We named him Petey. We kept him in a cage. Most of the day, he would run around the cage from all directions. It was awesome to watch. Eventually, he got too big for us to keep and wanted to leave, so we let him go. He still visits every now and then (we believe he actually lives in our attic now), but we're unsure if he's ever left the the general vicinity of our block. He was really fun and energetic, and I was the only member of our family that he didn't bite. He's the #2 most exotic pet we've had, right under a praying mantis that I named Rudiger.
i am at awwesome at my job. I am a relations hip manager, which means i make sure our clients are happy and sound. I was assigned some american clients from jersey. so being an american living in china acting as a brdige between different cultures, i did he best thing i could do. i took them to hootesr. an im drunk. but they all lofve me and thinmk i am awesome at my job., and i'm drunk now. im gonna make some moer posts and g to bed.
but vefroe i do, i have to asy i love yoyu adam. i forgot you before, and i cant apologize enough. you are a asexy sonbithc. i love you, and bein g in japan with you was awesome. yu need to come visist so we can drunk off our asses for less than 10 buxks. i love you so much.
Alright, so *I* didn't actually do this, but it was just... gah alright, so there's this kid on campus who rides a unicycle everywhere, and I know him through a friend of mine. Absolutely no social skills, so nerdy you want to face palm just about everything he says, and the type of person you just have to accept people looking at you funny when you're hanging out with him.
SO, a group of friends and I were going out to this restaurant the other night for some dinner, and we see a guy balancing on his unicycle, leaned up against a wall, fidgeting with someone in his hands. I say "Hey, isn't that Alex?" ((no not the same Alex for anyone curious)) and so we go up to him, and sure enough, it is! We ask him what's up, after seeing what he's messing with; all we see in his hands is 4 batteries (pretty large ones) taped together, wiring coming from the center of the home-made battery pack, and we hear music cutting off and on coming from his pants pockets.
His response: "Oh, not much, I've just taken my computer speakers, cut the wires and re-wired them to this battery pack I made so that I've got it hooked up to my mp3 player as well, and everything's good except one of the wires isn't quite connected right.... I've got the speakers in my pocket, but the music's skipping a bit. I was planning to ride by on my unicycle and Rick Roll the church of Scientology."
Our reactions were first giving him a very odd look of "What the fuck..." but eventually all of them turned into a smile, as we all looked down and thought, "Wow."
Describing that later, we realized it takes a special kind of nerdiness to plot something like that. Is that not hilarious though??
It seems like every university has a unicycle guy. He sounds pretty interesting though, much more so than our university's unicycle guy. But I never knew him, so I dunno.
I've hung out with him I think 3 times so far. First time I was playing a Roleplaying game (similar to D&D, not quite) with him, and he asked if he could name his robot Hoborg, and I asked, "Is that... is that a Neverhood reference?" and it was! I've only met like one other person my entire life who has played that game before. He didn't name the character Hoborg though, he decided on naming the robot E-1337.
We all had a similar reaction to that as we did the rick-rolling idea. The GM was like "No... well, I guess since it's a robot, it could have a number as it's given name..."
I came up with a sweet Halloween costume idea, got all the costume components (most at the Goodwill for dirt cheap), and am excited about dressing up for the first time in years! SUCCESS!
(I'll let you all know what I dress up as after I attend a Halloween party this Saturday and hopefully get a good photo of the complete ensemble)
Let's try to SUCCESSFULLY guess what mario will be for Halloween. If he got most of what he needed at good will...I'm guessing he's gonna be an 80's style skate-boarder.
I've thought about that, but the mechanics of a rickrolling costume (presumably with a secondary fake costume) would be difficult to pull off.
yes, you'd have to wear something concealing, as well as cool so they inquire about what your costume is, (Such as Marcus Fenix, or a Protoss) And when they finish asking, BAM - RICKROLL.
seems too complicated.
EDIT:Holy Double post. It happens when my dad's laptop is sucking bandwidth like a $10 whore sucks junk.
College = The level of education that comes after high school
Collage = An artistic juxtaposition of pictures and possibly text
Remember, this is not to be mean, just trying to teach. It's my career.
And they growl like little dogs.
We named him Petey. We kept him in a cage. Most of the day, he would run around the cage from all directions. It was awesome to watch. Eventually, he got too big for us to keep and wanted to leave, so we let him go. He still visits every now and then (we believe he actually lives in our attic now), but we're unsure if he's ever left the the general vicinity of our block. He was really fun and energetic, and I was the only member of our family that he didn't bite. He's the #2 most exotic pet we've had, right under a praying mantis that I named Rudiger.
Maybe later I'll study for my midterm tomorrow. Or maybe I'll study for my midterm tomorrow.
You better mean all at once!
but vefroe i do, i have to asy i love yoyu adam. i forgot you before, and i cant apologize enough. you are a asexy sonbithc. i love you, and bein g in japan with you was awesome. yu need to come visist so we can drunk off our asses for less than 10 buxks. i love you so much.
k i go bed now night.
I can't wait!!! ^_____^
SO, a group of friends and I were going out to this restaurant the other night for some dinner, and we see a guy balancing on his unicycle, leaned up against a wall, fidgeting with someone in his hands. I say "Hey, isn't that Alex?" ((no not the same Alex for anyone curious)) and so we go up to him, and sure enough, it is! We ask him what's up, after seeing what he's messing with; all we see in his hands is 4 batteries (pretty large ones) taped together, wiring coming from the center of the home-made battery pack, and we hear music cutting off and on coming from his pants pockets.
His response: "Oh, not much, I've just taken my computer speakers, cut the wires and re-wired them to this battery pack I made so that I've got it hooked up to my mp3 player as well, and everything's good except one of the wires isn't quite connected right.... I've got the speakers in my pocket, but the music's skipping a bit. I was planning to ride by on my unicycle and Rick Roll the church of Scientology."
Our reactions were first giving him a very odd look of "What the fuck..." but eventually all of them turned into a smile, as we all looked down and thought, "Wow."
Describing that later, we realized it takes a special kind of nerdiness to plot something like that. Is that not hilarious though??
He sounds crafty.
We all had a similar reaction to that as we did the rick-rolling idea. The GM was like "No... well, I guess since it's a robot, it could have a number as it's given name..."
(I'll let you all know what I dress up as after I attend a Halloween party this Saturday and hopefully get a good photo of the complete ensemble)
...but that's exactly what he WANTS us to think.
yes, you'd have to wear something concealing, as well as cool so they inquire about what your costume is, (Such as Marcus Fenix, or a Protoss) And when they finish asking, BAM - RICKROLL.
seems too complicated.
EDIT:Holy Double post. It happens when my dad's laptop is sucking bandwidth like a $10 whore sucks junk.