert opinions. I've only ever tried Jose Cuervo, Smirnoff, and a some light beers that tasted like seltzer water. The tequila wasn't bad but the vodka tasted too much like nail polish remover.

    So, any recommendations for liquors or mixed drinks to try?
  • edited August 2008
    I really like screwdrivers myself (orange juice and vodka). I love orange juice, and it masks the burning taste of vodka pretty well, so you can get some cheap stuff if you need to.

    But BE CAREFUL. They can be very strong. If you have very little drinking experience, one will probably do it for you.
  • edited August 2008
    I guess it depends on how you're gonna be celebrating. Tequila shots are freaking fun to drink, especially once you get to the 5th or 6th one. The 8th not so much.

    I am personally fond of vodka tonic, that is vodka with tonic water and a little tiny bit of lemon or orange juice. Also very good, even though more expensive, is whisky. Ah, good ole whisky.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm more of a sweet drink type of person. I'm not sure if you'll be drinking at a bar or at someone's house, but one of my favorite drinks is milk, butterscotch schnapps, and amaretto liqueur. It's a very warm-tasting drink, though I don't know if you could get one at a bar or not. Kahlua and milk is also a good sweet combination.

    As far as watery bases go, you can't go wrong with Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum and Coke. Simple and effective.
  • edited August 2008
    Bailey's :)
  • edited August 2008
    Mojito is good
    Vodka with Cranberry (Personal favourite)
    Apple Sours
    Mudshakes (Milkshake with vodka in it)
    Pirate vomit (Personal recipe. Lemonade + Piña Colada. It curdles. Drink it quick.)
    U-Boot (50/50 Vodka+Beer)
    Gin and Tonic
    Coors Light is nice too
    Vodka Red Bull
    Oh, and Andrew is right. Captain Morgan's Rum + Coke is lovely.

    Oh, and I forgot to post this yesterday, but for lunch, I had this:

    Eggy in the basket!
  • edited August 2008
    What will the venue be for this celebration? If you're going to a bar then I would suggest you avoid the milk and orange juice featured cocktails, because God knows how long the bar's stock of those has been sitting around. Unless you know the place and feel confident in their abilities.
  • edited August 2008
    My knowledge of alcohol sucks too... 2 nights ago I got drunk for the first time in my life, my friend works at a bar and he made this margarita to fill a regular restaurant soda glass, and he said he put extra Patron in it cuz he likes to taste the alcohol. Tasted good, but whew, for a first time ever drinking it was a lot. I got lucky he's actually pretty knowledgeable about making drinks; not only was it expensive booze for free, but I got someone who knew the difference between the drinks, haha.

    I also had 2 shots of a cherry cheesecake drink... that was really tasty! Couldn't taste the alcohol (then again that might be because I could still taste the margarita), but it was super sweet. Kind of like a milkshake, cept not as cold.

    I guess the best way to go is try to find a friend who has some knowledge about alcohol, and get them to figure out what drinks would be good (as far as mixing and all that). You can find recipes online, and if you don't have any friends so corrupted to know everything about drinking (probably better for you, haha), then just have fun experimenting! You'll have to tell us how your birthday goes :)
  • edited August 2008
    Night Lord wrote:

    Aw yeah.
  • edited August 2008
    Drink whiskey.
    It's good for you.
    Also, bourbon.
    And scotch.

    If you're feeling freaky, sake.
  • edited August 2008
    Blue Moon beer is also a favorite of mine. Drop an orange slice in there, and it's just delicious. But for many, myself included, beer is an acquired taste. So I don't know if you'll like it right away.

    And Bruce, I saw that food in V for Vendetta. I learned everything I need to know about English culture from that movie.
  • edited August 2008
    Serephel wrote: »
    And Bruce, I saw that food in V for Vendetta. I learned everything I need to know about English culture from that movie.

    We're not all fascists and anarchists :(
  • edited August 2008
    I just tried a U-boat, Bruce.

    Very interesting. Not the best tasting (I was using kinda crappy beer, unfortunately, but man, it hit me pretty hard. That's a good drink if you want to get drunk. I might have to imbibe another so I can legally post in the Love thread tonight.
  • edited August 2008
    Night Lord wrote: »
    We're not all fascists and anarchists :(

    I found it really ironic that they called America godless though.
  • edited August 2008
    I just tried a U-boat, Bruce.

    Very interesting. Not the best tasting (I was using kinda crappy beer, unfortunately, but man, it hit me pretty hard. That's a good drink if you want to get drunk. I might have to imbibe another so I can legally post in the Love thread tonight.

    Oh, that's the whole point. The website I found it on even said the only reason for making this is to get very, very drunk in a short space of time.
  • edited August 2008
    Thanks for all the tips guys. I think on my birthday I'll just be going out to a nice-ish restaurant and get a cocktail but I'd like to go to a bar or buy my own stuff for the weekend. I love orange juice so I think I'll try a screwdriver. Is it equal parts vodka to OJ? I'm a scientist I like to be precise.