You know how every once in a while you get a small glob of earwax that just falls out? Well last night I had this dream where my head was forcing all of this wax out of my ears, but it wouldn't come out. I could feel it boiling inside my ear drums as some unknown force inside my head tried to force it out. I was writhing in pain and foaming at the mouth as this excruciating pressure and boiling pain continued to accelerate inside my ears.
It was a little disturbing, and I have no idea what provoked it.
I had a weird dream last night about you guys. A load of belters had just arrived in China (I can't remember which ones specifically, tbh) and were heading across the airport when we saw Ryan who was a street vendor selling small multicoloured Tauren keychains. I then went outside alone and a tramp starting smacking me on the head with a Dipstick.
I was a scientist or something? Working on a tiny long range nuclear missle. I has at some sort of work station looking out a window overlooking some sort of pad sticking out the side of the building I was in. This was where the missle was kept and I was talking with a guy and was supposed to launch the missle (some target far far away). There were people sitting on the damn pad for some reason preventing me from launching the missle and I was trying to get them to go away. I forget how, but I was. I did eventually get the missile launched. The pad opened up and what looked like a tiny model rocket shot up into the sky, but quickly veered to the side back downward into a pasture that was right by the building I was in. As I was facing visions of a massive fiery explosion, the rocket came down into a pile of snow just on the other side of a wire fence where it was stuck, still thrusting. I burst out of the building in a panic rushing to the missile so I could flip it back up and let it fly back into the sky. I ran for it but once I got out to the field amongst the trees I lost track of where I was and where the missile was. I think I went past where it was, but I didn't find it. I started looking everywhere and eventually ended up out on a street. I was suddenly walking down a sidewalk of a city street. I don't know why. I walked into a random building, again for no apparent reason.
It was some kind of fancy resturant. In the dream I identified it as some sort of authentic Japanese place, though it is doubtful it much resembled such a place. Either way I was still concerned about this missile crisis of mine and didn't have time for whatever this was so I turned around intending to head back out, but then a bunch of people there started yelling at me.
Crap. I remember this now. I've seen this place before. This is not the first dream with it. My memories of it are hazy, but I KNOW I've been here before. Something about it? They did not respond well to walking in the door, looking around and just walking out again. It was apparently extremely disrespectful. Naturally I couldn't leave, so I kept turning, pulling a 360 and walked right back into the place fully. It was a fairly large building, dimly lit and perhaps a bit rustic and old fashioned, but in a very foreign sort of way. A look at the food that was being carted around was frightful, however. Large squid, some sort of little pig thing, and all manner of other creatures I couldn't identify sitting on plates and platters cooked up in odd sauces mostly whole. The portions were massive. It was horrible. Yes, I remember this part too. The last time I was here it was a bit of a nightmare scene. This exposes my fear of strange resturants. I'm always afraid I'm going to walk into some place like this and literally find NOTHING I'd be willing to eat. Well this was THAT place. Worse yet, I couldn't leave. Not without eating a full, very large, and very expensive meal. By the way? I didn't have any money that time. Uh oh.
But I wasn't so worried this time. I recall making it through this before well enough. I looked around and found a little side area somewhat cut off from the rest. There were desk-like tables lined up side by side in a sort of stadium type tiered room and each table had a little computer built into them. Very strange and didn't really fit the setting at all, but there it was. I think I forced my mind to add this in last time I was here. I was too stubborn to give into the nightmare then so I called up some computer desks to sit at and goof around while I was trapped there. Naturally they were still there. I went and sat down. Last time I sat nervously here trying to figure the little computer thing out and wondering how I'd get out of the place without having to eat some horrid thing that I didn't have money to pay for. Except I didn't have that issue this time as I woke up by this point this time.
Last time I sat there for a good while until some kind woman, a waitress or a cook?, showed up and got me hooked up with some grub that totally wasn't gross at all and was actually really good. Also she offered it free. She saved me from that trap. Honestly I had forgotten all about this but I'm almost glad to have found this place again if only to remember that lady and thank her for such kindness. I feel a little bad that I can't really remember anything about her other than that she was existed and she once saved me.
Is it strange that I concern myself over fictional people that only exist in my dreams? Is is stange that I come back to places like this? This is far from the first time I've revisited a place. I often wonder if these dreams have some meaning. This one simply seemed like a matter of finding something that I had lost. A memory of a dream that maybe was important. It feels important anyway.
Wow, that is a detailed dream. I think it's cool/crazy how your dream incorporated a fear of going to a restaurant and not finding anything appetizing.
The beginning of your dream with the missile launch reminded me of a dream I had many months ago when Iran was in the news. I dreamed that I was a top advisor to Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We were in a very secure and advanced War Room with a large screen depicting a map of the world with various world powers highlighted. Ahmandinejad was deeply troubled because intelligence reports told him that the U.N. or some country was about to invade Iran. Although he knew it would be vastly unpopular with the public, Ahmandinejad wanted my advice on whether he should launch a preemptive missile strike on the suspected nations. I told him that we should look for a way to peace and try diplomatic routes before acting so hastily.
Ahmadinejad just looked at me squarely in the eyes and said that he had no choice. He then entered a series of passwords and coordinates into a computer. The large screen with the world map lit up with outlines of cities flashing red. Smaller screens with video-feed of missile silos popped up. Almost immediately Ahmadinejad received a call from his Public Relations secretary who informed him that mass riots had formed outside the capital and that the entire world community was furious. Ahmadinejad seemed to take the call with an understanding tone and calmly ended the conversation with instructions on how the government should be run after his exile. He then turned to me and said that we must both escape. We must have been a few stories up from wherever we were because I remember looking outside a window and seeing thousands of protesters yelling and holding up signs demanding swift punishment to Ahmadinejad. I was worried that I would be executed due to my involvement in the government, but Ahmadinejad told me that everything would work out. He then turned over a painting hanging on the wall which revealed a large metal door. After putting in a password, the door slowly swung open to a very dark descending tunnel. Just before I entered the tunnel, there was a loud banging on the door to the war room. The protesters were about to knock down the door and cut our throats. Ahmadinejad yelled "RUN!" and I barreled down the dark tunnel.
The next thing I know in the dream I'm opening a hatch into an airport. I'm in a different country. No one knows who I am and the televisions inside the terminal shows Iran's capital in flames. The news anchor is saying that Ahmadinejad is missing and on the run with thousands of protesters around the world calling for his death. No mention of me or any "top aides." I remember feeling so relieved. I just wanted to buy a plane ticket somewhere and start a new life. And then I woke up.
I dreamed I was hiking in Alaska. I was back at the lodge sorting myself out after a difficult start. My sweetie and his dad were waiting impatiently outside, wanting to start the hike. And then I run into Jordan! His hair is blonde now. I was happy to see him. And then we run into Will, who was smiling and awesome as ever. So I call Andrew on his cell, and it's all crackly, and I tell him I just ran into two of my friends from Japan and that I will be a while. He asks if they are twins, and I say, "Well, one's black and one's white."
And when I showed Jordan my engagement ring, he took it, ran to the mens room, and tried to hide it on his person.
I just had a dream where the current economic situation was forcing my family to move to California. Except it wasn't actually my family, I'm not sure who they were, the only one I distincly remember was the morbidly obese dad. The trip reminded me of the opening credits to a 80's or early 90's sitcom, so maybe I was actually on a TV show? I'm not too sure. We also had to fight off a lot of wolves at some point on the trip, I only have brief recollections of it. That part atually looked a lot like one of the recent console Fire Emblem games. So, then we were at some diner, but all we could get were some sausages, I think that may have been the economy coming into play. While they were frying the sausages, I somehow ended up on a boat in the arctic, only I wasn't physically there. They were wearing those old diving suits that had the big tank for the head with a cage in front of the face. They were looking for something, I'm not really sure what, and I was hearing this one guys thoughts. I can't really even piece together what he was saying. Then I was back at the diner, my sausages were done. I was walking back to the table, when I woke up. I was confused and angry, and spent a couple of minutes looking through my sheets for my plate of sausages before I actually realized that It had been a dream.
I had a dream where Michael Vick attended my high school back when he was of age. Nobody had ever touched his locker, because they didn't want to go crazy dog hatin', because their was rumor that locker was cursed. The school hired a new janitor, who opened the locker while cleaning. Despite the fact none of these events took place while I would have been at school, I seemed to know they were happening. The janitor fell into the locker and down a large chute. We landed (this is where I warped into the action) in a greek testing facility, where there was a heavily equipped scientist, who was opening Pandora's Box. We proceeded to watch as the scientist opened it. All of the sudden, three things came out. A pack of lawyers who seemed to have rabies, Frito from Idiatopolis, and a never ending flow of buffalo nickels. The nickels eventually filled the locked room and burst trew and well, that's when I woke up.
I had my first comprehensible dream in a long time last night.
Started out in a futuristic mall. For some reason, the setting of my dreams usually seem to be some kind of high-tech mall, with a ton of floors, and windows instead of walls, where you can see the futuristic city surrounding. Anyways, I was walking with a couple of friends (don't even know who), and we happened upon the arcade (another place I dream about a lot for some reason). We played a few games like air hockey, and we continued walking until all of a sudden my friends were gone and the hallyway got narrower, and there was a slit in the wall with students dressed in gym clothes on the other side.
I tried to squeeze through, but they all laughed, and around the corner was a larger opening. We proceeded to climb down a trapdoor into the gym. The gym part's a little fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure it consisted of a large number of students and myself doing various excercises. And when were were finished, there were a set of stairs, which I went up.
Then the scene changed to where I was sitting on a really tall, snowy mountain, in a clearing, where you could look at the beautiful mountains from the top (kind of like a ski resort). I was laying down with a few friends again (once again, who I couldn't name). I grabbed my cell phone to take a picture of the beauty, and discovered that my cell phone had a built in flamethrower! So I started shooting it around a little. But very quickly after I came to that realization, two very large missles came screaming from the horizon, directly aimed at my friends and I. I shot my cell-flamer at the missles, and the missles exploded prematurely, although we were hit with debris. I told my friends to run, and headed for a cabin at the bottom, all the while sets of two missles came flying at me, and were extremely hard to dodge, although I managed to. I think the most badass part was when two were coming right at me, and I put the flame right in the middle, and they both diverted to go within an inch of my body, and I felt the heat. So when I finally got to the cabin, I once again had o squeeze myself through a narrow trapdoor.
I ended up coming out the garage door of my first house, which I loved a lot (so I also dream about it a lot). I had a gun, for some reason, and my dad was on the street corner, and there was about a 6 foot snowbank at the corner (with snow everywhere else). It was night time. I went over to him, and started shooting at a man who was on top of the snowbank. He explained that he just wanted to take my picture. So I put the gun down, and when I did, a black limo (which I assumed to be an FBI car) drove by, and the driver looked me in the eye, creepily. So to take my picture, I had to climb the snowbank, and after falling down a few times, made it to the top. When I got to the top, the man was still there, but the snowbank had grown to a relatively large size, higher than my house. I proceeded to use my feet to kind of snowboard down the hill with no snowboard, and did a flip at the end. My dad said it was admittedly cool, and it was a good picture. Then, I woke up...
...because I have had this dream, again and again. I recommend dropping out of school as soon as possible to avoid the recurring nightmare of surprise essays, exams, projects, speeches.
Yeah, I freaked when i read that one. I can't count how many times I've had that dream. It's usually a class that I have with a prof' from another class (Like our main CJS teachers from Valpo who we had for all our required classes). And I'm always like, WTF, why didn't you tell me I kept forgetting to go to your other class?
The dream I have isn't like this one. It's usually a situation where it is the first day of school and I totally forgot my schedule and it's a new building so I don't know where I'm supposed to go or when.
I tend to wake up on a work day, think "What the hell, I'm not working today" and go back to sleep. Then snap-wake later and dash around like a headless chook, arriving at work 1/2 hour to an hour late.
Which is pretty bad now that I work 5 days a week.
I dreamt some friends and I found a hidden passage underneath my uni leading onto an abandoned northern line underground station. Upon entering I was stuck on an MC Escher esq world of escalators getting chased by a janitor before cutting off my own hand.
When I wake up in the morning I take the one step out of bed towards my computer and check e mail and such. I also check the OB to see what crazy shenanigans you all have been up to while I was asleep.
So, I was dreaming about waking up and getting online. You all wish your life was as exciting as mine.
I think I dreamt that someone on here had a question about how electrical induction worked, and I was excited to actually be able to answer one of those questions that people make threads regarding. I'm kind of bad at explaining things to people though, so it probably wouldn't work in reality.
It was a little disturbing, and I have no idea what provoked it.
I had a weird dream last night about you guys. A load of belters had just arrived in China (I can't remember which ones specifically, tbh) and were heading across the airport when we saw Ryan who was a street vendor selling small multicoloured Tauren keychains. I then went outside alone and a tramp starting smacking me on the head with a Dipstick.
Then the phone rang and woke me up.
I was a scientist or something? Working on a tiny long range nuclear missle. I has at some sort of work station looking out a window overlooking some sort of pad sticking out the side of the building I was in. This was where the missle was kept and I was talking with a guy and was supposed to launch the missle (some target far far away). There were people sitting on the damn pad for some reason preventing me from launching the missle and I was trying to get them to go away. I forget how, but I was. I did eventually get the missile launched. The pad opened up and what looked like a tiny model rocket shot up into the sky, but quickly veered to the side back downward into a pasture that was right by the building I was in. As I was facing visions of a massive fiery explosion, the rocket came down into a pile of snow just on the other side of a wire fence where it was stuck, still thrusting. I burst out of the building in a panic rushing to the missile so I could flip it back up and let it fly back into the sky. I ran for it but once I got out to the field amongst the trees I lost track of where I was and where the missile was. I think I went past where it was, but I didn't find it. I started looking everywhere and eventually ended up out on a street. I was suddenly walking down a sidewalk of a city street. I don't know why. I walked into a random building, again for no apparent reason.
It was some kind of fancy resturant. In the dream I identified it as some sort of authentic Japanese place, though it is doubtful it much resembled such a place. Either way I was still concerned about this missile crisis of mine and didn't have time for whatever this was so I turned around intending to head back out, but then a bunch of people there started yelling at me.
Crap. I remember this now. I've seen this place before. This is not the first dream with it. My memories of it are hazy, but I KNOW I've been here before. Something about it? They did not respond well to walking in the door, looking around and just walking out again. It was apparently extremely disrespectful. Naturally I couldn't leave, so I kept turning, pulling a 360 and walked right back into the place fully. It was a fairly large building, dimly lit and perhaps a bit rustic and old fashioned, but in a very foreign sort of way. A look at the food that was being carted around was frightful, however. Large squid, some sort of little pig thing, and all manner of other creatures I couldn't identify sitting on plates and platters cooked up in odd sauces mostly whole. The portions were massive. It was horrible. Yes, I remember this part too. The last time I was here it was a bit of a nightmare scene. This exposes my fear of strange resturants. I'm always afraid I'm going to walk into some place like this and literally find NOTHING I'd be willing to eat. Well this was THAT place. Worse yet, I couldn't leave. Not without eating a full, very large, and very expensive meal. By the way? I didn't have any money that time. Uh oh.
But I wasn't so worried this time. I recall making it through this before well enough. I looked around and found a little side area somewhat cut off from the rest. There were desk-like tables lined up side by side in a sort of stadium type tiered room and each table had a little computer built into them. Very strange and didn't really fit the setting at all, but there it was. I think I forced my mind to add this in last time I was here. I was too stubborn to give into the nightmare then so I called up some computer desks to sit at and goof around while I was trapped there. Naturally they were still there. I went and sat down. Last time I sat nervously here trying to figure the little computer thing out and wondering how I'd get out of the place without having to eat some horrid thing that I didn't have money to pay for. Except I didn't have that issue this time as I woke up by this point this time.
Last time I sat there for a good while until some kind woman, a waitress or a cook?, showed up and got me hooked up with some grub that totally wasn't gross at all and was actually really good. Also she offered it free. She saved me from that trap. Honestly I had forgotten all about this but I'm almost glad to have found this place again if only to remember that lady and thank her for such kindness. I feel a little bad that I can't really remember anything about her other than that she was existed and she once saved me.
Is it strange that I concern myself over fictional people that only exist in my dreams? Is is stange that I come back to places like this? This is far from the first time I've revisited a place. I often wonder if these dreams have some meaning. This one simply seemed like a matter of finding something that I had lost. A memory of a dream that maybe was important. It feels important anyway.
The beginning of your dream with the missile launch reminded me of a dream I had many months ago when Iran was in the news. I dreamed that I was a top advisor to Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We were in a very secure and advanced War Room with a large screen depicting a map of the world with various world powers highlighted. Ahmandinejad was deeply troubled because intelligence reports told him that the U.N. or some country was about to invade Iran. Although he knew it would be vastly unpopular with the public, Ahmandinejad wanted my advice on whether he should launch a preemptive missile strike on the suspected nations. I told him that we should look for a way to peace and try diplomatic routes before acting so hastily.
Ahmadinejad just looked at me squarely in the eyes and said that he had no choice. He then entered a series of passwords and coordinates into a computer. The large screen with the world map lit up with outlines of cities flashing red. Smaller screens with video-feed of missile silos popped up. Almost immediately Ahmadinejad received a call from his Public Relations secretary who informed him that mass riots had formed outside the capital and that the entire world community was furious. Ahmadinejad seemed to take the call with an understanding tone and calmly ended the conversation with instructions on how the government should be run after his exile. He then turned to me and said that we must both escape. We must have been a few stories up from wherever we were because I remember looking outside a window and seeing thousands of protesters yelling and holding up signs demanding swift punishment to Ahmadinejad. I was worried that I would be executed due to my involvement in the government, but Ahmadinejad told me that everything would work out. He then turned over a painting hanging on the wall which revealed a large metal door. After putting in a password, the door slowly swung open to a very dark descending tunnel. Just before I entered the tunnel, there was a loud banging on the door to the war room. The protesters were about to knock down the door and cut our throats. Ahmadinejad yelled "RUN!" and I barreled down the dark tunnel.
The next thing I know in the dream I'm opening a hatch into an airport. I'm in a different country. No one knows who I am and the televisions inside the terminal shows Iran's capital in flames. The news anchor is saying that Ahmadinejad is missing and on the run with thousands of protesters around the world calling for his death. No mention of me or any "top aides." I remember feeling so relieved. I just wanted to buy a plane ticket somewhere and start a new life. And then I woke up.
I dreamed I was hiking in Alaska. I was back at the lodge sorting myself out after a difficult start. My sweetie and his dad were waiting impatiently outside, wanting to start the hike. And then I run into Jordan! His hair is blonde now. I was happy to see him. And then we run into Will, who was smiling and awesome as ever. So I call Andrew on his cell, and it's all crackly, and I tell him I just ran into two of my friends from Japan and that I will be a while. He asks if they are twins, and I say, "Well, one's black and one's white."
And when I showed Jordan my engagement ring, he took it, ran to the mens room, and tried to hide it on his person.
I think my brain is telling me something
Started out in a futuristic mall. For some reason, the setting of my dreams usually seem to be some kind of high-tech mall, with a ton of floors, and windows instead of walls, where you can see the futuristic city surrounding. Anyways, I was walking with a couple of friends (don't even know who), and we happened upon the arcade (another place I dream about a lot for some reason). We played a few games like air hockey, and we continued walking until all of a sudden my friends were gone and the hallyway got narrower, and there was a slit in the wall with students dressed in gym clothes on the other side.
I tried to squeeze through, but they all laughed, and around the corner was a larger opening. We proceeded to climb down a trapdoor into the gym. The gym part's a little fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure it consisted of a large number of students and myself doing various excercises. And when were were finished, there were a set of stairs, which I went up.
Then the scene changed to where I was sitting on a really tall, snowy mountain, in a clearing, where you could look at the beautiful mountains from the top (kind of like a ski resort). I was laying down with a few friends again (once again, who I couldn't name). I grabbed my cell phone to take a picture of the beauty, and discovered that my cell phone had a built in flamethrower! So I started shooting it around a little. But very quickly after I came to that realization, two very large missles came screaming from the horizon, directly aimed at my friends and I. I shot my cell-flamer at the missles, and the missles exploded prematurely, although we were hit with debris. I told my friends to run, and headed for a cabin at the bottom, all the while sets of two missles came flying at me, and were extremely hard to dodge, although I managed to. I think the most badass part was when two were coming right at me, and I put the flame right in the middle, and they both diverted to go within an inch of my body, and I felt the heat. So when I finally got to the cabin, I once again had o squeeze myself through a narrow trapdoor.
I ended up coming out the garage door of my first house, which I loved a lot (so I also dream about it a lot). I had a gun, for some reason, and my dad was on the street corner, and there was about a 6 foot snowbank at the corner (with snow everywhere else). It was night time. I went over to him, and started shooting at a man who was on top of the snowbank. He explained that he just wanted to take my picture. So I put the gun down, and when I did, a black limo (which I assumed to be an FBI car) drove by, and the driver looked me in the eye, creepily. So to take my picture, I had to climb the snowbank, and after falling down a few times, made it to the top. When I got to the top, the man was still there, but the snowbank had grown to a relatively large size, higher than my house. I proceeded to use my feet to kind of snowboard down the hill with no snowboard, and did a flip at the end. My dad said it was admittedly cool, and it was a good picture. Then, I woke up...
My dreams are pretty long/screwy.
From XKCD.
...because I have had this dream, again and again. I recommend dropping out of school as soon as possible to avoid the recurring nightmare of surprise essays, exams, projects, speeches.
Which is pretty bad now that I work 5 days a week.
So, I was dreaming about waking up and getting online. You all wish your life was as exciting as mine.