((Yeah, I call no way. Don't make me add a rule about retroactively changing past events. I didn't think to type such a thing because I figured people would know better.))
((Only to avoid potential confusion on my part, when I come back to write the next turn's events and there are a handful of non-comment posts that I think are part of the story.))
((*plays a very small violin and laughs* pffff. I told y'all to denote OOC comments, lest ye be called a N00B. Don't make me actually summon things at you. (Everyone did know that I am actually a mage, right?) Well, anyways, now you get what you had coming to you. *points angrily at all of them* N00BS!))
((Uh, did you not understand the part where you don't get to make things up about your surroundings? You don't get to decide what Night Lord does to your flask, and you don't get to decide that there's a pirate ship. I'll perceive your post as a desire to swim out to the open sea, unless you'd like to make any changes to your narrative.))
|[Well, the Night Lord thing was just a joke. Also, I was doing it in the narrative sense, not through the eyes of my character, so the narrator of my character knew who did it. If you call BS on that, then, my charrie just assumed that Night Lord did it, because he thinks he's a jerk. Or maybe my charrie did it when he was really drunk.
The pirate ship, too, if you notice, I misspelled a lot of things. Because I'm an idiot. It was supposed to say "However, it wasn't perceived to come any closer no matter how much he swam." That was just supposed to be a drunken hallucination. Unless you're the dictator of all things drunk.
There was a lot more detail in my original post which would have made things really clear, but I blame your forum for getting an error and erasing it.]|
((never blame things on the DM! he will MESS you up. :P (Turn your head sideways, and you'll see a face sticking it's tongue out, meaning I AM STICKING MY TONGUE OUT AT YOU. :-[ I AM SERIOUS.) ))
//EDIT: Epic. 300 posts woo!
//EDIT EDIT: *looks down at nolonger's post* ... still no // or (( ))? in that case, it's all IC and the only thing that I heard was "died." Nolonger is dead again.
((Bwa haha kinda', I remember on a different forum where I had almost 13 paragraphs of text written in the quick post box and then my compy died right then. I have a new one now of course but I like that one. It was a friggen huge compy.))
((Napping loses one turn. You'll wake up next turn.
Oh, and sorry for the delays, everyone. I'm in the process of moving! I'll try to write up turn 8 this weekend, but it might be a bit later. Patience is a virtue!))
((You will wake up again at the end of turn 8, which hasn't happened yet. You'll be able to state actions again in turn 9. Turns happen when I make them happen, not in precise 24-hour intervals.))
*looks down at nolonger's post* ... still no // or (( ))? in that case, it's all IC and the only thing that I heard was "died." Nolonger is dead again.
((If mario says so. But you're not mario))
Edit: ((unless mario took over your accout... :eek:))
((Agentcel, that's a weird thing to talk about in this thread. If you want to talk to everyone about your wasabi-drinking habits, you should make a new thread for the topic.))
((Sorry it's taking so long guys. I've been trying to figure out how to best incorporate Justin in the story. I can't believe I left him out for this long!! Here it is!))
geoko closes his eyes and summons his familiar. Since he's not as drunk anymore, he is finally able to summon his true familiar, Justin Timberlake! Justin high-fives everyone, then pulls out the Maglight he always carries with him because sometimes they lose power at his concerts and he wants to make sure the audience can still see him while he's singing. "Here guys" he says "my Maglight will brighten up the darkest caves!" After another round of high-fives, everyone follows their friend down the winding staircase ((I think I said it was winding before, I don't remember)). The guys in the water and on the ship see the Maglight shining from afar even in the bright of day ((did I mention it was a magic Maglight? I think it's short for Magic light, but yeah it can shine really bright even in the sun)) and go to the rock island and follow everyone with Justin down the stairs. Justin brought Fruit Roll-ups too!
((You guys can decide what you want to do as you down the stairs. I'll try to put up faster replies today. Follow that Justin!!lol))
|[Well, the Night Lord thing was just a joke. Also, I was doing it in the narrative sense, not through the eyes of my character, so the narrator of my character knew who did it. If you call BS on that, then, my charrie just assumed that Night Lord did it, because he thinks he's a jerk. Or maybe my charrie did it when he was really drunk.
The pirate ship, too, if you notice, I misspelled a lot of things. Because I'm an idiot. It was supposed to say "However, it wasn't perceived to come any closer no matter how much he swam." That was just supposed to be a drunken hallucination. Unless you're the dictator of all things drunk.
There was a lot more detail in my original post which would have made things really clear, but I blame your forum for getting an error and erasing it.]|
//EDIT: Epic. 300 posts woo!
//EDIT EDIT: *looks down at nolonger's post* ... still no // or (( ))? in that case, it's all IC and the only thing that I heard was "died." Nolonger is dead again.
((EDIT: Commented out.))
Oh, and sorry for the delays, everyone. I'm in the process of moving! I'll try to write up turn 8 this weekend, but it might be a bit later. Patience is a virtue!))
// day later than the first.
((If mario says so. But you're not mario))
Edit: ((unless mario took over your accout... :eek:))
Also, my name is Agentcel, and I love to drink wasabi!))
geoko closes his eyes and summons his familiar. Since he's not as drunk anymore, he is finally able to summon his true familiar, Justin Timberlake! Justin high-fives everyone, then pulls out the Maglight he always carries with him because sometimes they lose power at his concerts and he wants to make sure the audience can still see him while he's singing. "Here guys" he says "my Maglight will brighten up the darkest caves!" After another round of high-fives, everyone follows their friend down the winding staircase ((I think I said it was winding before, I don't remember)). The guys in the water and on the ship see the Maglight shining from afar even in the bright of day ((did I mention it was a magic Maglight? I think it's short for Magic light, but yeah it can shine really bright even in the sun)) and go to the rock island and follow everyone with Justin down the stairs. Justin brought Fruit Roll-ups too!
((You guys can decide what you want to do as you down the stairs. I'll try to put up faster replies today. Follow that Justin!!lol))