
  • edited June 2008
    Serephel has SUCCESSFULLY deluded himself into thinking his coolness meter is at four!
    Silly, silly Serephel, you can only be level four if you have your hat, and I stole your hat quite some time ago on the Official Intro Thread after you took my shoes.
    No no, your meter will say 2 until you have a new hat, or date a girl speaking only Pig Latin.
  • edited June 2008
    Oh woops that was Agentcel.
    *takes Serephel's hat*
    Now you’re BOTH hatless! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH
    That was a total success.
  • edited June 2008
    I think I can help with Serephel's hatless predicament:
  • edited June 2008
    Cheese makes everything better
  • edited June 2008
    I think he's in China, not Wisconsin.
  • edited June 2008
    Well I mean they're practically the same place, right?
  • edited June 2008
  • edited June 2008
    They're equally foreign to me. Besides, his avatar's in space, so the Wisconsin/China argument is rather moot. He can be in space and still be a cheesehead.
  • edited June 2008
    Which reminds me that Idaho is the "Gem State." I don't know that just seems a bit odd to me.
  • edited June 2008
    Idaho has been nicknamed “the Gem State” since
    its territorial days. The name of the territory, however,
    was originally more hype than fact. The word Idaho was
    supposedly derived from a purported Indian word “EDah-
    Hoe” meaning “Gem of the Mountains” or “Light
    on the Mountain.” In truth, it was a neologism taken by
    those politically interested in getting the Idaho Territory
    established. So the “Gem State” was not on first intent
    justly honored for its gem and mineral treasures, though
    as it has turned out it could have been.
    From A for acanthite to Z for zoisite, over 240
    different minerals have been identified in Idaho. The
    state can claim world class specimens of vivianite,
    pyromorphite, cerussite, smokey quartz, aquamarine,
    ilvaite, and other minerals. Many of these unusual
    specimens are rare and today cherished exclusively in
    museums, private collections, and the wares of gem
    dealers. One fabulous exception to this limited
    availability is the official state gem, the “Star Garnet,” a
    beautiful stone found in some abundance only in Idaho
    and India.

    Gotta love copy and paste.:D

    SUCCESS!!! My mom scored us a free copy of Age of Empires III at a tech meet!
  • edited June 2008

    Geologists are awesome at naming things.

    That was actually a pretty neat story. Success for learning!
  • edited June 2008
    I love the cheesehat Mario!

    My cactrot has a cheesehat. Certainly that is awesome success in itself!
  • edited June 2008
    I got 7 hours of over-time tonight. SUCCESS!
  • edited June 2008
    Serephel wrote: »
    My cactrot has a cheesehat. Certainly that is awesome success in itself!

    Yes, it is indeed awesome. But sadly, this cheesy hat-like goodness was Mario's doing. Congratulations Mario! Your coolness meter has risen to four!:D While Serephel's remains lamely at two... :(
  • edited June 2008
    My coolness meter stands (or perhaps sags?) proudly at -1. I think. I may be reading it wrong?

    Maybe it's broken? It's been at -1 for quite a while...
  • edited June 2008
    Behemoth wrote: »
    I got 7 hours of over-time tonight. SUCCESS!

    When you say 'got,' do you mean you were PAID 7 hours of overtime, or you WORKED 7 hours of overtime? That's a whole lot of overtime for one night :(
  • edited June 2008
    worked. I was able to get and work 7 hours after my regular 8.5 hour shift ended. MONEYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
  • edited June 2008
    XoLore wrote: »
    My coolness meter stands (or perhaps sags?) proudly at -1. I think. I may be reading it wrong?

    Maybe it's broken? It's been at -1 for quite a while...
    Oh no, that’s completely correct, seeing as you have no hat.
    * A hat mysteriously flies out the window*
    Oh, how strange. Anyway, no hat for you.
  • edited June 2008
    My coolness meter has remained in the range of 3-11 for 5 years.
    It's been steadily increasing.
  • edited June 2008
    No silly, your holding it up-side down. :)
  • edited June 2008
    You lose a point for using your when you're would be correct!

    Proper grammar is the coolest.
  • edited June 2008
    Hellz yeah!!! Also I have one of those compass-y looking ones. So I can't hold I up-side down and effect what the measurement says, 'cause I'm cool like that.
    Oh look! it went up!
  • edited June 2008
    Hamelin wrote: »
    You lose a point for using your when you're would be correct!

    Proper grammar is the coolest.
    Curse you Word! I ran it through to make sure....

    That’s it, Microsoft is SO losing cool points for this!!!
  • edited June 2008
    You use word?! Fool!!! Human intelligence is where it's at.
  • edited June 2008
    Pffft, Human intelligence is soooo last month. COOL KIDS use robotics . You lose a point for being behind the times.
  • edited June 2008
    You're both wrong, the REAL cool kids use papyrus and a stone with blood at the end!
  • edited June 2008
    The REAL cool kids use butterflies.

  • edited June 2008
    Ok, butterflies totally own robots. Mario gets 5 cool points for owning us all with his butterflies.
  • edited July 2008
    1. I made my first post!
    2. I got a new job! (QCing LIDAR map data)
    3. I finally biked to the top of the mountain/big hill by my house (8 miles and 1000' elevation change)
    4. I finally bought my own pair of skis ( now to wait 6 months to use them :()

    Summer = SUCCESS!
  • edited July 2008
    I found five baby rabbits at work today. they were cute and soft and fuzzy and delicious.