I Love Where This Thread Is Going

edited February 2013 in Games
Where's fucking WALDO?!


  • edited March 2007
    One day Agentcel, you will find Waldo is truly in your heart.
  • edited March 2007
    No...no, he's behind the wizard.
  • edited March 2007
    every time link does or says something stupid, drink.
  • edited March 2007
    Every time someone else takes a drink, drink.

    If you just took a drink, drink.
  • edited March 2007
    I like where this game is going.
  • edited March 2007

  • edited March 2007
    A ship full of drunken sailors locked in a perpetual drinking game sail into a storm and presumably get mariowned on a deserted island?

    I doubted it at first, but I too am convinced that I love where this thread is going.
  • edited March 2007
    [size=+3]Episode 1, Turn 1[/size]

    Okay, the drunken sailors enter the storm, only to encounter a sea serpent! You:

    [ A ] ttack
    [ D ] efend
    [ U ] se item
    [ R ] un away
    [ DR ] ink
  • edited March 2007
    If "Attack" started with an E, you could take all the options while at the same time spelling "RUDDER"! Nautical!
  • edited March 2007
    It better be DRINK or the sailors lose!
  • edited March 2007
    What is this thread?
  • edited March 2007
    A) Your mother
    B) Love
    C) Blasphemy/madness
  • edited March 2007
  • edited March 2007
  • edited March 2007
    G) Both I and II
  • edited March 2007
    H) G
  • edited March 2007
    [size=+3]Episode 1, Turn 2[/size]

    Apparently you all chose [DR]. The sailors all laugh off the sea serpent as a figment of their collective imaginations and take a drink. The sea serpent creates a typhoon! with like magic or something. The ship is pulled into a powerful whirlpool and is in danger of being pulled underwater! In your drunken stupor, you remark to yourself that the ship's cat, Mr. Meowman, seems strangely calm amidst all the horror and impending doom, as he is sleeping peacefully on his favorite rug up on the aft deck. You:

    [A] ttack the sea serpent in hope of interrupting his magic spell-casting
    [R] egain control of the ship's steering
    ummon a familiar to assist your party of drunken sailors, because one of you is secretly a mage that took on the guise of a sailor to escape a troubled past or something
    [T] hrow Mr. Meowman at the sea serpent, because you apparently don't like cats very much
    [DR] ink
  • edited March 2007
    [R] is probably a good idea. Being able to Steer your ship is probably a good thing.

    Then again, one shouldn't drink and sail.

    Might as well go all the way at this point.

  • edited March 2007
    [E]very option
  • edited March 2007
    hmmm... i choose on the condition that my method of casting spells involves taking a drink.
  • edited March 2007
    I definitely choose [USSR] so that my comrades can help me in glorious communist revolution!
  • edited March 2007
    [size=+3]Episode 1, Turn 3[/size]

    I'm sorry, I don't understand E.
    I'm sorry, I don't understand USSR.

    While most of the sailors continue to inbibe their various ales, one of them steps forth and reveals that he is, in fact, a powerful mage! He would get into the details surrounding his sordid past, but the other sailors seem oblivious of this shocking revelation on account of their considerable inebriation, and besides that, you've got a sea serpent to fight.

    The mage tries his hardest to summon a powerful familiar that can fight against this foe, but the vast amounts of alcohol in his system continue to impede his judgment. With a mumbling of some slurred magic words, he conjures a 50-foot tall carafe of the finest brew!

    The sea serpent sees this floating monolith and quickly takes it into its mighty grasp, downing the entire contents in mere moments. The brew quickly goes to work, coursing through his body and dulling his senses as it weakens the creature's cerebral cortex, limbic system, cerebellum, hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and finally his monstrous medulla (in that order; to learn more about how alcohol affects the brain, feel free to read the HowStuffWorks article on the subject). The serpent begins to sway back and forth, and eventually loses its balance, crashing to the sea and woozily sinking to the ocean floor.

    With the sea serpent sufficiently intoxicated, the whirlpool immediately dissipates, and the ship with its crew is saved! You:

    [DR] ink
    [D] on't drink, you've had plenty for now
  • edited March 2007
    [D], since drinking right now could only lead to danger.

    or maybe fun times.
  • edited March 2007
    [D] because it is at this point that I remember for some reason that I ran out of alcohol a long time ago and have been drinking salt water all this time. I run to the port side and return my salty drinks to the sea from whence they came. During this time I look into the depths of the rolling waters and recall that there is a massive serpent full of brew underneath those waves. Perhaps if I can hold my breath long enough...
  • edited March 2007
    You must know something... [DR]

    You aren't drunk until you're pissing in Mr. Meowman's bowl.
  • edited March 2007
  • edited March 2007
    It's a celebration now, I offed that mofo sea monster. [DR]!!!!

    EDIT: (by the way, this is quickly becoming one of my favorite threads.)
  • edited March 2007

    Someone's gotta be the designated navigator.
  • edited March 2007
    I! I started this little game. Well, it was more mario, but who cares?
  • edited March 2007
    Yes, your inability to stay on topic in the Zelda Comics forum has proven to be quite amusing...THIS TIME