
  • edited October 2008
    I'm torn. Do these Maple-Bacon lollipops count as a success for humanity, or a horrible, horribile failure
  • edited October 2008 strange.

    On a related note, the video store near us has a copy of Guitar Hero: World Tour for rent!

    But it seems you can't get the peripherals with it. Do you just rent it for the guitar, or what?

    Rock Band peripherals work with World Tour.
  • edited October 2008

    That's right, I remember reading that they would adjust the drum notes if you were using a Rock Band drum set. But then you miss out on the cymbally goodness!
  • edited October 2008
    A perfect gift for the sweet-toothed pork aficionado in your life.
    Because we all know someone who is.
  • edited October 2008
    Anyone wanna go in on a pack of these? I'm genuinely tempted.
  • godgod
    edited October 2008
    I've had maple flavored bacon before, it was bad. I can't see how this will be any better.
  • edited October 2008
    But it's on a stick!
  • edited October 2008
    So is AIDS on a stick, I still don't want it.
  • edited October 2008
    But it's on a stick.
  • edited October 2008
    My roommate made maple bacon one morning. The smell was noxious. I had to crack a window, in -30C, in order to breathe.
  • edited October 2008
    mario wrote: »
    Anyone wanna go in on a pack of these? I'm genuinely tempted.

    I do! What size do you wanna get? I'll mail you some cash.
  • edited October 2008
    I am currently communicating in Japanese with a subsidiary office in Beijing for assistance on a project I'm working on that's based in the US.

    International business rocks!
  • edited November 2008
    I started my current job one year ago today. I guess a piece of my work was shown off as part of a feature on a state-wide news channel I think last night. I haven't seen that yet actually. I suppose I could dig up a link later.

    Also I just fixed a bug that's been bothering me for quite a while.

    Overall, this might just amount to an awesome success.

    EDIT: I guess this is it. My company did the visit saint paul site. I worked on the coupon viewer thing they play around with a bit in the video.
  • edited November 2008
    I just convinced this girl in my radio station to do a "One Hit Wonder" piece on Rick Astley on Monday!

    SUCCESS for vicariously Rick Rolling the Kerry region of Ireland!!!!!
  • edited November 2008
    That is indeed an awesome success.
  • edited November 2008
    ITV News rick-rolled the nation tonight with a piece on Rick Astley which started with a sudden, uniformed clip of Never Gonna Give You Up.
  • edited November 2008
    Cigarette success:

    I asked for 10 marlboro red today, and the woman, who wasn't paying attention, plucked a box of 20 marlboro red off of the shelf and only charged for a 10 box. Hurrah!
  • edited November 2008
    Woo! Now you can give yourself lung cancer for half price!
  • edited November 2008
    Night Lord wrote: »
    Cigarette success:

    I asked for 10 marlboro red today, and the woman, who wasn't paying attention, plucked a box of 20 marlboro red off of the shelf and only charged for a 10 box. Hurrah!

    Huzza to you! They don't sell boxes of 10 over in Ireland anymore so now i am forced to pay 8 Euro for my 20 cancer sticks...
  • edited November 2008
    Huzza to you! They don't sell boxes of 10 over in Ireland anymore so now i am forced to pay 8 Euro for my 20 cancer sticks...

    8 Euro? Unless my math fails me, thats like 16 USD...Cigarettes are like 5 USD on average here. Odd. Well, sorry your cancer is overpriced.
  • edited November 2008
    It's $10 but it's not pricey enough... I need to quit like now!
  • edited November 2008
    Ehh I was never good at monetary conversions.

    But still, $10 a pack would make me quit pretty damn quick
    I wont complain next time I see $5.23 hah
  • edited November 2008
    How many people here smoke? I don't smoke cigarettes, even though second hand smoke has never bothered me the least bit since my parents always smoked in front of me. They're both really heavy smokers. It got to a point where I stopped trying to hold my breath in front of them and just got used to breathing in second hand smoke as if were normal air. Lol, the first time I ever tried a cigarette, I inhaled, exhaled, and thought "Huh... it's exactly the same as second hand smoke, except you can actually exhale!"

    Most of my friends smoke, but I figure if I ever bought my own pack, the nicotine is already in my blood to where I would be hooked instantly. Cigarettes are too expensive to get addicted to!
  • edited November 2008
    I have, on and off since I was pretty young.

    Not the greatest idea but honestly, it's nice when you have a bunch of school and social stress (yes. I understand I'm in highschool, college is worse, etc etc.) And i'm sure the adverse health effects arent the greatest, but I dont smoke like 2 packs a day and I don't plan on doing it until i'm 60.
  • edited November 2008
    I care less about the enormous health risks, and more about the behavior of the businesses that distribute cigarettes, and it is for this reason I've refused smokes from friends.
  • edited November 2008
    Smoke cigars instead. I want to start smoking a pipe. I think it would suit me.
  • edited November 2008
    I smoke cigars. They give you a buzz, and they're not addictive.

    I'm not sure about pipes though. I've heard that to start a pipe you have to make a "sunspot" on your tongue, where the end of the pipe will meet your mouth. It apparently hurts to make, and it permanently kills the tastebuds there.

    But it does look sexy.
  • edited November 2008
    Yeah killing tastebuds doesnt seem like fun at all, and I never really had the acquired taste for cigars. They just kind of make my lips taste funny but theyre usually more expensive too.
    The closest I come to smoking cigars is Black & Milds.
  • edited November 2008
    If you or anyone else really want to get into cigars, I recommend starting off on some of the flavored stuff. Acids, Dirts, and Kahluas are all good. Acid and Dirt are both made by Drew Estate, and I like a lot of cigars they make. I forget who makes Kahlua, but yes it is the same as the liquor. Same flavor.

    Flavored cigars have a thin film of sweet flavor on the butt ends, so they add a nice aromatic taste to each puff. They're really good, and I'd recommend starting with them if you're really interested.

    After that, you can start transitioning into other cigars. Although I'd recommend staying clear away from CAOs or other darker cigars until you've built up a tolerance. Those will fuck you up unless you've accumulated some experience.

    The only problem with the hobby is that it's expensive as hell. A decent cigar will put you back like $6 bucks a pop if you buy them at a local outlet store. If you've got the cash, you can buy them in boxes online, and then you drive the unit price down to like $3 or less, depending on what you get. But by then you're buying like 25 cigars anyway, and after shipping and tax you might be paying upwards of $100 bucks a box. My dad does that, and he keeps his humidor filled, so he frequently gives me leftovers.

    And as a disclaimer, do not smoke until you're 18, I don't condone underage smoking, etc etc.
  • godgod
    edited November 2008
    Behemoth wrote: »
    I want to start smoking a pipe.
    A pipe is the only thing I'd ever consider smoking, simply because of the aesthetic value. But not having addictions seems to be working out fairly well for me.