-If you have an item, you can use it any time it's either appropriate to do so or, if you want to roleplay, any time your character is drunk enough to think it's appropriate. So even if I don't give you the explicit option to use a fishing pole, you can go ahead and do it if you've got it equipped. If you want to use proper syntax, type <item name>, but you can of course write it in full sentences for the optimal roleplaying experience. Plus, as an example, if you're not by the water when you use a fishing pole, you'll need to explain the context. Multiple items can be used in tandem if it makes sense, or if you can explain their fusion humorously enough.
-Do not create items for your character out of thin air. You only have what you find in-game. I'll write off such things as drunken hallucinations, but I'd appreciate it if you make it easier for me and not try to write yourself extra weapons and the like. The exception is benign non-weapon items that add to your character's backstory. If I like them, I'll even work them into the story, but otherwise they can only be used passively (passive commands explained below).
-There are unlisted commands you can choose, such as speaking to someone or examining your surroundings. The rule is that you can only use passive commands of this kind. So, you can't just go and fix up the ship without a command or item allowing it, but you can certainly take a gander at the situation like Hamelin did this round. You can say hello to a shipmate, but you can't try to kill him without a weapon of some sort, unless fisticuffs are given as an explicit action. Feel free to ask about a command via comment if you're unsure, but I'll bet you guys figure it out.
-If your character takes a nap or eats food, the BAC level will go down faster. How much does it go down for each? You'll just have to find out...
-Guess I should explain BAC while I'm at it. Every drink you take adds .03 to BAC, and every turn you don't drink subtracts .003. This Wikipedia entry should sufficiently explain how I'll be using BAC as a roleplaying guideline, determining how likely you are to succeed or fail at your actions. Too high of a BAC will knock you out or kill you, so be careful, but of course drunkenness has its benefits too (alcohol dulls the senses, so you might find yourself more resistant to pain when the situation arises. Who knows what else could happen? Only the heavy drinkers, I suppose.)
((the posts are getting too long, so I'll be splitting them up into the groups))
[size=+3]Episode 1, Turn 7: The Explorers[/size]
MrCheeze spots the downed coconut in his lap, and with deft precision cracks it open and downs its contents, tossing the shell aside as he licks his chops. His stomach filled to contentment, he walks over to the mysterious door and immediately curls up and falls asleep on it. Any remaining chance of deku12345 opening the door on his own are quickly dashed, and it becomes readily apparent that more than three people would be needed to open the door with the added weight. Luckily, Amoeba Boy, Melted Jhonnycake, hlavco (leaving his coconuts on the ground for whoever is hungry, 'cause he's such a nice guy) and geoko all rise to the challenge, grabbing the door handle and giving a large heave in unison. The door swings open, slamming into the ground and flinging MrCheeze off the rock island. He lands in the water with a large splash, then floats to the surface, continuing his nap.
(Incidentally, the coconut shell he tossed aside earlier made hard contact with Takeru's head, forcing him to take an unscheduled nap as well. It is unknown which sailor said "the easy way", but the timing may have just been a wacky coincidence.)
Trireme is also tired out by the day's events and the heat of the Sun, and so falls asleep alongside Takeru. He probably dreams about tree-climbing, but of course we aren't privy to peoples' dreams! NoLonger takes a few sips of ale, then decides to play around in the water for awhile. The other sailors leave him to his idling, because it's gotta be rough being stuck as a seagull.
((As a side-note, drunk animals are hilarious.))
But hey, what about that door thing? All the interested and conscious sailors (including god, who has just joined up with the group after taking a swig of ale) peer into the door. A winding staircase descends down into the rock. It is quite dark inside, but they can see that it extends down for hundreds of feet, far below the ocean level. Being the exploring types, it would make sense if some of them wanted to descend the staircase, though the lack of light could make for difficult traverse. It occurs to geoko that he might be able to conjure up some sort of spell to illuminate their path. One of the scrolls in his pack might do the trick, but the booze in his system is making it hard for him to read the scroll contents. If he misspeaks one word in the incantation, he might turn them all into seagulls (presumably, NoLonger would be turned into a giraffe or something. Still, not an optimal outcome). Then again, it's a frakkin' staircase. You can't exactly get lost on a staircase, so they might be just fine walking blind.
Maybe one of the other sailors has a light source in his pocket? You never know if you don't check.
Explorers (except the napping ones, you'll get up next turn), you:
<D> escend the staircase, lighting be damned!
<L> ook in your pockets for a lighter, or a flashlight, or a lit torch, anything
<N> ap alongside the other lazies
<W> alk back to the ship with the guards and the comatose drunks
<DR> ink
geoko, you:
Attempt to <R> ecite one of your incantations, hoping for an illumination spell
<S> ummon a familiar and ask him for a light
<D> escend the staircase blindly with everyone else
<W> alk back to the ship with the guards and the comatose drunks
Forget about the staircase thing and <DR> ink
rightclickscott chugs another pint of alcohol. The drink continues to affect his judgment and feed his delirium as he dresses up in full pirate regalia, found in the costume storage below decks (sailors have to be prepared for impromptu costume parties on the open seas, after all; be grateful he didn't grab the sexy cat outfit instead). He grabs a push-broom, thinking it to be a musket, and runs up top screaming before tripping over the side and falling face-first into the ocean.
Night Lord and Slick decide to join illithid235 at the ol' fishin' game. Slick, in a display of drunken confusion, casts the fishing line upward at the sky, aiming for the seagulls. The hook snags onto one of the gulls' wings, sending it crashing downward onto the deck. It struggles to free itself by thrashing violently, but this only tangles it up in the fishing line. It tries to bite at the line, but catches its beak on the hook, forcing it shut and muffling its squawks of protest. At this point the bird is essentially mummified in fishing line. It flops about blindly on the deck, crashing right into a sleeping Mr. Meowman. The startled cat pounces on the unusual prey, and in the process is also tangled up in the fishing line! The mass of fur and feathers starts to roll back and forth along the deck. Chairs, tables, kegs of ale, and even sailors are picked up by the steadily growing mass, which finally flies off the deck and hits the water, rolling along its surface into the horizon. Slick barely lets go of the fishing pole in time before it flies out of his hand in hot pursuit of the catch. Without missing a beat, he picks up another pole, casting it into the water this time. He also drinks.
Night Lord hopes to himself that he can get a catch half as interesting. Just as the thought crosses his mind, there is a hard tug on his line! He reels in the catch, only to find rightclickscott on the other end, the hook snagged on his belt. He quickly tosses back the dud catch and re-casts his pole.
rightclickscott considers his very wet position, then realizes that there is no way to get back on the ship from down here! At least not without getting fished up again, but the fishers seem to be avoiding his general location in hopes of scoring a catch they can eat or profit from. He could swim around the ship to the rocks, where he could climb up and either return to the deck or join up with the explorers. The open sea also looks like a nice swim; some exercise might help him clear his head and forget all this pirate nonsense.
Agentcel grabs one of the muskets and begins taking potshots at the seagulls. His CIA training with firearms is readily apparent, as he quickly takes out three seagulls, all of which fall straight down... into the ocean. Guess the overhead gulls might prove to be more viable targets. Oh well, at least he's got a nice musket to play with, and is just about sober enough to not be a great danger to others!
illithid235 tugs hard on the fishing line, hoping to catch the legendary Golden Fish of Kaerbannog. After a few moments, his dogged determination pays off, and he reels in a fish! The animal introduces itself as the not-so-legendary Roentgenium Fish of Detroit, MI, second cousin of the Golden Fish. Though he is similar in color and sheen due to the inert pair effect, he explains, his scales are of less value due to solid roentgenium's short half-life of only 3.6 seconds. Also, his scales take forever to regenerate, so he'd appreciate it if they were left where they were for now. His cousin once told him all the universal truths, but he doesn't remember them all that well. When illithid235 asks if they have something to do with living a healthy life and going to church, the fish thinks that sounds about right, then trails off.
An awkward silence follows.
After a moment, the Roentgenium Fish of Detroit, MI coughs lightly, then explains that he was on his way to a date with a tropical fish, and is gonna jump back in the sea now. In return for not being eaten, he gives illithid235 a magical pearl he swiped from the Ytterbium Clam of Brigadoon. The pearl lets off a faint white glow in illithid235's hand. The Roentgenium Fish can't quite recall what it's supposed to do, but he seems to remember that its powers only work when swallowed. At that, he jumps back into the water, leaving illithid235 with his thoughts and the pearl that looks just a little but too large for him to swallow comfortably. Might go down better with some ale.
Hamelin decides to actually do something useful and examines the damage dealt to the ship. A large gaping hole has been torn by the sharp shallow rocks. A great deal of water has gotten into the hull, and the current is carrying away most of the ship's cargo boxes. Hamelin didn't even realize this ship had cargo, but he shrugs it off. Luckily, the ale was all kept on-deck for easy access, but the food stores are as good as gone. A great deal of lumber and other building materials would be needed to repair the damage dealt to this ship. The ship had many such materials for patch jobs, which are slowly floating out to the open sea in a textbook example of irony. He could probably swim out and grab one of the boxes before they're too far out and bring it back, but in a glaring oversight, none of the containers are marked with their contents. He sees three boxes in range.
The half-merman decides that the tropical fish seems to know what it's doing, and since he doesn't, he defers to its relative wisdom and agrees to follow it. The fish and X'o'Lore make a made dash toward the surface. Despite their erratic swimming pattern, the sea serpent is persistent, and is slowly closing in on their position. Suddenly, a somewhat gold-colored fish splashes in from above the water.
"Hey, Janet! There you are!" says the Roentgenium Fish of Detroit, MI. "Sorry I'm late, long story, some joker tried to fish me up. Wait, who's this guy?" He gestures toward X'o'Lore.
The tropical fish swims left and right in a complicated pattern which X'o'Lore recognizes as a form of marine communication. He doesn't like what he 'hears'.
"Your date?!? But I'm your date! Look, I said I was sorry I'm late, there's no reason for you to run off with the nearest sailor you run into!"
"Yeah, I can see he's a half-merman, I'm sure that's working out great for him. But what about us??"
Before X'o'Lore can attempt to clear up the argument, the sea serpent shows up. The couple are so caught up in discussion that they hardly even notice the monster's jaws rapidly clamping down around them, swallowing the two in one bite. X'o'Lore morbidly hopes they can resolve their differences in their final moments together, but at least the meal seems to have calmed down the sea serpent. The creature swims back down to the ocean floor for a power nap. X'o'Lore begins to ponder his next course of action when the hook from a fishing line snags his shirt! He hardly has time to let out a bubble of protest before he is summarily reeled back to the surface. The merperson flies through the air for a moment before crash-landing on the deck behind Night Lord, who emits a grunt of frustration at his poor fishing success before casting out yet again, hoping for better success. ((X'o'Lore is now with the Guards, and thus has the same action options))
Guards, you:
Use a <F> ishing pole
Use a <M> usket
<W> alk to the rock island with the explorers
<N> ap
<DR> ink
rightclickscott, you:
<S> wim to the rocks and walk to the rock island to join the explorers
<SW> im to the rocks and get back on the ship with the guards
<SWI> m out to the open sea, to see what you can see
<DR> ink
illithid235, you:
<S> wallow the pearl dry, 'cause you're a manly man
<SW> allow the pearl with ale, 'cause you're a slightly less manly man that doesn't feel like choking right now
Keep <F> ishin'
<DR> ink
Hamelin, you:
Swim out and grab Floating Mystery Box # <1>
Swim out and grab Floating Mystery Box # <2>
Swim out and grab Floating Mystery Box # >
<DR> ink and forget the whole thing
I will use the <F>ishing rod to catch the seagulls which are floating in the water, and then fricassee them in a coconut gravy.
You see, my elaborate recipes stem from the fact that I used to be a master-chef, cooking meals for the great leaders of the world! However, one day, when I was flambéing, an eager child got to close to the pan. In an attempt to stop him burning himself, I flinged the pan away, accidentally hitting and roasting the group of orphans who were behind me to death. I joined the sailing troupe to escape my shame...
I study the pearl. I could be a manly man and try to swallow it dry, but I decide against it. There's nothing manly about a man who died choking on a pearl. I reach for some ale, then decide against it. I really don't think it would help to be any drunker, so I put the ale down. And head toward the lower levels of the ship where some seawater can be found. I put the pearl in my mouth, fill my mouth with seawater, and <SW>allow, hoping that the symbolism of the act will score me enough cool points with the gods to make choking down this thing worth it.
((If this action is unacceptable to you, mario, I will gladly change it to simply <SW>allowing it with ale.))
I <L>ook in my pockets to find a lighting material, like oil, but find that as a seagull I don't have any pockets anymore. So I decide to <D>ecend the stairs, lighting be damned. I occasionally take a <Dr>ink from a cup of ale that someone decending with me could be holding.
As I lay sleeping, I dream of my days back in the Greenwich Navy. Ol' Cap'n Russ Bucket always telling me to get my sassy-frass out of the burlap potato sacks, Peg Leg Peg (who actually had 2 perfectly fine legs, we just liked calling her that) giving her nightly song and dance routine (which was just "I'm a little teapot" and the dance that went with it, did I mention that peg leg peg was 6 years old?). Then her father, Peg Leg Greg (who had 2 peg legs, but it would've been wierd to call him Peg Legs Gregs) would take me off on his monthly food and "I seriously need to get away from that girl, she won't stop singing that god forsaken song" voyages. This is where the dream started turning bad, as I found the ship was headed towards Happy Time Island (which dispite its name, as you may have gathered by me stating the dream was turning bad, is not a happy time place). On this island we ran into the Happy Time Pirates, who were none too happy that we were there. All of a sudden, and in unison, as if they spent about an hour every other day of the week working on it, they shouted "AVAST! GET YE OFF OUR ISLAND!". They then proceeded to slaughter the whole crew, and since we carried a minimal amount of weaponry, we never stood a chance. And just as the captain of the pirates (or at least a guy wearing an extremely flamboyant hat) stands over me, his pistol pointed at my face, I wake up with a startle, and a massive headache.
((Hey god, I said earlier you can't make up an inventory. Looking in your pockets doesn't mean you get to decide what you find there. Similarly, if someone decides to go fishing or gull-shooting, they don't get to determine their success in the endeavor. You guys initiate the action, and I'll tell you the outcome.))
I decide to <L>ook through my pockets for some kind of light source, before, being the party animal I am, having another <D>rink in an attempt dull my senses to the daunting darkness of the stairs, as I do this I wonder what the legal limit is.
Similarly, if someone decides to go fishing or gull-shooting, they don't get to determine their success in the endeavor. You guys initiate the action, and I'll tell you the outcome.
Similarly, if someone decides to go fishing or gull-shooting, they don't get to determine their success in the endeavor. You guys initiate the action, and I'll tell you the outcome.
it was THAT part hlavco was talking about! did you even read his post? or mario's? OR ANYONE'S?!
I look around in total confusion. It seems I have ended up back on the ship but I have no idea what is going on. It seems like most of the crew is off and gone and the ship isn't rocking in the familiar way a boat should be rocking. After that bout with the serpent I'm almost in the right mood to have some of that cheaper ale, but full well knowing how sick I'd be I figure it might not be a good idea. I feel bad enough already. A nap is sounding a lot more tempting what with the relatively still ship and the quietness with most of the people being gone. Still, It'd be nice to know what the heck is going on here before I commit myself to a nap. I see Agentcel on board and he doesn't look quite as inebriated as the other few people milling about so I figure it might be useful to ask if he has any idea what's going on.
Geoko has fuzzy memories of one of the scrolls in his pouch being a "light" spell, but he could be confusing it with a "light everyone around me on fire" scroll, so he decides he'll avoid going down that road, at least for now. After conisdering this, he looks up and sees everyone checking their pockets for something useful. He pats a pocket idley with one hand, but he's pretty sure that other than his flask, there's nothing in there. He peers down the stairs again, and decides now's probably a good time to call upon his familiar, for a few reasons. 1. It may be able to cast some sort of light spell, 2. It might be a glowstick or some source of light, 3. he's been drinking enough that whatever he summons just might be flammable, 4. if not any of those, he can push it down the stairs and see what happens to it. To improve his odds, he takes a quick drink, closes his eyes and crosses his fingers, then goes about casting his ummon.
//EDIT: while I appreciate the point being made, wanna lower that text size a bit Professor?
Whew, lifting that heavy door sure does build up a sweat. Luckily, [DR]ink is readily availible and I take a hefty swing. With dreams of jewels and adventure swimming in my eyes, I [D]escend the stairs at top speed.
Realizing I've been standing around lamely and not getting anything accomplished, I decide I'm going to actually try to be useful. I start to examine the ship... Stepping over napping sailors and trying to avoid any flying fish hooks, I search for anything I appear to be useful-- a map, a telescope, a compass-- stuffs like that.
I get up from what I believe is one hella refreshing nap. I see that the sun is now setting in a beautiful display of vibrant reds and oranges. I’m a little bit cold now, but I love the smell of the fresh sea air. I think about how all I would need is a hammock to top off this little slice of paradise.
|[Hurk, I had a rather long and funny post written, but, no, there had to be an error. Augh.]|
So, basically, RCS falls into the water. He tries to drink from his flask, but Night Lord filled it with salt water. That jerk. He takes out his pirate map/napkin only to find it's ruined, but not his Gospel, since he keeps it wrapped up in water-proof plastic. He thought about joining the explorers, to see if they found any more ale, but, instead, he sees a pirate ship off out in the distance. He decides to SWIm towards it. However, it's not perceived any close not matter how much he swam.
((Uh, did you not understand the part where you don't get to make things up about your surroundings? You don't get to decide what Night Lord does to your flask, and you don't get to decide that there's a pirate ship. I'll perceive your post as a desire to swim out to the open sea, unless you'd like to make any changes to your narrative.))
-If you have an item, you can use it any time it's either appropriate to do so or, if you want to roleplay, any time your character is drunk enough to think it's appropriate. So even if I don't give you the explicit option to use a fishing pole, you can go ahead and do it if you've got it equipped. If you want to use proper syntax, type <item name>, but you can of course write it in full sentences for the optimal roleplaying experience. Plus, as an example, if you're not by the water when you use a fishing pole, you'll need to explain the context. Multiple items can be used in tandem if it makes sense, or if you can explain their fusion humorously enough.
-Do not create items for your character out of thin air. You only have what you find in-game. I'll write off such things as drunken hallucinations, but I'd appreciate it if you make it easier for me and not try to write yourself extra weapons and the like. The exception is benign non-weapon items that add to your character's backstory. If I like them, I'll even work them into the story, but otherwise they can only be used passively (passive commands explained below).
-There are unlisted commands you can choose, such as speaking to someone or examining your surroundings. The rule is that you can only use passive commands of this kind. So, you can't just go and fix up the ship without a command or item allowing it, but you can certainly take a gander at the situation like Hamelin did this round. You can say hello to a shipmate, but you can't try to kill him without a weapon of some sort, unless fisticuffs are given as an explicit action. Feel free to ask about a command via comment if you're unsure, but I'll bet you guys figure it out.
-If your character takes a nap or eats food, the BAC level will go down faster. How much does it go down for each? You'll just have to find out...
-Guess I should explain BAC while I'm at it. Every drink you take adds .03 to BAC, and every turn you don't drink subtracts .003. This Wikipedia entry should sufficiently explain how I'll be using BAC as a roleplaying guideline, determining how likely you are to succeed or fail at your actions. Too high of a BAC will knock you out or kill you, so be careful, but of course drunkenness has its benefits too (alcohol dulls the senses, so you might find yourself more resistant to pain when the situation arises. Who knows what else could happen? Only the heavy drinkers, I suppose.)
That's good for now. Game on.))
[size=+3]Episode 1, Turn 7: The Explorers[/size]
MrCheeze spots the downed coconut in his lap, and with deft precision cracks it open and downs its contents, tossing the shell aside as he licks his chops. His stomach filled to contentment, he walks over to the mysterious door and immediately curls up and falls asleep on it. Any remaining chance of deku12345 opening the door on his own are quickly dashed, and it becomes readily apparent that more than three people would be needed to open the door with the added weight. Luckily, Amoeba Boy, Melted Jhonnycake, hlavco (leaving his coconuts on the ground for whoever is hungry, 'cause he's such a nice guy) and geoko all rise to the challenge, grabbing the door handle and giving a large heave in unison. The door swings open, slamming into the ground and flinging MrCheeze off the rock island. He lands in the water with a large splash, then floats to the surface, continuing his nap.
(Incidentally, the coconut shell he tossed aside earlier made hard contact with Takeru's head, forcing him to take an unscheduled nap as well. It is unknown which sailor said "the easy way", but the timing may have just been a wacky coincidence.)
Trireme is also tired out by the day's events and the heat of the Sun, and so falls asleep alongside Takeru. He probably dreams about tree-climbing, but of course we aren't privy to peoples' dreams! NoLonger takes a few sips of ale, then decides to play around in the water for awhile. The other sailors leave him to his idling, because it's gotta be rough being stuck as a seagull.
((As a side-note, drunk animals are hilarious.))
But hey, what about that door thing? All the interested and conscious sailors (including god, who has just joined up with the group after taking a swig of ale) peer into the door. A winding staircase descends down into the rock. It is quite dark inside, but they can see that it extends down for hundreds of feet, far below the ocean level. Being the exploring types, it would make sense if some of them wanted to descend the staircase, though the lack of light could make for difficult traverse. It occurs to geoko that he might be able to conjure up some sort of spell to illuminate their path. One of the scrolls in his pack might do the trick, but the booze in his system is making it hard for him to read the scroll contents. If he misspeaks one word in the incantation, he might turn them all into seagulls (presumably, NoLonger would be turned into a giraffe or something. Still, not an optimal outcome). Then again, it's a frakkin' staircase. You can't exactly get lost on a staircase, so they might be just fine walking blind.
Maybe one of the other sailors has a light source in his pocket? You never know if you don't check.
Explorers (except the napping ones, you'll get up next turn), you:
<D> escend the staircase, lighting be damned!
<L> ook in your pockets for a lighter, or a flashlight, or a lit torch, anything
<N> ap alongside the other lazies
<W> alk back to the ship with the guards and the comatose drunks
<DR> ink
geoko, you:
Attempt to <R> ecite one of your incantations, hoping for an illumination spell
<S> ummon a familiar and ask him for a light
<D> escend the staircase blindly with everyone else
<W> alk back to the ship with the guards and the comatose drunks
Forget about the staircase thing and <DR> ink
rightclickscott chugs another pint of alcohol. The drink continues to affect his judgment and feed his delirium as he dresses up in full pirate regalia, found in the costume storage below decks (sailors have to be prepared for impromptu costume parties on the open seas, after all; be grateful he didn't grab the sexy cat outfit instead). He grabs a push-broom, thinking it to be a musket, and runs up top screaming before tripping over the side and falling face-first into the ocean.
Night Lord and Slick decide to join illithid235 at the ol' fishin' game. Slick, in a display of drunken confusion, casts the fishing line upward at the sky, aiming for the seagulls. The hook snags onto one of the gulls' wings, sending it crashing downward onto the deck. It struggles to free itself by thrashing violently, but this only tangles it up in the fishing line. It tries to bite at the line, but catches its beak on the hook, forcing it shut and muffling its squawks of protest. At this point the bird is essentially mummified in fishing line. It flops about blindly on the deck, crashing right into a sleeping Mr. Meowman. The startled cat pounces on the unusual prey, and in the process is also tangled up in the fishing line! The mass of fur and feathers starts to roll back and forth along the deck. Chairs, tables, kegs of ale, and even sailors are picked up by the steadily growing mass, which finally flies off the deck and hits the water, rolling along its surface into the horizon. Slick barely lets go of the fishing pole in time before it flies out of his hand in hot pursuit of the catch. Without missing a beat, he picks up another pole, casting it into the water this time. He also drinks.
Night Lord hopes to himself that he can get a catch half as interesting. Just as the thought crosses his mind, there is a hard tug on his line! He reels in the catch, only to find rightclickscott on the other end, the hook snagged on his belt. He quickly tosses back the dud catch and re-casts his pole.
rightclickscott considers his very wet position, then realizes that there is no way to get back on the ship from down here! At least not without getting fished up again, but the fishers seem to be avoiding his general location in hopes of scoring a catch they can eat or profit from. He could swim around the ship to the rocks, where he could climb up and either return to the deck or join up with the explorers. The open sea also looks like a nice swim; some exercise might help him clear his head and forget all this pirate nonsense.
Agentcel grabs one of the muskets and begins taking potshots at the seagulls. His CIA training with firearms is readily apparent, as he quickly takes out three seagulls, all of which fall straight down... into the ocean. Guess the overhead gulls might prove to be more viable targets. Oh well, at least he's got a nice musket to play with, and is just about sober enough to not be a great danger to others!
illithid235 tugs hard on the fishing line, hoping to catch the legendary Golden Fish of Kaerbannog. After a few moments, his dogged determination pays off, and he reels in a fish! The animal introduces itself as the not-so-legendary Roentgenium Fish of Detroit, MI, second cousin of the Golden Fish. Though he is similar in color and sheen due to the inert pair effect, he explains, his scales are of less value due to solid roentgenium's short half-life of only 3.6 seconds. Also, his scales take forever to regenerate, so he'd appreciate it if they were left where they were for now. His cousin once told him all the universal truths, but he doesn't remember them all that well. When illithid235 asks if they have something to do with living a healthy life and going to church, the fish thinks that sounds about right, then trails off.
An awkward silence follows.
After a moment, the Roentgenium Fish of Detroit, MI coughs lightly, then explains that he was on his way to a date with a tropical fish, and is gonna jump back in the sea now. In return for not being eaten, he gives illithid235 a magical pearl he swiped from the Ytterbium Clam of Brigadoon. The pearl lets off a faint white glow in illithid235's hand. The Roentgenium Fish can't quite recall what it's supposed to do, but he seems to remember that its powers only work when swallowed. At that, he jumps back into the water, leaving illithid235 with his thoughts and the pearl that looks just a little but too large for him to swallow comfortably. Might go down better with some ale.
Hamelin decides to actually do something useful and examines the damage dealt to the ship. A large gaping hole has been torn by the sharp shallow rocks. A great deal of water has gotten into the hull, and the current is carrying away most of the ship's cargo boxes. Hamelin didn't even realize this ship had cargo, but he shrugs it off. Luckily, the ale was all kept on-deck for easy access, but the food stores are as good as gone. A great deal of lumber and other building materials would be needed to repair the damage dealt to this ship. The ship had many such materials for patch jobs, which are slowly floating out to the open sea in a textbook example of irony. He could probably swim out and grab one of the boxes before they're too far out and bring it back, but in a glaring oversight, none of the containers are marked with their contents. He sees three boxes in range.
The half-merman decides that the tropical fish seems to know what it's doing, and since he doesn't, he defers to its relative wisdom and agrees to follow it. The fish and X'o'Lore make a made dash toward the surface. Despite their erratic swimming pattern, the sea serpent is persistent, and is slowly closing in on their position. Suddenly, a somewhat gold-colored fish splashes in from above the water.
"Hey, Janet! There you are!" says the Roentgenium Fish of Detroit, MI. "Sorry I'm late, long story, some joker tried to fish me up. Wait, who's this guy?" He gestures toward X'o'Lore.
The tropical fish swims left and right in a complicated pattern which X'o'Lore recognizes as a form of marine communication. He doesn't like what he 'hears'.
"Your date?!? But I'm your date! Look, I said I was sorry I'm late, there's no reason for you to run off with the nearest sailor you run into!"
"Yeah, I can see he's a half-merman, I'm sure that's working out great for him. But what about us??"
Before X'o'Lore can attempt to clear up the argument, the sea serpent shows up. The couple are so caught up in discussion that they hardly even notice the monster's jaws rapidly clamping down around them, swallowing the two in one bite. X'o'Lore morbidly hopes they can resolve their differences in their final moments together, but at least the meal seems to have calmed down the sea serpent. The creature swims back down to the ocean floor for a power nap. X'o'Lore begins to ponder his next course of action when the hook from a fishing line snags his shirt! He hardly has time to let out a bubble of protest before he is summarily reeled back to the surface. The merperson flies through the air for a moment before crash-landing on the deck behind Night Lord, who emits a grunt of frustration at his poor fishing success before casting out yet again, hoping for better success. ((X'o'Lore is now with the Guards, and thus has the same action options))
Guards, you:
Use a <F> ishing pole
Use a <M> usket
<W> alk to the rock island with the explorers
<N> ap
<DR> ink
rightclickscott, you:
<S> wim to the rocks and walk to the rock island to join the explorers
<SW> im to the rocks and get back on the ship with the guards
<SWI> m out to the open sea, to see what you can see
<DR> ink
illithid235, you:
<S> wallow the pearl dry, 'cause you're a manly man
<SW> allow the pearl with ale, 'cause you're a slightly less manly man that doesn't feel like choking right now
Keep <F> ishin'
<DR> ink
Hamelin, you:
Swim out and grab Floating Mystery Box # <1>
Swim out and grab Floating Mystery Box # <2>
Swim out and grab Floating Mystery Box #
<DR> ink and forget the whole thing
Agentcel (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: musket) {BAC: .021}
Amoeba Boy (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: coconuts) {BAC: .021}
deku12345 (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: shovel) {BAC: .018}
geoko (Explorer, Mage (summon familiar)) (equipment: none) {BAC: .048}
god (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: none) {BAC: .03}
Hamelin (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: none) {BAC: .03}
hlavco (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: none) {BAC: .015}
illithid235 (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: fishing pole, magical pearl) {BAC: .027}
Melted Jhonnycake (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: none) {BAC: .03}
Mish42 (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: none) {BAC: .024}
MrCheeze (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: none) {BAC: .024} (NAPPING)
Night Lord (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: fishing pole) {BAC: .03}
NoLonger (Explorer, Seagull (flight; animal speech; no actions requiring thumbs)) (equipment: none) {BAC: .03}
rightclickscott (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: push-broom) {BAC: .087}
Slick (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: fishing pole) {BAC: .081}
Takeru (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: none) {BAC: .015} (NAPPING)
Trireme (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: none) {BAC: .03} (NAPPING)
X'o'Lore (Guard, Sailor, Half-merman (can breathe underwater; marine animal speech)) (equipment: none) {BAC: .015}
You see, my elaborate recipes stem from the fact that I used to be a master-chef, cooking meals for the great leaders of the world! However, one day, when I was flambéing, an eager child got to close to the pan. In an attempt to stop him burning himself, I flinged the pan away, accidentally hitting and roasting the group of orphans who were behind me to death. I joined the sailing troupe to escape my shame...
Edit: ((Sorry about that.))
((If this action is unacceptable to you, mario, I will gladly change it to simply <SW>allowing it with ale.))
I kick a pebble down the stairs and listen to the fun echo.
Then, realizing I've been wrong before, and am still a little woozy, I decide to <L>ook in my pockets anyway.
Preferably a lit torch, because that would be cooler.
it was THAT part hlavco was talking about! did you even read his post? or mario's? OR ANYONE'S?!
I don't know whether to laugh or scream
//EDIT: while I appreciate the point being made, wanna lower that text size a bit Professor?
So, basically, RCS falls into the water. He tries to drink from his flask, but Night Lord filled it with salt water. That jerk. He takes out his pirate map/napkin only to find it's ruined, but not his Gospel, since he keeps it wrapped up in water-proof plastic. He thought about joining the explorers, to see if they found any more ale, but, instead, he sees a pirate ship off out in the distance. He decides to SWIm towards it. However, it's not perceived any close not matter how much he swam.
While Scott slept, I filled his flask with salt water.
That's right, I'm rewriting the past.))
EDIT: Commented out.