pokemon wolley dicussion

edited April 2009 in Comics
well I haven't got much done on the comic but here, http://pokemonwolley.comicgenesis.com


  • edited March 2006
    Ohh, you made that fancomic for Mario.
  • edited March 2006
    Very postmodern.
  • edited March 2006
    I can't really read the bright text on the light backgrounds. Maybe try something a little more contrasty?
  • edited March 2006
    well the thing is that I would like some one to help me tith the html, and plus I lost everything on cruzer mini.
  • edited April 2006
    very trippy, I likes it lots.
  • edited April 2006
    Well this is my banner for my comic
  • edited April 2006
    Damn. I wanted to read pokemon wolley but I can't. It's bad for my health.
  • edited October 2006
    amanda.PNG the crystal heroine
    allen.PNG crystal/gold/silver hero
    daisy.png Daisy
    ash2.png the ash based character
    these are the characters or at least most of them
  • edited October 2006
    I said it on Pokémon X and I'm saying it here.
    mjc0961 wrote:
    Where it belongs is the Recycle Bin.

    All you have are the same poorly made comics that you posted there. The ones where you can't read the text except in the completely out of place comics that don't make any sense. In fact, the best thing you've made was that banner warning us that your comic is bad for our health: which so far it is.


    Start learning how to make a comic look decent there, and once you've done that, read this:


    It'll give you some more tips to make your comic better.
  • edited October 2006
    Dude, calm down. He hasn't even posted a new comic. All he's done is post some sprites that he plans to use in future (most likely improved) comics.
  • edited October 2006
    He did in Agentcel's contest and it shows no signs of improvement. The sprites aren't bad for recolors but after seeing what he posted in the contest, he needs to vastly improve before making anything new. Unless you enjoy reading these things:

  • edited October 2006
    If I may be blunt, I agree with mjc, the comics on his page are rather lacking in quality....
  • edited October 2006
    yes I suck there I suck, I guess I should just give up then okay. Iguess I not worthy of all of your reference then
  • edited October 2006
    Then you should improve yourself, not break yourself down needlessly.

    Read some other comics, break out some print comics, look at the usage of space, how text is handled, and try to find a way to make your own style.
  • edited October 2006
    God, I'm glad I don't try to do sprite comics around heres.

    Bad ones really get slammed.
  • edited October 2006
    Happens everywhere, most aren't very good.
  • edited October 2006
    mjc0961 wrote: »
    He did in Agentcel's contest and it shows no signs of improvement. The sprites aren't bad for recolors but after seeing what he posted in the contest, he needs to vastly improve before making anything new. Unless you enjoy reading these things:


    Sorry, I forgot about that one. I must say though, it does show some (very minor) improvment. Kirby, you don't need to give up entirely, this one at least looks a little better. Aside from the lack of word bubbles or a well-chosen text style for easy reading, I think your biggest problem is content. Don't try to write a comic around a picture. Think of a joke first, think of something that could work if it was written out in a script. Once you have an actual joke, create a scene that will best convey the atmosphere you had in mind when creating the joke. Just try doing some comedy with stick figures first. If you can't tell a good joke or create an interesting dialogue, no image will help.
  • edited October 2006
    kirby wrote: »
    yes I suck there I suck, I guess I should just give up then okay. Iguess I not worthy of all of your reference then

    I don't know what you mean by "your reference" but I did refer you to some helpful guides, so... :confused:
  • edited October 2006
    well the thing is that I still can't decide which format to use
    leaf green/fire red or gold/silver/crystal
  • edited October 2006
    Well, figure out your plot and then you'll know if you need to use Kanto or Johto.
  • edited October 2006
    well I use Kanto first but I'm not sure which format to use
  • edited October 2006
    Use the GBA ones if you want good graphics.

    Use the Gold/Silver ones if you want to stand out. GBA Pokemon sprites are way overused.
  • edited October 2006
    okay then
  • edited October 2006
    Good to see your comics improving, though. ^^

    You'll post with updates, right? I'm eager to see if Mcj's resources taught you a thing or two. I like the Paint tutorial, I've seen it before.

    What program are you using, Kirby?
  • edited October 2006
    mjc0961 wrote:
    He did in Agentcel's contest and it shows no signs of improvement

    Thread reference ftw!

    Any way...kirby, like a couple other guys are saying...don't give up! Keep entering in my comic contests, and look and some of the pages they've linked you to! You'll improve very fast ^^
  • edited October 2006
    Toadstool wrote: »


    Anyway, I'd say go with the 2nd generation sprites, too. It'd be a nice change from all the crappy comics that rape the 3rd gen graphics.
  • edited October 2006
    yeha I'll stay with the orginal idea I'm working on it with Paint.Net
  • edited October 2006
    also:there's a reason why my sprite comic thread is dying!
  • edited October 2006
    kirby wrote: »
    yeha I'll stay with the orginal idea I'm working on it with Paint.Net

    It is still way too small. Resize the backgrounds and characters by at least 200%. Maybe 300% but cut out parts of the background you don't need. This will also give you more room for text, which needs to be bigger so it can be read. Also, never use colored text in place of text box tails to tell who is talking. You can use both (just make sure the text is a dark color on a white BG so it can be read), but not just colored text. Especially picking the colors you chose... Who the hell do the yellow and blue texts belong to? I only see a red and a black and red guy in there. Oh, and about the sprites. What's with the white border on some of the poses? Can you post the sprite sheet you got those from so I can take a closer look at it? I don't know if it's the sheet's fault or your fault, so I can't help you.
  • edited October 2006
    oh I riped them personally. so that must mean they suck?