I haven't had any dreams that I can remember lately... so I'll tell one amusing one a had about 6 months ago. I can remember most of it I think! I was hangingout at a mall somewhere, and i see my mom and she tells me "Hey, we have to leave right away, there's a monster attacking Dallas and we have to go to the school to find shelter!" and she was really freaked out. I was like "Oh, okay..." so we were driving along the highway, and I look out and theres a huge dragon breathing fire accross the town. After barely missing some flames (I think we actually drove through them), we arrived at this huge school, and I saw a lot of people I knew there (mostly my age). My friend's mom saw me in the dream, and asked me for some help unloading some kids out of a school bus on the other side of the school. This kinda ties into real life, since she's gotten me to do some community service suff and help out kids with disabilities before... but anyway, in my dream I was kind of disappointed since I wanted to see my boyfriend Kevin (who is a friend in real life, but not my boyfriend...) and so I followed my friend's mom to the other side of the school. I was making sure everyone got out soon, because there was a tornado coming (disasters can switch that fast in my dreams!), and there was only one kid left in the back of the bus and he needed help getting out of his seat because he couldn't function very well. I walked over to him, and then he grabbed me and sort of groped me, and then the next thing I know I was making out with him. THEN in my dream, my boyfriend in REAL life saw me and he was really sad that I was cheating on him, adn then I was really confused about the whole situation.
Whenever I'm confused in a dream, I wake up... and so I woke up and started laughing. I love having dreams like that!
I had a dream last night that skulltulla's came out of the corner of my wall, and started crawling on my bed. The wrapped me up in this web that tasted like peppermints and my sister came in and started training them with whips and made me watch her direct them while she sang an opera horribly off key.
I spent last night crawling through narrow gaps in a cave that started from a crevice in someone's backyard. I was accompanied by a little girl with crazy special powers that were never fully defined who hid in the cave to escape her mildly abusive (just an angry drunk) who never actually showed up in the dream and wasn't talked about, but I seemed to know about him anyway. In fact I was hiding in the cave with the little girl and her younger brother who had no powers and was just sort of there. There were little cubes cut out of the stone in parts of the cave to form little rooms. These were carved out via the girl's powers. Also, the backyard was kind of a pit, like a gravel pit only it was still grassy and there were some trees that were tall and straight and thick, but with few branches and leaves standing in front of the crevice when looking out from the house. It was really a pretty odd backyard is all I'm saying.
I had a dream the other night that I woke up without my alarm going off and, according to my clock radio, I'd overslept and would be late for work. However, my watch was showing a different time, indicating that I'd be on time for work if I hurried. I then got up and started running around the house checking all the various clocks I could find, all of which showed different times so I had no idea whether I was late for work or not. Then I woke up.
You know, those type of dreams alway remind me of that depressing quote from Waking Life - "It's bad enough that you sell your waking life for minimum wage, but now they get your dreams for free."
I think most of you people are making crap up, and its a little annoying because I'm sure that if you people (clarification: those of you who actually are just making up crap, and not the 3 or 4 who aren't) recorded any of your actual dreams, they'd be far more entertaining than this videogame-o-philic cliched garbage you're spewing out (auto-reclarification: only applies to those of you who are full of shit, and you people know who you are.)
Anyway, a dream I had a few nights ago...
I was somehow involved with the members of Reno 911. Well, about half of the familiar cast, anyway. I know Jones and Tingle were in there, and maybe a couple of other regular members... but at least 3 of them were random faces of actors whose names I cannot remember. Long story short, we're all screwing around, Reno 911 style, and somehow a bullet catches me in the right upper canine tooth, which subsequently comes loose.... and then gets pulled from my mouth by myself, who simply cannot stand to have the loose tooth wiggling around in my mouth.
I dont remember a terrible lot else, except that I guess we were in primarily in an indoor public swimming pool house, as I remember the pale blue painting on cinderblock, and reflective shimmering light on the walls.
BONUS: I haven't even seen Reno 911 in like 6 months.
I love how much video games and television shows invade our imagination while we sleep. I remember once having a dream I was playing Zelda, and I was playing through the Shadow Temple over again after I had beaten the game. I beat some sort of mini-boss, and went into a treasure room that I knew (in my dream) that I had received that Silver Gauntlets in the first run-through of the game. The chest that I had opened was there again though, so I opened it and the special BA DA DA DAAAAA music sounded, and a dialogue box came up saying "You got the silver gauntlet... again! Upon receiving this item again, the silver and gold gauntlets fuse together, forming the Platinum gauntlets!"
And I got confused (from the awesomeness) and woke up. I made a note to myself to stop playing Zelda so much...
So I was walking down a hallway, like the ones you see in schools, and my friend Megan walked up and started singing songs from Wicked while wearing vampire fangs and cat ears. Then My other friend LaDarrius grabbed me from behind in a wedding style hold, and proposed to me. I said no and ran outside where Panic! At the Disco were playing a concert, and this guy was stripping in the middle of a mosh pit. Then I was woken up by my alarm clock.
Last night I had a dream that I apparently lade some tile for Mr.小寺 when I was in Japan. But I was back for a visit and he told me that he didn't like it.
I dreamt that I was driving my truck from the back seat somehow (even though my truck doesn't even have back seats) and Jeff Foxworthy was in the front adjusting the radio. Somehow he got it to display TV shows...
Then I found my cousins and we went into this super dark forest that was in somebody's back yard. It was literally pitch black... I had no idea where I was, but one of my cousins kept annoucing letters and numbers as if navigating this darkness in an acre system like Animal Crossing or something. Then he was like "D-5: Bathroom." And in the middle of the pitch blackness appeared a doorway that led to a perfectly well-lit public restroom.
My uncle found out we were in the forest and we got in trouble. For some reason we had been on some sort of quest to find these little star things, and one of them had been in the forest. After we got out and were scolded, I realized that we had forgotten to grab the star, so I took my dog and we headed back to the forest even though I had no idea how to navigate it at all.
Last night I had two separate, but related, dreams.
The first involved me going to a movie theater. I was at the theater and the previews were rolling, when all of a sudden this propaganda movie reminiscent of World War II showed up. And there was Bush, going on his spiel. This propaganda movie pissed me off for two reasons. First, Bush kept talking about how our "Christian state" and "God that" and all this religious stuff, and it pissed me off that he ignored all the non-Christians in the country. This kinda goes on in real life anyway, but *shrug*. The second thing that pissed me off was that he was trying to get everyone pissed at Russia. Why? I don't know, but he kept referring to it as a villainous state and how everyone in it was corrupt and evil. I got very angry, because, so I thought, you can't stereotype an entire nation! Most of its citizens are just normal people living day to day! What a jerk trying to inflame us to hatred of a whole people.
Dream shift.
I'm now observing this totalitarian dystopia, and it's a strange one. The people in this state range from human to quite strange mutants, like wrinkled skin, shrunken, featureless eyeballs, and jawless, round mouths with either machinery or rats coming out of it.
In this society, when you did something wrong (and the list of potential crimes was numerous) you would be punished horribly, like used for genetic experimentation and shit like that. But, every citizen had this coupon book, and within were various things you could have in lieu of punishment. There were a lot, but the only one I looked at was one called "Reasonable Doubt." The picture for this coupon was this nervous looking pig-human thing, and behind it you could see this shadowy figure watching him.
The effect of this coupon was that the charges would be dropped, but you would be watched for a while. The things that watched you were called Sykers, and they looked like the crazy jawless mutant described above. Now, this really sucked, because if a Syker caught you breaking the law, he would do terrible things to you, you basically wished you died, but you couldn't. I think it involves eating and torture and fun stuff like that. But this also sucked because everyone you saw on a daily basis would know you were under 'reasonable doubt', and they would be pissed, because this Syker would watch not only you, but everyone else around you. So wherever you went while under this coupon, you would have this Syker with you, watching you and everyone else. So you get paranoia and fear and social ostracism. It still sucks, but it's better than the usual punishments.
That's when I woke up. Weird, huh? I think this stems from Beyond Good & Evil, which I finished about a week ago.
I guess I'm the only one here having strange dreams. Oh well, here's another one. I really like this one, and I'm considering sprucing it up a bit and turning it into a story. Here goes.
Two of my coworkers (two middle aged women, at that) and I have somehow come to enter an alternate reality. This alternate reality looks almost exactly like our world, except it's tinted one specific color. This tint comes largely from the sun, which at first glowed a pale neon green. Also, the world is completely static. Nothing moves or changes, and its inhabitants are locked in a sort of incomplete physiological stasis. You can move and think and speak and all that, but you don't eat or create waste or breathe or get old. You just exist.
Soon after, me and my two co-workers and some nameless others meet Lucifer/Satan. It is Lucifer who made this realm to escape from God's tyrannical rule. It is for this reason that he has been branded the ultimate enemy, and he explains that since history is written by the victor, he has been painted in Christian mythology as the greatest enemy of mankind.
In reality, God is actually somewhat childish and selfish. The real reason it (God is neuter) hates Lucifer is because he fled from God's presence, which really pissed God off. Lucifer was actually created to be a sort of playmate and companion to God, but Lucifer couldn't stand God's childish nature.
So here we are, stuck in this static realm with no way out. The realm is imperfect because it was created by Lucifer, who, while having a great deal of power, doesn't have the power of creation that God does. But it's home to him, and he likes it there.
So we start hopping between the realms he's created, and Lucifer joins us. Apparently he created infinite realms, but they are all basically the same, a static mirror of our world, except the tint is different every time. One time it was a pale neon orange, one time a pale neon purple, etc.
Eventually we come upon this house, and there are these frozen people inside. Not like us, they are in stasis like everything else. For some reason the dream focused on the food in their refrigerator, and I got the impression that this food would never rot at all. It would just never be used.
Outside that house, I tell my companions that I would like to find a way out of the realm and return to our home world. My two co-workers start freaking out and go into this murderous rage. I don't know why, maybe they got pissed because I wanted to leave. So they start attacking each other, stabbing with random objects and such. It's really bloody.
The dream then fast forwards and turns into a voiceover narrative. The scene is me and the other nameless companions walking through a wasted city. It's another one of Lucifer's realms. We're all wearing post-apocalyptic gear. The sense I get is that we've been traveling for a long time, trying to find a way out, but we keep entering new nearly-identical worlds. And for some reason, we occasionally come near my two co-workers, but we never actually meet. My group is just aware of their presence. They're still insane, and Lucifer is with them, sane, but perhaps observing.
The voice-over says something like, "On some occasions, we hear them screaming their rage to the skies, the rain, whatever will listen.." It trails off there, but the impression I got is that other times we hear or see them doing other things. But we never meet. It's just this cycle.
Then, right after hearing them, a cat pops its head out of the window. The sense is that it is my cat that I got just two weeks ago, Nox, but she's an orange tabby, which is strange, because Nox is actually black. Anyway, this cat meows, and though the sound is only a meow, this cat is speaking volumes about it's loneliness and despair at the unchanging, cyclical nature of existence on these planes. The voice-over says something like, "even though it was only a simple sound, it was filled to the brim with subtle nuances, like it was speaking through more than sound." I don't know what this cat was, but it was definitely more conscious than normal cats.
And that's where it ended. I'm thinking of turning this into a story, tweaking some details, and making the purpose of the story an alternate exploration of the truth behind the feud between God and Satan/Lucifer. That has always interested me, thinking that perhaps Lucifer was a righteous rebel, fighting against a tyrant. But who knows if I'll actually get around to it.
Sounds like a neat story! I wonder if the best of fantasy stories had at least some basis as a dream the author once had. I was having a few nightmares the other week, which is weird for me since I don't usually have many dreams. I think it had to do with stress, but if not, I'm gonna think that anyway just because it's an easy explanation.
I haven't had a bad dream (at least not bad enough for me to wake up from) in a while now though, so I'm good.
Those would be pretty interetsing dreams. I sometimes wish I had more dreams like that. Although, the one experience I had with Satan/Lucifer being in a dream of mine was less amusing. He kinda yelled at me for laughing at him. I felt kinda bad.
Okay, so parts are missing, but this is the weirdest dream I've had in a while.
Alright, so I was at my Dad's and his girlsfriend's house, and I was staying in this room that they were going to have to move her paraplegic grandma into, she had five-ish. The entire house was different too, and they had some high tech toilet.
Then I was at school, and me and some people were sitting in a hallway where we usually sit in the morning, only the opposite wall was replaced by a giant room with only three walls. On the far side of the room, some people were throwing these crude throwing axes at us (mostly me), but since the room was so long, we could dodge. I was also discussing some anime movie with a friend of mine who usually isn't there in the mornings, and usually doesn't like anime outside of Initial D. So, were dodging axes, and trying to throw them back, and teachers keep walking by, but they never caught the other people, even though they knew they were doing it.
I then had to travel back in time. It was when I was five, but I don't remember if I actually became five, or my five year old self was off running around somewhere. I had some kind of mission to infiltrate this class for genius five year olds, or maybe regular ones, I don't know. So, I got into the class, and was surrounded by five year old versions of all these people I know. And the five year old version of this emo kid at my school, who wasn't emo at the time, was some super genius. Then I drank a potion that sent me back to the present.
Now I was in the same classroom in my schools basement (which is used for classes), with all the people in my electronics class, along with other people. We were allowed to participate in some special classes, so were sent off to go choose which one. We went out into the basement hallway, which now had canals and bridges, and eventually got to the part where the classses were. One was a chemistry class, but there was this really weird part about it that I can't remember. The second dealt with what to do in sushi related accidents, I didn't look at the third at first, but later learned it was a class on enjoying high quality fish. I don't even remember what the fourth was, but it wasn't something I was interested in. I went back to the third class, and discovered that it had one kid sitting in there in the dark without a teacher. So I go in, along with two other people, and we all shout "Baby Legs!", which was his nickname. I then woke up.
I had a dream recently, but all I remember is that it had specific people I know in it. That almost never happens, it's always just some random person.
Also, has anyone noticed that when you have parts of dreams that are completely unrelated, you find some way of joining them together until the dream starts to make sense?
Okay... in this dream, I kept switching between being an old priest and a random woman who is friends with the priest. Either way, I'm trying to solve why all these semi-rich young women end up dead in various places. They're all dressed for marriage in their countries, but the thing that's more or less connecting them is this strange purple necklace.
So the priest decides to travel to where the latest death occurred because this girl's people thought that they would send us the body. Okay, so, in the meantime, there's this prostitute hanging out in the market, and the priest decides to save her poor, stupid soul. Problem is, she's very intelligent. Eventually, she ends up convincing the priest to let her tag along with us to the dead girl's country.
When we finally get there, the whore manages to get the priest to have sex with her. Thankfully, I was in the random friend's body, not the priest's, at the time. Then I woke up.
Last night I dreamt I was trying to drive my truck around the campus, but the stickshift kept not working, and the e-brake would only slow me down, not stop the truck. So the thing was slowly reversing through a crowded parking lot and I was trying to steer around all the parked and moving cars. I managed not to crash! Also, my cat was there for some reason.
I've noticed that whenever my truck shows up in my dreams it has a back seat, even though it's supposed to be a two-seater.
Before the whole truck-malfunctioning thing, I was with some friends, family members, and our dog inside one of the buildings celebrating some made-up holiday that seemed loosely related to Christmas and New Year's, rolled up into one and celebrated at the end of January. At one point everybody hid under the tables while a guy dressed as Santa Claus came in and left us presents. Weird.
Whenever I'm confused in a dream, I wake up... and so I woke up and started laughing. I love having dreams like that!
I got to work on time that day.
Anyway, a dream I had a few nights ago...
I was somehow involved with the members of Reno 911. Well, about half of the familiar cast, anyway. I know Jones and Tingle were in there, and maybe a couple of other regular members... but at least 3 of them were random faces of actors whose names I cannot remember. Long story short, we're all screwing around, Reno 911 style, and somehow a bullet catches me in the right upper canine tooth, which subsequently comes loose.... and then gets pulled from my mouth by myself, who simply cannot stand to have the loose tooth wiggling around in my mouth.
I dont remember a terrible lot else, except that I guess we were in primarily in an indoor public swimming pool house, as I remember the pale blue painting on cinderblock, and reflective shimmering light on the walls.
BONUS: I haven't even seen Reno 911 in like 6 months.
And I got confused (from the awesomeness) and woke up. I made a note to myself to stop playing Zelda so much...
So I was walking down a hallway, like the ones you see in schools, and my friend Megan walked up and started singing songs from Wicked while wearing vampire fangs and cat ears. Then My other friend LaDarrius grabbed me from behind in a wedding style hold, and proposed to me. I said no and ran outside where Panic! At the Disco were playing a concert, and this guy was stripping in the middle of a mosh pit. Then I was woken up by my alarm clock.
*Falls over like penguin*
EDIT: In response to your undername thing, Illithid: Omnia mihi lingua graeca sunt.
Then I found my cousins and we went into this super dark forest that was in somebody's back yard. It was literally pitch black... I had no idea where I was, but one of my cousins kept annoucing letters and numbers as if navigating this darkness in an acre system like Animal Crossing or something. Then he was like "D-5: Bathroom." And in the middle of the pitch blackness appeared a doorway that led to a perfectly well-lit public restroom.
My uncle found out we were in the forest and we got in trouble. For some reason we had been on some sort of quest to find these little star things, and one of them had been in the forest. After we got out and were scolded, I realized that we had forgotten to grab the star, so I took my dog and we headed back to the forest even though I had no idea how to navigate it at all.
The first involved me going to a movie theater. I was at the theater and the previews were rolling, when all of a sudden this propaganda movie reminiscent of World War II showed up. And there was Bush, going on his spiel. This propaganda movie pissed me off for two reasons. First, Bush kept talking about how our "Christian state" and "God that" and all this religious stuff, and it pissed me off that he ignored all the non-Christians in the country. This kinda goes on in real life anyway, but *shrug*. The second thing that pissed me off was that he was trying to get everyone pissed at Russia. Why? I don't know, but he kept referring to it as a villainous state and how everyone in it was corrupt and evil. I got very angry, because, so I thought, you can't stereotype an entire nation! Most of its citizens are just normal people living day to day! What a jerk trying to inflame us to hatred of a whole people.
Dream shift.
I'm now observing this totalitarian dystopia, and it's a strange one. The people in this state range from human to quite strange mutants, like wrinkled skin, shrunken, featureless eyeballs, and jawless, round mouths with either machinery or rats coming out of it.
In this society, when you did something wrong (and the list of potential crimes was numerous) you would be punished horribly, like used for genetic experimentation and shit like that. But, every citizen had this coupon book, and within were various things you could have in lieu of punishment. There were a lot, but the only one I looked at was one called "Reasonable Doubt." The picture for this coupon was this nervous looking pig-human thing, and behind it you could see this shadowy figure watching him.
The effect of this coupon was that the charges would be dropped, but you would be watched for a while. The things that watched you were called Sykers, and they looked like the crazy jawless mutant described above. Now, this really sucked, because if a Syker caught you breaking the law, he would do terrible things to you, you basically wished you died, but you couldn't. I think it involves eating and torture and fun stuff like that. But this also sucked because everyone you saw on a daily basis would know you were under 'reasonable doubt', and they would be pissed, because this Syker would watch not only you, but everyone else around you. So wherever you went while under this coupon, you would have this Syker with you, watching you and everyone else. So you get paranoia and fear and social ostracism. It still sucks, but it's better than the usual punishments.
That's when I woke up. Weird, huh? I think this stems from Beyond Good & Evil, which I finished about a week ago.
Two of my coworkers (two middle aged women, at that) and I have somehow come to enter an alternate reality. This alternate reality looks almost exactly like our world, except it's tinted one specific color. This tint comes largely from the sun, which at first glowed a pale neon green. Also, the world is completely static. Nothing moves or changes, and its inhabitants are locked in a sort of incomplete physiological stasis. You can move and think and speak and all that, but you don't eat or create waste or breathe or get old. You just exist.
Soon after, me and my two co-workers and some nameless others meet Lucifer/Satan. It is Lucifer who made this realm to escape from God's tyrannical rule. It is for this reason that he has been branded the ultimate enemy, and he explains that since history is written by the victor, he has been painted in Christian mythology as the greatest enemy of mankind.
In reality, God is actually somewhat childish and selfish. The real reason it (God is neuter) hates Lucifer is because he fled from God's presence, which really pissed God off. Lucifer was actually created to be a sort of playmate and companion to God, but Lucifer couldn't stand God's childish nature.
So here we are, stuck in this static realm with no way out. The realm is imperfect because it was created by Lucifer, who, while having a great deal of power, doesn't have the power of creation that God does. But it's home to him, and he likes it there.
So we start hopping between the realms he's created, and Lucifer joins us. Apparently he created infinite realms, but they are all basically the same, a static mirror of our world, except the tint is different every time. One time it was a pale neon orange, one time a pale neon purple, etc.
Eventually we come upon this house, and there are these frozen people inside. Not like us, they are in stasis like everything else. For some reason the dream focused on the food in their refrigerator, and I got the impression that this food would never rot at all. It would just never be used.
Outside that house, I tell my companions that I would like to find a way out of the realm and return to our home world. My two co-workers start freaking out and go into this murderous rage. I don't know why, maybe they got pissed because I wanted to leave. So they start attacking each other, stabbing with random objects and such. It's really bloody.
The dream then fast forwards and turns into a voiceover narrative. The scene is me and the other nameless companions walking through a wasted city. It's another one of Lucifer's realms. We're all wearing post-apocalyptic gear. The sense I get is that we've been traveling for a long time, trying to find a way out, but we keep entering new nearly-identical worlds. And for some reason, we occasionally come near my two co-workers, but we never actually meet. My group is just aware of their presence. They're still insane, and Lucifer is with them, sane, but perhaps observing.
The voice-over says something like, "On some occasions, we hear them screaming their rage to the skies, the rain, whatever will listen.." It trails off there, but the impression I got is that other times we hear or see them doing other things. But we never meet. It's just this cycle.
Then, right after hearing them, a cat pops its head out of the window. The sense is that it is my cat that I got just two weeks ago, Nox, but she's an orange tabby, which is strange, because Nox is actually black. Anyway, this cat meows, and though the sound is only a meow, this cat is speaking volumes about it's loneliness and despair at the unchanging, cyclical nature of existence on these planes. The voice-over says something like, "even though it was only a simple sound, it was filled to the brim with subtle nuances, like it was speaking through more than sound." I don't know what this cat was, but it was definitely more conscious than normal cats.
And that's where it ended. I'm thinking of turning this into a story, tweaking some details, and making the purpose of the story an alternate exploration of the truth behind the feud between God and Satan/Lucifer. That has always interested me, thinking that perhaps Lucifer was a righteous rebel, fighting against a tyrant. But who knows if I'll actually get around to it.
I haven't had a bad dream (at least not bad enough for me to wake up from) in a while now though, so I'm good.
I was about to get eaten by a fish when I woke up.
Alright, so I was at my Dad's and his girlsfriend's house, and I was staying in this room that they were going to have to move her paraplegic grandma into, she had five-ish. The entire house was different too, and they had some high tech toilet.
Then I was at school, and me and some people were sitting in a hallway where we usually sit in the morning, only the opposite wall was replaced by a giant room with only three walls. On the far side of the room, some people were throwing these crude throwing axes at us (mostly me), but since the room was so long, we could dodge. I was also discussing some anime movie with a friend of mine who usually isn't there in the mornings, and usually doesn't like anime outside of Initial D. So, were dodging axes, and trying to throw them back, and teachers keep walking by, but they never caught the other people, even though they knew they were doing it.
I then had to travel back in time. It was when I was five, but I don't remember if I actually became five, or my five year old self was off running around somewhere. I had some kind of mission to infiltrate this class for genius five year olds, or maybe regular ones, I don't know. So, I got into the class, and was surrounded by five year old versions of all these people I know. And the five year old version of this emo kid at my school, who wasn't emo at the time, was some super genius. Then I drank a potion that sent me back to the present.
Now I was in the same classroom in my schools basement (which is used for classes), with all the people in my electronics class, along with other people. We were allowed to participate in some special classes, so were sent off to go choose which one. We went out into the basement hallway, which now had canals and bridges, and eventually got to the part where the classses were. One was a chemistry class, but there was this really weird part about it that I can't remember. The second dealt with what to do in sushi related accidents, I didn't look at the third at first, but later learned it was a class on enjoying high quality fish. I don't even remember what the fourth was, but it wasn't something I was interested in. I went back to the third class, and discovered that it had one kid sitting in there in the dark without a teacher. So I go in, along with two other people, and we all shout "Baby Legs!", which was his nickname. I then woke up.
Also, has anyone noticed that when you have parts of dreams that are completely unrelated, you find some way of joining them together until the dream starts to make sense?
So the priest decides to travel to where the latest death occurred because this girl's people thought that they would send us the body. Okay, so, in the meantime, there's this prostitute hanging out in the market, and the priest decides to save her poor, stupid soul. Problem is, she's very intelligent. Eventually, she ends up convincing the priest to let her tag along with us to the dead girl's country.
When we finally get there, the whore manages to get the priest to have sex with her. Thankfully, I was in the random friend's body, not the priest's, at the time. Then I woke up.
I've noticed that whenever my truck shows up in my dreams it has a back seat, even though it's supposed to be a two-seater.
Before the whole truck-malfunctioning thing, I was with some friends, family members, and our dog inside one of the buildings celebrating some made-up holiday that seemed loosely related to Christmas and New Year's, rolled up into one and celebrated at the end of January. At one point everybody hid under the tables while a guy dressed as Santa Claus came in and left us presents. Weird.