AIM Convo Thread
tumor zombie: stop licking me!!
Nukivaj: :P
tumor zombie: nooo!
tumor zombie: :P :P :P :P
Nukivaj: But you're so tasty!
tumor zombie: it is my gift and my curse :-(
Nukivaj: *nibbles*
tumor zombie: eep!
Nukivaj: You taste like elderberries.
tumor zombie: You smell like grass and flowers!
Nukivaj: *turns into Pacman and eats you*
tumor zombie: *dies*
Nukivaj: We-oo we-oo we-oooooo
Nukivaj: GAME OVER!
Nukivaj: :P
tumor zombie: nooo!
tumor zombie: :P :P :P :P
Nukivaj: But you're so tasty!
tumor zombie: it is my gift and my curse :-(
Nukivaj: *nibbles*
tumor zombie: eep!
Nukivaj: You taste like elderberries.
tumor zombie: You smell like grass and flowers!
Nukivaj: *turns into Pacman and eats you*
tumor zombie: *dies*
Nukivaj: We-oo we-oo we-oooooo
Nukivaj: GAME OVER!
(13:54:31) zeldacomic: *gasp!*
(13:54:33) zeldacomic: how epic!
(13:54:57) zeldacomic: the poets will write lengthy sonnets of your plight!
(13:55:23) Jake of Laurania: bah, I say!
(13:55:33) Jake of Laurania: bards will suffice
(13:55:37) zeldacomic: very well
(13:55:40) zeldacomic: bards then
(13:55:56) Jake of Laurania: now you're on some sort of anachronistic mass transportation vehicle
(13:56:19) zeldacomic: I don't follow
(13:56:50) Jake of Laurania: now you're totally not on the anachronistic mass transportation vehicle!
(13:57:00) zeldacomic: I... follow?
(13:57:12) Jake of Laurania: now you're on "the trolleY"
(13:57:28) Jake of Laurania: the capital Y stands for...yiffing.
(13:57:35) zeldacomic: *shudder*
(13:57:40) zeldacomic: now I'm very much on the trolley
(22:31:34) MacJake: Stephen Colbert just slammed Canada!
(22:31:56) MacJake: "Martin's government falls! Will the streets murmur with quiet disagreement?"
(22:32:19) J.J.: hgahhaahhaa
(22:32:30) J.J.: I am tired of the implication that we Canadians are wimps!
(22:32:43) J.J.: I am going to write Mr. Colbert a polite yet firm letter of disagreement
(22:33:09) MacJake: be sure to list the positive points of his program as well, so that his feelings aren't hurt too much
Forumite Jon: Whoah. Something is definitely wrong. The old Q would never play a game that involved pirates.
kyuu tip: The old Q wouldn't do a lot of things.
Forumite Jon: But... Pirates. They're like your arch-nemeses.
kyuu tip: Nah.
kyuu tip: Cowboys now.
kyuu tip: I loathe Cowboys.
Forumite Jon: They are pretty dumb. With their horses and their fancy, yet completely inaccurate, sidearms.
kyuu tip: Not to mention their Lawful Neutral attitude.
Forumite Jon: I guess you won't be visiting Texas any time soon.
kyuu tip: Their "I'm the boss of me" attitude.
Forumite Jon: I would have thought they'd be chaotic neutral. What with all the drinking and the whorin'.
kyuu tip: I'm sure they are all over the neutral area.
kyuu tip: The point is that they are dickweeds.
kyuu tip: And they piss me off.
Forumite Jon: Yeah. You should go teach them a lesson. With their pointy boots and oversized hats.
kyuu tip: Someday I will.
kyuu tip: I don't know how.
kyuu tip: But I will.
Forumite Jon: All you need is a large chunk of wood. Or a sock full of sand/pennies.
Forumite Jon: Or a bazooka.
kyuu tip: I'm thinking I'll have to wait until they start a bounty system on Cowboys.
Forumite Jon: That'd be a nice little earner then.
kyuu tip: Yeah.
Hamelin Rackham: No idea
Hamelin Rackham: Doesn't sound familiar
C4rn1v0r3: ok
C4rn1v0r3: it's a verticle shooter
Hamelin Rackham: Raptor shooter?
C4rn1v0r3: you're a plane
Hamelin Rackham: Does the dinosaur have lasers?
C4rn1v0r3: not a dinosaur
Hamelin Rackham: dinosaur plane?
C4rn1v0r3: god damnit no
C4rn1v0r3: it's just called that
Hamelin Rackham: So, there's no dinosaurs at all?
C4rn1v0r3: no
Hamelin Rackham: You don't shoot at dinosaurs?
Hamelin Rackham: Well, I have to say I find that disappointing.
C4rn1v0r3: well that's too damn bad. you're a mercenary that gets paid to fuck with a corporation by blowing it's shit up
C4rn1v0r3: there are cool weapons
Hamelin Rackham: Dinosaur weapons would be cooler
Inara was totally on the Valentine's episode of the OC for five seconds.
Jake of Laurania: did you see the latest Questionable Content? That shit is crunk, fo' shizzle
Amoeba Boy Zero: I have not
Jake of Laurania: gah! You're not Eleanor!
You lose at life.
Or maybe he's trying to tell me something through secret messages I've only taken at face value!
I never get mistaken for anyone else on Jakey's list.
EDIT: Never mind:
Jake of Laurania (2:47:30 PM): yo, Calvin
Jake of Laurania (2:47:32 PM): OH NOES ITS THE WRONG PERSON
Forumite Jon (2:47:39 PM): Hahahahaha.
Forumite Jon (2:47:47 PM): I feel special now!
...I also use gaim. It's lacks many features offered by MSN but it allows me to use AIM without actually having to use AIM at the same time that I can use MSN (and google talk).
For example!
jakeoflaurania: ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY
LeperKhanKnew: Thanks
jakeoflaurania: 25! sheesh!
LeperKhanKnew: you must be drinking
jakeoflaurania: actually, I'm not
jakeoflaurania: I'm just tired
jakeoflaurania: hence the proper spelling of words
LeperKhanKnew: ah
LeperKhanKnew: and the giant text font?
jakeoflaurania: giant?
LeperKhanKnew: it is quite large
jakeoflaurania: in my window it's the same size as yours
jakeoflaurania: only in bold
jakeoflaurania: does this make a difference?
LeperKhanKnew: quite
jakeoflaurania: how queer
jakeoflaurania: at any rate
LeperKhanKnew: but its still a size or two largeer than mine
LeperKhanKnew: indeed
jakeoflaurania: enjoy this arbitrary marking point along the bitter and inevitable march to the grave
LeperKhanKnew: it'a only partially arbitrary!
jakeoflaurania: hah! do you know when your SOUL was born? I think not!
LeperKhanKnew: do YOU know if such a thing truly exists, outside of the chemical imprintation created in our brains?
jakeoflaurania: touche, teacher. touche. but Jesus knows! And I think I can take Jesus' word for it!
LeperKhanKnew: Jesus? Man, that guy sold me some bad weed once. You can't take his word for anything!
LeperKhanKnew: I'm just glad that chulo is in jail right now
jakeoflaurania: pfft, everyone makes mistakes! He forgave YOU, you should go an do likewise
LeperKhanKnew: What the hell are you talking about? He told me that if he ever saw me again, he'd cut me so bad, I'd wish he wouldn't 've cut me so bad
jakeoflaurania: that...was clearly a parable of some sort
LeperKhanKnew: a parable? In Spanish? Such Nonsense!!!!
jakeoflaurania: he was probably speaking Aramaic!
LeperKhanKnew: Well, he might've been, accientally, after he smoked all that meth
jakeoflaurania: smoked all that holy meth
LeperKhanKnew: At least it idn't smell like incense
Oh wait, that's one of the few times that he wasn't falling down drunk while posting IMs.
Here we go!
Session Start (AIM - LeperKhanKnew:Jakey McJake): Fri Nov 05 22:54:52 2004
Jakey McJake: hey, it's KHAN
Jakey McJake: what is up, yo
Jakey McJake: anythning
Jakey McJake: nothinga
Jakey McJake: ???
LeperKhanKnew: heh.. been drinking?
Jakey McJake: While it's fankly none of your business, yes
LeperKhanKnew: no kidding
Jakey McJake: why would I joke
LeperKhanKnew: I'm learning how to play samurai warriors
Jakey McJake: I'm proffessor serious
Jakey McJake: samurai warios?
Jakey McJake: *warrrriosr?
LeperKhanKnew: heh
LeperKhanKnew: you guys
LeperKhanKnew: I swear
Jakey McJake: who?
LeperKhanKnew: never mind
Jakey McJake: now you're piqued my interest
LeperKhanKnew: um, well... its just a phrase...
LeperKhanKnew: brb
Jakey McJake: national enquirying minds wwant to know!
Jakey McJake: ok
LeperKhanKnew: its like, when someone you know does or says something wacky, you just shake your head and go "you guys", jovially
Jakey McJake: even with one?
LeperKhanKnew: yeah
Jakey McJake: you southernerers
Jakey McJake: and your coloquialism
Jakey McJake: s
LeperKhanKnew: oh, its not a southerner thing
LeperKhanKnew: not a colloquialism
Jakey McJake: so?
LeperKhanKnew: it was jsut a thing in my old group of friends
Jakey McJake: oooooohhhhhhhhh
LeperKhanKnew: no one else down here says that, really
Jakey McJake: thanks for the heasd up
LeperKhanKnew: well, not with that meaning
Jakey McJake: I won't say it the ne xt time I"m in Chinqaupin Parsi]h
LeperKhanKnew: what?
Jakey McJake: so I won't look liek a yankee pihg
Jakey McJake: *pig
LeperKhanKnew: chinqauping parish?
LeperKhanKnew: huh?
Jakey McJake: i suspect it exists
Jakey McJake: that one show
Jakey McJake: Steel flowers
LeperKhanKnew: no....
LeperKhanKnew: it doesnt
Jakey McJake: ehhn.
LeperKhanKnew: you must mean st coupee parish
LeperKhanKnew: saint coupee
Jakey McJake: mayhap
LeperKhanKnew: and I don;t live there
Jakey McJake: who sayid I'd visit YOU
LeperKhanKnew: whatever, drunky
Jakey McJake: whatever, kettle
LeperKhanKnew: jesus, you kids and your inability to hold your booze
Jakey McJake: you odn't even know how much I had
LeperKhanKnew: I mean, anna can handle her shit better than you
LeperKhanKnew: and she's like an 80 pound waif of a girl
Jakey McJake: fucking hot as that is , iits irrelevatn
LeperKhanKnew: so's your mom, but anyway
LeperKhanKnew: why are you so drunk, anyway?
Jakey McJake: irrelevant
Jakey McJake: I'm lonely and dpressed
LeperKhanKnew: so?
Jakey McJake: and it was jus tsittin gin my drawer
LeperKhanKnew: wow, what an assholish statement for me to make
Jakey McJake: well my roooomate devin was supposed to drink it with me
Jakey McJake: but he pussied out for his lasdy
LeperKhanKnew: but yeah.... I've been there
Jakey McJake: ah, well
Jakey McJake: 'cest le viea
LeperKhanKnew: of course, I have to drink way too much to get that fucked up, thanks to the ole tolerance level...
LeperKhanKnew: thats no life
Jakey McJake: i suppose Im a lightweight
Jakey McJake: but i loves my perto rican rum
LeperKhanKnew: oh, puerto rican, you say?
LeperKhanKnew: is it coffee rum?
LeperKhanKnew: that shit is awesome
Jakey McJake: no, but that sounds yummy
LeperKhanKnew: Its amazingly good
Jakey McJake: i'll look for that nest time
Jakey McJake: if you so recoomend
LeperKhanKnew: like, you can drink it straight and LOVE the taste
Jakey McJake: shit
Jakey McJake: i'm going oabut this all wrong
LeperKhanKnew: I haven;'t been able to find it in the states
Jakey McJake: well, fuck
Jakey McJake: now you gave me booze blue balls
LeperKhanKnew: well, thats a nic mental image
LeperKhanKnew: thank you
LeperKhanKnew: for that
Jakey McJake: you're qiite welcom
Jakey McJake: e
Jakey McJake: esides, you've never seen my dick
Jakey McJake: so you don' know
LeperKhanKnew: I imagine its very hairy
LeperKhanKnew: for some reason
Jakey McJake: I keep it trimmed
LeperKhanKnew: and it probably tosses out random quotes from dead guys
Jakey McJake: hey, i stopped doing that on the forums just for yous\
LeperKhanKnew: like decartes, or whatnot
Forumite Jon (2:16:58 PM): No carousing?
Jakey McJake (2:17:05 PM): no
Jakey McJake (2:17:16 PM): I'm just sitting here amazed at how indepth and complex the world of DuckTales is
Forumite Jon (2:17:47 PM): Are you by any chance stoned?
Jakey McJake (2:19:09 PM): If I answer that question, you will not believe me when I tell you that Western Civilization has nothing on the Machivellian schemes that mar the history of DuckTales
Forumite Jon (2:19:36 PM): Hahhaha. So that's a yes.
Jakey McJake (2:20:37 PM): I swear, on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, DuckTales could possibly be even more important than all the religous texts in the world combined in telling us about the shades of humaan nature
Jakey McJake (2:20:57 PM): This shit is DEEp
Forumite Jon (2:21:23 PM): You have the sacred heart of Jesus there? You should probably try to sell that on ebay or something.
Jakey McJake (2:22:14 PM): I don't have any dry ice. But LOOK. Ducktales, man. They have SCROOGE MCDUCK'S ENTIRE SCOTTISH LINIAGE PLOTTED OUT, that's how indepth they were. Clans upon clans, with their own distinct's blows my fucking mind
Forumite Jon (2:23:32 PM): Yeah Duck Tales was fucking awesome until they started running out of ideas. Who was the guy with the robot suit? With the secret word "blathering blatherskite" to make it fly onto him?
Jakey McJake (2:23:55 PM): ha, yeah
Jakey McJake (2:23:56 PM): trippy
Jakey McJake (2:24:02 PM): and what was with Launchpad?!>?!!?
Jakey McJake (2:24:13 PM): Did Scrooge fire him, and then he went to work for Darkwing Duck?
Jakey McJake (2:24:17 PM): or did Scrooge die?
Jakey McJake (2:24:22 PM): or was is simeltaneous?
Jakey McJake (2:24:25 PM): Or a prelude?
Jakey McJake (2:24:28 PM): I'm so confused
Forumite Jon (2:25:31 PM): I'd say that Scrooge used his vast riches to try and clone himself and launchpad was the first test-subject. The resulting clone went to work for Darkwing Duck.
Jakey McJake (2:25:56 PM): henc e the increazing stupidity
Forumite Jon (2:26:15 PM): Exactly.
Forumite Jon (2:27:02 PM): Although what confused me was how Donald Duck (a 1950's character) was still the same age in Duck Tales and he was in the navy. For no apparent reason.
Jakey McJake (2:27:15 PM): man, DuckTAles is set in '67
Forumite Jon (2:27:21 PM): No way.
Jakey McJake (2:27:30 PM): ITS TEH TTRUTH!
Jakey McJake (2:27:33 PM): I swear
Forumite Jon (2:27:40 PM): You swear wrong!
Jakey McJake (2:27:47 PM): impossible
Forumite Jon (2:28:10 PM): Nobody was wearing flares.
Jakey McJake (2:28:26 PM): nOONe wore pants at all!
Forumite Jon (2:28:53 PM): Actually a lot of them did, just not the main characters.
Forumite Jon (2:29:00 PM): Launchpad wore pants.
Jakey McJake (2:29:04 PM): wel, all those guys were squares
Forumite Jon (2:29:07 PM): I'm pretty sure.
Jakey McJake (2:29:10 PM): THEY WERE AVITOR PANTS
Forumite Jon (2:29:21 PM): THEY WERE STILL PANTS!
Forumite Jon (2:29:27 PM): FROM THE 1990'S!
Jakey McJake (2:29:48 PM): sure, listen to thyre lies
Forumite Jon (2:30:14 PM): Who's lies?
Jakey McJake (2:30:27 PM): the fucking netwroks
Jakey McJake (2:30:36 PM): they WANT us to believe it's modern day
Jakey McJake (2:30:43 PM): and so we don't goo looking to the past
Jakey McJake (2:30:45 PM): to find the truth
Forumite Jon (2:31:52 PM): The fact it was made in the 90's had nothing to do with this.
Jakey McJake (2:32:06 PM): EXACTLy
Jakey McJake (2:32:20 PM): the record clearly states that scrooge died in 1967t
Jakey McJake (2:32:33 PM): so I was wrong, they just take place in the 60s in genearl
Forumite Jon (2:32:59 PM): What record?
Jakey McJake (2:33:04 PM): uhhhh
Jakey McJake (2:33:07 PM): just asec
Jakey McJake (2:34:25 PM):
Forumite Jon (2:35:42 PM): Well sure that's the comics though. Not the cartoon.
Jakey McJake (2:35:57 PM): teh cartoon is based on the ocmics
Jakey McJake (2:36:00 PM): *comcis
Jakey McJake (2:36:03 PM): *comics
Forumite Jon (2:36:28 PM): Based. Not entirely informed by.
Forumite Jon (2:36:56 PM): Besides you can't base stuff on the comics and then question darkwing duck which is pure cartoon.
Jakey McJake (2:37:05 PM): i absolutely refuse, REFUSE to live in a world where ducktales takes place int he 90s
Forumite Jon (2:37:23 PM): Well you'll have to never watch the cartoons ever again.
Jakey McJake (2:37:37 PM): but the cartoons SUPPORTS MY THESIES
Jakey McJake (2:37:41 PM): i think
Jakey McJake (2:38:12 PM): the point is, no matter what decate, DuckTales is undoubtedly a belief system we can apply to our lives today
Forumite Jon (2:38:44 PM): I'll ask you that same question tomorrow.
Jakey McJake (2:39:02 PM): what ?
Forumite Jon (2:39:34 PM): Whether DuckTales is undoubtedly a belief system we can apply to our lives today.
Jakey McJake (2:39:42 PM): it is, Jon
Jakey McJake (2:39:49 PM): itsa message of hope for al peoples
Jakey McJake (2:40:04 PM): but now i must sleep
Jakey McJake (2:40:07 PM): I have class tomorrow
Forumite Jon (2:40:09 PM): Good plan.
Forumite Jon (2:40:20 PM): Save this convo and put it on your desktop.
Forumite Jon (2:40:29 PM): It'll give you something to laugh at tomorrow.
Jakey McJake (2:40:33 PM): okey dokye
Jakey McJake (2:40:48 PM): done!
Jakey McJake (2:40:50 PM): g''nigth
Forumite Jon (2:41:02 PM): G'night.
Holy crap. Samurai Warios sounds like the coolest thing ever.