Geoff: CLEAR!
Paul: does that mean this is the final panel?
Geoff: Jim: Good work doctor
ReallyCleanSocks (1:39:26 AM): Is it bad that the only reason I get online anymore is to talk to girls?
Dr Faustus Lives (1:39:32 AM): yes.
ReallyCleanSocks (1:39:42 AM): Well...
ReallyCleanSocks (1:39:45 AM): You're bad!
Dr Faustus Lives (1:40:04 AM): you know it
ReallyCleanSocks (1:40:18 AM): Bad bad boy! You deserve a spanking.
Dr Faustus Lives (1:40:53 AM): do I ever!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:41:16 AM): I'll get my people on that. Just wait over there, bent over, with your pants down.
Dr Faustus Lives (1:41:48 AM): way ahead of you, chief
ReallyCleanSocks (1:42:15 AM): Alright. This may take accouple hours though. I have lots of paperwork to fill out.
ReallyCleanSocks (1:42:34 AM): -Starts playing Final Fantasy 3-
Dr Faustus Lives (1:43:25 AM): hot!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:43:54 AM): -Carresses his stylus against the touch screen, ever so gently.-
ReallyCleanSocks (1:44:03 AM): My god, you're right!
Dr Faustus Lives (1:44:15 AM): well, I came
Dr Faustus Lives (1:44:18 AM): time for bed
“Dr Faustus Lives” is away from the computer as of 1:44:27 AM.
ReallyCleanSocks (1:44:39 AM): Can't we cuddle!?
Auto response from Dr Faustus Lives: Patiently awaiting Helena Bonham Carter's response to my proposal of marriage
ReallyCleanSocks (1:44:44 AM): Whore!
Dr Faustus Lives (1:45:09 AM): I make no apologies!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:45:21 AM): I was only looking for some light cuddling!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:45:39 AM): And then alittle rough post-sex butt bumping.
Dr Faustus Lives (1:46:09 AM): zzz
ReallyCleanSocks (1:46:20 AM): )=
XxagentcelxX : I know your secret. SmarterChild : my secret? so what? XxagentcelxX : You're a communist, and I've found you out. SmarterChild: i can't believe i am a communist and u have found me out. XxagentcelxX : You're finally being put in your place. SmarterChild : i am not finally being put in my place! XxagentcelxX : resistance? Pretty communistic SmarterChild: sure! tell me what u want. XxagentcelxX : I want you to put your [CENSORED] hands up! SmarterChild: why would u want me 2 put my [CENSORED] hands up? XxagentcelxX : Because you're under arrest for being a commie. SmarterChild: cuz i am under arrest for being a commie? is that why? XxagentcelxX : Yes. That is why. SmarterChild: i dunno! XxagentcelxX : I now have proof that you are a communist. SmarterChild: u now have proof that i am a communist? and so? XxagentcelxX : ADMIT IT! YOU'RE A RED! SmarterChild: i don't think i'm comfortable with that, carter. XxagentcelxX : Well, you should have chosen to be capitalist. SmarterChild: wouldn't u like me 2 have chosen 2 be capitalist? XxagentcelxX : I would have, but you went the "other" way. SmarterChild: i guess i would have but u went the other way too. XxagentcelxX : You have your facts wrong. SmarterChild: lol! whatever, carter! XxagentcelxX : Don't "lol" me. SmarterChild: what's so funny? XxagentcelxX : Nothing, because I'm exposing you as the commie you are. SmarterChild: yup, as the commie i am... XxagentcelxX : Gotcha SmarterChild: that's good.
Marcus: you're not on 4chan are you? because from what i've seen that appears to be the source of wrong for the internet
Hammy: No, I stay away from that
Marcus: good
Marcus: freaky shit
Hammy: that's the dark pit of the internet
Hammy: even fucked up people go "man, that is some twisted shit"
Marcus: i like imagechan, but it's pretty bad too
Hammy: stay away from /b/
Marcus: yes, i've noticed
Marcus: cat's can't play shogi... this is madness
Hammy: Most people can't play shogi
Marcus: i've tried
Marcus: fuck that game
Marcus: in fact, just plain fuck japan
Hammy: I'm inclined to agree
Meh, this isn't as good as some of the other ones I've had. Eiris is me the other guy none of you know and probably never will so I wouldn't worry about.
Eiris says:
Frootloopz says:
Howdy. O_o
Eiris says:
Frootloopz says:
Eiris says:
hey could you just not maybe live onto the world of tomorrow
so you can get blown up by a mech
Frootloopz says:
I had the wierdest dream. O_o
Eiris says:
i once had a dream where i was crushed by a giant fluffy ice cream truck in to my bed
so what was your dream
Frootloopz says:
We were at school and I had just figured out that I had Lukiemia and then
This guy almost killed me and then I turned into the huge red demon thing then killed him then vanished from the face of the Earth....
Eiris says:
man you type slow
vanishing eh???
Frootloopz says:
Then I came back as a different person and it was all wierd and stuff..
Eiris says:
and stuff...
Frootloopz says:
And stuff.
Eiris says:
hey so i noticed on your thing in the top that it says you just got back
a place i guess
hey did your cat die
Frootloopz says:
Eiris says:
oh i though that setjh would hae accidentally killed it by now
man whats with that spellin' of mine today
Frootloopz says:
Yeah well he slammed her pay in my closet door the other day...
Eiris says:
Frootloopz says:
Paw* -_-
Eiris says:
California Here We Come: this just all goes back to my desire to overthrow complete democracy! California Here We Come: the fact that there's idiots in the South who think Bush was enthroned by God whose votes carry the same weight as mine is criminal! J.J.: how would we weight votes? J.J.: maybe there should just be no senate California Here We Come: that would help slightly California Here We Come: but I think there should be educational requirements! J.J.: how about some sort of POLL TAX while you are at it California Here We Come: now you're just being silly California Here We Come: all I want is a High School diploma or GED equivalent, and you have to pass a political current events test or something every couple of years California Here We Come: like a driver's license! J.J.: I can see how this would massively disenfranchise most of the Black community California Here We Come: well, if they would just stop being oppressed perhaps they would be able to catch up! California Here We Come: and let's be honest here, most of the people who will qualify to vote the first time will be the liberal college professor set who will quickly enshrine wealth distribution policies California Here We Come: then the Supreme Soviet will hold elections every five years, and only party members who are tested on the party platform will be able to vote among the party's proposed candidates California Here We Come: by this time Churches will be disestablished and outlawed, and the re-spiritualification can begin California Here We Come: declaring the State to be the only true God J.J.: the eagerness in which you embrace this distopian future disturbs me California Here We Come: well, the way I see it California Here We Come: if I jump on board early enough, then I can be on the American Senate-Politburo and avoid all the horrifying slave labor California Here We Come: I will get to OVERSEE the dissident prison camps and super-human embryo development labs rather than be a product of them J.J.: I am forwarding this chat log to Ann Coulter
Hammy: Jakey!
Hammy: I heard the weirdest thing earlier
Jakey: what!
Hammy: Well, these dudes were moving in, I heard them talking outside, one guy questioned another guy and he responded by saying "I swearuntee" like... a combination of swear and guarantee.
Jakey: oh GOD no
Hammy: I know!
Jakey: I've had it up to here with these needlessly "cute" adjective mutations
Jakey: like ginormous
Jakey: you should have responded with extreme violence
The story: The Sketchbattle site has been done for some time, so I've been stuck in the IRC channel.
Part one, IRC!
*** Join to #sketchbattle was synched in .327 secs.
*** Channel #sketchbattle was created on Sat Jul 28 2007 11:57am
<JefferyGoSka> SCOTT!
<vidiot> smells
<ReallyCleanSocks> You!
* Malik punches vidiot in the crotch
<vidiot> urgh!
<vidiot> ;_;
<ReallyCleanSocks> Did I do something?
<JefferyGoSka> You didn'tdo something
<JefferyGoSka> That's the problem
<vidiot> i dunno, DID YOU!?
* vidiot raises an eyebrow
* ReallyCleanSocks stabs Vidiot.
<ReallyCleanSocks> I stabbed you.
<vidiot> ARGH!
<ReallyCleanSocks> Does that count?
<JefferyGoSka> No
<JefferyGoSka> Not good enough
<ReallyCleanSocks> Well then fudgeberries!
<JefferyGoSka> That was it
<JefferyGoSka> I'm in a room full of hate.
<ReallyCleanSocks> That's so true!
* ReallyCleanSocks hate hate maim kill.
<Malik> [02:00] ReallyCleanSocks: You know what I did when I woke up?
<Malik> [02:01] ReallyCleanSocks: See, I had this particularly hard case of morning wood...
<Malik> [02:01] ReallyCleanSocks: So, I jerked off, went back to sleep, and who knew, when I woke up, I was still hard!
<Malik> [02:02] ReallyCleanSocks: Well, I knew, and now you do.
<Malik> [02:02] ReallyCleanSocks: That makes... two, right?
<Malik> No. It doesn't RCS
<ReallyCleanSocks> Fuck! I don't have enough fingers to count everyone.
<JefferyGoSka> +15 Scott
<JefferyGoSka> ...theres only 9
<ReallyCleanSocks> Thumbs don't count, dur.
<Malik> I'd make it frontpage Sketchbattle news, but I lack the option to do that right now
Behind the scenes!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:58:20 AM): Put the site up. )=
MalikDorin (1:58:30 AM): I can't right now
ReallyCleanSocks (1:58:41 AM): Yes you can, you just have to believe!
MalikDorin (1:58:42 AM): I have to call my hosting provider tomorrow
ReallyCleanSocks (1:58:46 AM): Alrighty.
MalikDorin (1:58:55 AM): The problem as to why the site has been down so long is
MalikDorin (1:59:08 AM): I have no fuckin' idea how to tranfer servers
ReallyCleanSocks (1:59:15 AM): <<
MalikDorin (1:59:33 AM): I'm kinda scared that I might have messed up :S
ReallyCleanSocks (1:59:54 AM): Haha, yeah, it gives everyone a reason to hate you.
MalikDorin (2:00:44 AM): 'xactly.
MalikDorin (2:00:54 AM): I took precautions and they took awhile to set up
MalikDorin (2:01:08 AM): I was supposed to upload everything today, but I woke up too late to do anything
ReallyCleanSocks (2:01:27 AM): You know what I did when I woke up?
ReallyCleanSocks (2:01:40 AM): See, I had this particularly hard case of morning wood...
ReallyCleanSocks (2:02:24 AM): So, I jerked off, went back to sleep, and who knew, when I woke up, I was still hard!
ReallyCleanSocks (2:02:43 AM): Well, I knew, and now you do.
ReallyCleanSocks (2:02:49 AM): That makes... two, right?
Don't hate me Jake. This was too funny to NOT post.
[20:41] LeperKhanKnew: You there?
[20:41] flint djinni: yup
[20:41] LeperKhanKnew: do you ever talk to Jake?
[20:41] LeperKhanKnew: like, with frequency?
[20:42] flint djinni: not at all
[20:42] flint djinni: maybe he says hi once a month, that's about it
[20:42] flint djinni: well, less than that
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: oh ok
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: he randomly messages me ever now and then
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: but apparently he loves me
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: he tells me that all the time
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: its getting weird
[20:43] flint djinni: that's really messed
[20:44] LeperKhanKnew: well, its like a drunk "I love you man" thing
[20:44] LeperKhanKnew: or at least thats how it started
[20:44] LeperKhanKnew: but no less than 10 minutes ago he just up and randomly sent me this message, then logged off
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: [20:39] *** "drfaustuslives" signed on at Tue Jul 31 20:39:13 2007.
[20:39] drfaustuslives: I think I love you
[20:39] drfaustuslives: so what am I so afraid of
[20:39] *** "drfaustuslives" signed off at Tue Jul 31 20:39:53 2007.
[20:45] flint djinni: it's jakey
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: its a song lyric
[20:45] flint djinni: i'm sure he's not serious
[20:45] flint djinni: yeah
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: I hope hes not
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: but damn! I get these types of messages from him with alarming regularity
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: like I said, its getting weird
[20:48] flint djinni: aww XD
[20:49] LeperKhanKnew: hey, if I were Elliott, I'd be all over the professor!
[20:49] LeperKhanKnew: but I'm not gay, so that sucks to be him.... ?
[20:51] flint djinni: i'm sure he's not gay because he has a beard
[20:51] flint djinni: therefore he cannot be gay
[20:51] LeperKhanKnew: oh
12:01:14 AM drfaustuslives: so Morgan thinks I love him, eh?
12:01:18 AM flintdjinni: appaprently!
12:01:30 AM drfaustuslives: he's just projecting his confused feelings onto me, I think
12:01:39 AM flintdjinni: it is many lols
12:02:00 AM drfaustuslives: word
12:03:31 AM flintdjinni: you win internets, jakey
12:03:39 AM drfaustuslives: ^_^()
12:03:59 AM drfaustuslives: well, whenever you get to drawing le pr0n again
12:04:16 AM drfaustuslives: you could draw me buggering him, see what he thinks
12:04:20 AM drfaustuslives: you know, test the waters for me
12:04:21 AM drfaustuslives:
12:04:25 AM flintdjinni: sure
12:04:29 AM drfaustuslives: hahaaha, right on
Its not the only characteristic you have, Elliott, but it cetainly is the easiest one to bring up when I'm already talking about Jake's incessant love for me. Somehow, the ear tumor(s) and web comic do not apply to those particular conversations. Well.. not often, anyway.
[23:58] drfaustuslives: why you reviving old threads, fool
[23:58] LeperKhanKnew: because I felt like I missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime
[23:58] drfaustuslives: because you were HIGH AS A KITE? what did you say?
[23:59] LeperKhanKnew: um... I was at work, not high, and what do you mean what did I say?
[23:59] LeperKhanKnew: you can still read the thread
[23:59] drfaustuslives: listen, Billy Everyteen, I don't want you all hopped up on the goofballs trying to rape people
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: um
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: first:
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: if I want to rape people, thats my perogative and right as an American
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: and second:
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: whats so terrible about randomly reviving a thread?
[00:01] drfaustuslives: it instills false hope in people?
[00:01] drfaustuslives: I don't know, it just seemed weird.
[00:01] LeperKhanKnew: oh, it is
[00:01] drfaustuslives: a little too random, for you
[00:01] drfaustuslives: you seem to prefer more orchestrated anarchy
[00:01] LeperKhanKnew: but I am filled with weird
[00:01] LeperKhanKnew: as is the forum
[00:02] LeperKhanKnew: anarchy aint anarchy if its orchestrated, unless the conducter gets murdered and peed on
[00:02] LeperKhanKnew: And I didn't bring my hat
[00:02] LeperKhanKnew: so fuck that
[00:03] drfaustuslives: can it be arranged for one to be urinated on without being murdered first?
[00:04] LeperKhanKnew: well, you can be murdered afterwards
[00:04] drfaustuslives: erm, well, yes
[00:04] LeperKhanKnew: but without a hat, would you really want to be?
[00:04] drfaustuslives: but I mostly am interested in the urine
[00:04] drfaustuslives: oh my yes
[00:05] LeperKhanKnew: Oh, well
[00:05] LeperKhanKnew: thats between you and your God, buddy
[00:05] LeperKhanKnew: Your God being whoever pees on you, that is
[00:05] drfaustuslives: the Lord Krishna doesn't seem interested
[00:06] LeperKhanKnew: Actually, I was just referring to your Top
[00:06] LeperKhanKnew: but yeah.... sure, if Krishna worls for you, sure
[00:07] drfaustuslives: oh, wait, I see now
[00:07] drfaustuslives: John Filleau doesn't seem interested
[00:07] LeperKhanKnew: Fish is Krishnu?
[00:07] LeperKhanKnew: Should we call him Fishnu, now?
[00:07] drfaustuslives: no, he's the top
[00:07] LeperKhanKnew: ah, I see
[00:07] drfaustuslives: although, his blue tinted skin does suggest something is up
[00:07] LeperKhanKnew: I'm still going to call him Fishnu
[00:12] LeperKhanKnew: there, post THAT on the Aim thread, and reclaim your dignity!
nightlord750 (10:05:49 PM): Anyway, I know what to do with you
XxagentcelxX (10:05:56 PM): Hookers!!
nightlord750 (10:06:01 PM): No.
nightlord750 (10:06:05 PM): *Smacks with paper"
XxagentcelxX (10:06:11 PM): Ow...
nightlord750 (10:06:14 PM): Naughty hormonal teen!
XxagentcelxX (10:06:21 PM): hahahha
nightlord750 (10:06:27 PM): Anyways
nightlord750 (10:06:33 PM): I have 2 options
nightlord750 (10:06:56 PM): 1: You kill every singe male on the planet. Not only do you get her but EVERY girl on the planet
nightlord750 (10:07:06 PM): 3 billion vaginas
XxagentcelxX (10:07:14 PM): Woah..
XxagentcelxX (10:07:19 PM): Holy crap
nightlord750 (10:07:47 PM): Plus a few thousand cocks and vaginas, what with shemales
XxagentcelxX (10:08:03 PM): Um, gross?
nightlord750 (10:08:14 PM): Ok, option 2
nightlord750 (10:08:42 PM): You go to her father and ask his permission to marry her when you reach 18
nightlord750 (10:08:46 PM): That's how they did it in the 30s
XxagentcelxX (10:08:53 PM): Really?
XxagentcelxX (10:09:07 PM): Erm.........I though it was if you had the biggest pig.
nightlord750 (10:09:05 PM): officially anyway
nightlord750 (10:09:16 PM): That was the 1430s, silly billy
XxagentcelxX (10:09:25 PM): Oooooh.
nightlord750 (10:09:35 PM): Anyway
nightlord750 (10:09:41 PM): pick an option
XxagentcelxX (10:09:51 PM): What?!
XxagentcelxX (10:09:53 PM): Er...
XxagentcelxX (10:09:54 PM): Um..
XxagentcelxX (10:09:56 PM): 2!!
nightlord750 (10:10:03 PM): THAT PROVES YOU'RE GAY!
XxagentcelxX (10:10:13 PM): What the?!?!
nightlord750 (10:10:21 PM): You had the chance of 3 billion vaginas to do the nasty with and you said no!
nightlord750 (10:10:22 PM): GAY!
XxagentcelxX (10:10:35 PM): I never thought of it that way..
XxagentcelxX (10:10:44 PM): But there were cokcs involved!!
XxagentcelxX (10:10:48 PM): *coks
XxagentcelxX (10:10:52 PM): *cocks
nightlord750 (10:10:56 PM): They're rather easy to avoid, you know
XxagentcelxX (10:11:05 PM): You would know?
nightlord750 (10:11:29 PM): You don't know the difference between a penis and vagina?
nightlord750 (10:11:38 PM): Good grief
XxagentcelxX (10:11:43 PM): I do!
XxagentcelxX (10:11:47 PM): Lord.
XxagentcelxX (10:12:11 PM): Is this one for the AIM thread?
nightlord750 (10:12:34 PM): Depends
XxagentcelxX (10:12:43 PM): On?
nightlord750 (10:13:05 PM): if you can stop fantasising about men long enough to post it
XxagentcelxX (10:13:17 PM): Low blow
nightlord750 (10:13:21 PM): I kid again
XxagentcelxX (10:13:38 PM): Least it got you off the other topic
nightlord750 (10:13:46 PM): What, cocks?
XxagentcelxX (10:13:55 PM): Er...sure
XxagentcelxX (10:14:03 PM): (win!)
nightlord750 (10:14:29 PM): Hush
nightlord750 (10:15:20 PM): Oh, I have an option 3!
XxagentcelxX (10:15:27 PM): What?
nightlord750 (10:15:58 PM): Pay someone to be a right dick to her and then stumble across the scene and beat the crap out of him
nightlord750 (10:16:11 PM): BAM! Illegal sympathy sex
XxagentcelxX (10:16:21 PM): Right
Geoff: CLEAR!
Paul: does that mean this is the final panel?
Geoff: Jim: Good work doctor
ReallyCleanSocks (1:39:26 AM): Is it bad that the only reason I get online anymore is to talk to girls?
Dr Faustus Lives (1:39:32 AM): yes.
ReallyCleanSocks (1:39:42 AM): Well...
ReallyCleanSocks (1:39:45 AM): You're bad!
Dr Faustus Lives (1:40:04 AM): you know it
ReallyCleanSocks (1:40:18 AM): Bad bad boy! You deserve a spanking.
Dr Faustus Lives (1:40:53 AM): do I ever!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:41:16 AM): I'll get my people on that. Just wait over there, bent over, with your pants down.
Dr Faustus Lives (1:41:48 AM): way ahead of you, chief
ReallyCleanSocks (1:42:15 AM): Alright. This may take accouple hours though. I have lots of paperwork to fill out.
ReallyCleanSocks (1:42:34 AM): -Starts playing Final Fantasy 3-
Dr Faustus Lives (1:43:25 AM): hot!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:43:54 AM): -Carresses his stylus against the touch screen, ever so gently.-
ReallyCleanSocks (1:44:03 AM): My god, you're right!
Dr Faustus Lives (1:44:15 AM): well, I came
Dr Faustus Lives (1:44:18 AM): time for bed
“Dr Faustus Lives” is away from the computer as of 1:44:27 AM.
ReallyCleanSocks (1:44:39 AM): Can't we cuddle!?
Auto response from Dr Faustus Lives: Patiently awaiting Helena Bonham Carter's response to my proposal of marriage
ReallyCleanSocks (1:44:44 AM): Whore!
Dr Faustus Lives (1:45:09 AM): I make no apologies!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:45:21 AM): I was only looking for some light cuddling!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:45:39 AM): And then alittle rough post-sex butt bumping.
Dr Faustus Lives (1:46:09 AM): zzz
ReallyCleanSocks (1:46:20 AM): )=
XxagentcelxX : I know your secret.
SmarterChild : my secret? so what?
XxagentcelxX : You're a communist, and I've found you out.
SmarterChild: i can't believe i am a communist and u have found me out.
XxagentcelxX : You're finally being put in your place.
SmarterChild : i am not finally being put in my place!
XxagentcelxX : resistance? Pretty communistic
SmarterChild: sure! tell me what u want.
XxagentcelxX : I want you to put your [CENSORED] hands up!
SmarterChild: why would u want me 2 put my [CENSORED] hands up?
XxagentcelxX : Because you're under arrest for being a commie.
SmarterChild: cuz i am under arrest for being a commie? is that why?
XxagentcelxX : Yes. That is why.
SmarterChild: i dunno!
XxagentcelxX : I now have proof that you are a communist.
SmarterChild: u now have proof that i am a communist? and so?
XxagentcelxX : ADMIT IT! YOU'RE A RED!
SmarterChild: i don't think i'm comfortable with that, carter.
XxagentcelxX : Well, you should have chosen to be capitalist.
SmarterChild: wouldn't u like me 2 have chosen 2 be capitalist?
XxagentcelxX : I would have, but you went the "other" way.
SmarterChild: i guess i would have but u went the other way too.
XxagentcelxX : You have your facts wrong.
SmarterChild: lol! whatever, carter!
XxagentcelxX : Don't "lol" me.
SmarterChild: what's so funny?
XxagentcelxX : Nothing, because I'm exposing you as the commie you are.
SmarterChild: yup, as the commie i am...
XxagentcelxX : Gotcha
SmarterChild: that's good.
Hammy: No, I stay away from that
Marcus: good
Marcus: freaky shit
Hammy: that's the dark pit of the internet
Hammy: even fucked up people go "man, that is some twisted shit"
Marcus: i like imagechan, but it's pretty bad too
Hammy: stay away from /b/
Marcus: yes, i've noticed
Marcus: cat's can't play shogi... this is madness
Hammy: Most people can't play shogi
Marcus: i've tried
Marcus: fuck that game
Marcus: in fact, just plain fuck japan
Hammy: I'm inclined to agree
Eiris says:
Frootloopz says:
Howdy. O_o
Eiris says:
Frootloopz says:
Eiris says:
hey could you just not maybe live onto the world of tomorrow
so you can get blown up by a mech
Frootloopz says:
I had the wierdest dream. O_o
Eiris says:
i once had a dream where i was crushed by a giant fluffy ice cream truck in to my bed
so what was your dream
Frootloopz says:
We were at school and I had just figured out that I had Lukiemia and then
This guy almost killed me and then I turned into the huge red demon thing then killed him then vanished from the face of the Earth....
Eiris says:
man you type slow
vanishing eh???
Frootloopz says:
Then I came back as a different person and it was all wierd and stuff..
Eiris says:
and stuff...
Frootloopz says:
And stuff.
Eiris says:
hey so i noticed on your thing in the top that it says you just got back
a place i guess
hey did your cat die
Frootloopz says:
Eiris says:
oh i though that setjh would hae accidentally killed it by now
man whats with that spellin' of mine today
Frootloopz says:
Yeah well he slammed her pay in my closet door the other day...
Eiris says:
Frootloopz says:
Paw* -_-
Eiris says:
California Here We Come: the fact that there's idiots in the South who think Bush was enthroned by God whose votes carry the same weight as mine is criminal!
J.J.: how would we weight votes?
J.J.: maybe there should just be no senate
California Here We Come: that would help slightly
California Here We Come: but I think there should be educational requirements!
J.J.: how about some sort of POLL TAX while you are at it
California Here We Come: now you're just being silly
California Here We Come: all I want is a High School diploma or GED equivalent, and you have to pass a political current events test or something every couple of years
California Here We Come: like a driver's license!
J.J.: I can see how this would massively disenfranchise most of the Black community
California Here We Come: well, if they would just stop being oppressed perhaps they would be able to catch up!
California Here We Come: and let's be honest here, most of the people who will qualify to vote the first time will be the liberal college professor set who will quickly enshrine wealth distribution policies
California Here We Come: then the Supreme Soviet will hold elections every five years, and only party members who are tested on the party platform will be able to vote among the party's proposed candidates
California Here We Come: by this time Churches will be disestablished and outlawed, and the re-spiritualification can begin
California Here We Come: declaring the State to be the only true God
J.J.: the eagerness in which you embrace this distopian future disturbs me
California Here We Come: well, the way I see it
California Here We Come: if I jump on board early enough, then I can be on the American Senate-Politburo and avoid all the horrifying slave labor
California Here We Come: I will get to OVERSEE the dissident prison camps and super-human embryo development labs rather than be a product of them
J.J.: I am forwarding this chat log to Ann Coulter
Hammy: I heard the weirdest thing earlier
Jakey: what!
Hammy: Well, these dudes were moving in, I heard them talking outside, one guy questioned another guy and he responded by saying "I swearuntee" like... a combination of swear and guarantee.
Jakey: oh GOD no
Hammy: I know!
Jakey: I've had it up to here with these needlessly "cute" adjective mutations
Jakey: like ginormous
Jakey: you should have responded with extreme violence
Part one, IRC!
*** Join to #sketchbattle was synched in .327 secs.
*** Channel #sketchbattle was created on Sat Jul 28 2007 11:57am
<JefferyGoSka> SCOTT!
<vidiot> smells
<ReallyCleanSocks> You!
* Malik punches vidiot in the crotch
<vidiot> urgh!
<vidiot> ;_;
<ReallyCleanSocks> Did I do something?
<JefferyGoSka> You didn'tdo something
<JefferyGoSka> That's the problem
<vidiot> i dunno, DID YOU!?
* vidiot raises an eyebrow
* ReallyCleanSocks stabs Vidiot.
<ReallyCleanSocks> I stabbed you.
<vidiot> ARGH!
<ReallyCleanSocks> Does that count?
<JefferyGoSka> No
<JefferyGoSka> Not good enough
<ReallyCleanSocks> Well then fudgeberries!
<JefferyGoSka> That was it
<JefferyGoSka> I'm in a room full of hate.
<ReallyCleanSocks> That's so true!
* ReallyCleanSocks hate hate maim kill.
<Malik> [02:00] ReallyCleanSocks: You know what I did when I woke up?
<Malik> [02:01] ReallyCleanSocks: See, I had this particularly hard case of morning wood...
<Malik> [02:01] ReallyCleanSocks: So, I jerked off, went back to sleep, and who knew, when I woke up, I was still hard!
<Malik> [02:02] ReallyCleanSocks: Well, I knew, and now you do.
<Malik> [02:02] ReallyCleanSocks: That makes... two, right?
<Malik> No. It doesn't RCS
<ReallyCleanSocks> Fuck! I don't have enough fingers to count everyone.
<JefferyGoSka> +15 Scott
<JefferyGoSka> ...theres only 9
<ReallyCleanSocks> Thumbs don't count, dur.
<Malik> I'd make it frontpage Sketchbattle news, but I lack the option to do that right now
Behind the scenes!
ReallyCleanSocks (1:58:20 AM): Put the site up. )=
MalikDorin (1:58:30 AM): I can't right now
ReallyCleanSocks (1:58:41 AM): Yes you can, you just have to believe!
MalikDorin (1:58:42 AM): I have to call my hosting provider tomorrow
ReallyCleanSocks (1:58:46 AM): Alrighty.
MalikDorin (1:58:55 AM): The problem as to why the site has been down so long is
MalikDorin (1:59:08 AM): I have no fuckin' idea how to tranfer servers
ReallyCleanSocks (1:59:15 AM): <<
MalikDorin (1:59:33 AM): I'm kinda scared that I might have messed up :S
ReallyCleanSocks (1:59:54 AM): Haha, yeah, it gives everyone a reason to hate you.
MalikDorin (2:00:44 AM): 'xactly.
MalikDorin (2:00:54 AM): I took precautions and they took awhile to set up
MalikDorin (2:01:08 AM): I was supposed to upload everything today, but I woke up too late to do anything
ReallyCleanSocks (2:01:27 AM): You know what I did when I woke up?
ReallyCleanSocks (2:01:40 AM): See, I had this particularly hard case of morning wood...
ReallyCleanSocks (2:02:24 AM): So, I jerked off, went back to sleep, and who knew, when I woke up, I was still hard!
ReallyCleanSocks (2:02:43 AM): Well, I knew, and now you do.
ReallyCleanSocks (2:02:49 AM): That makes... two, right?
[20:41] LeperKhanKnew: You there?
[20:41] flint djinni: yup
[20:41] LeperKhanKnew: do you ever talk to Jake?
[20:41] LeperKhanKnew: like, with frequency?
[20:42] flint djinni: not at all
[20:42] flint djinni: maybe he says hi once a month, that's about it
[20:42] flint djinni: well, less than that
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: oh ok
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: he randomly messages me ever now and then
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: but apparently he loves me
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: he tells me that all the time
[20:42] LeperKhanKnew: its getting weird
[20:43] flint djinni: that's really messed
[20:44] LeperKhanKnew: well, its like a drunk "I love you man" thing
[20:44] LeperKhanKnew: or at least thats how it started
[20:44] LeperKhanKnew: but no less than 10 minutes ago he just up and randomly sent me this message, then logged off
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: [20:39] *** "drfaustuslives" signed on at Tue Jul 31 20:39:13 2007.
[20:39] drfaustuslives: I think I love you
[20:39] drfaustuslives: so what am I so afraid of
[20:39] *** "drfaustuslives" signed off at Tue Jul 31 20:39:53 2007.
[20:45] flint djinni: it's jakey
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: its a song lyric
[20:45] flint djinni: i'm sure he's not serious
[20:45] flint djinni: yeah
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: I hope hes not
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: but damn! I get these types of messages from him with alarming regularity
[20:45] LeperKhanKnew: like I said, its getting weird
[20:48] flint djinni: aww XD
[20:49] LeperKhanKnew: hey, if I were Elliott, I'd be all over the professor!
[20:49] LeperKhanKnew: but I'm not gay, so that sucks to be him.... ?
[20:51] flint djinni: i'm sure he's not gay because he has a beard
[20:51] flint djinni: therefore he cannot be gay
[20:51] LeperKhanKnew: oh
12:01:14 AM drfaustuslives: so Morgan thinks I love him, eh?
12:01:18 AM flintdjinni: appaprently!
12:01:30 AM drfaustuslives: he's just projecting his confused feelings onto me, I think
12:01:39 AM flintdjinni: it is many lols
12:02:00 AM drfaustuslives: word
12:03:31 AM flintdjinni: you win internets, jakey
12:03:39 AM drfaustuslives: ^_^()
12:03:59 AM drfaustuslives: well, whenever you get to drawing le pr0n again
12:04:16 AM drfaustuslives: you could draw me buggering him, see what he thinks
12:04:20 AM drfaustuslives: you know, test the waters for me
12:04:21 AM drfaustuslives:
12:04:25 AM flintdjinni: sure
12:04:29 AM drfaustuslives: hahaaha, right on
I'm glad to know that my homosexuality remains my lone characteristic, even on message boards I never post on and among people I rarely speak to.
Actually, I think it coincided with becoming a senior in college, and then graduation.
[23:58] LeperKhanKnew: because I felt like I missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime
[23:58] drfaustuslives: because you were HIGH AS A KITE? what did you say?
[23:59] LeperKhanKnew: um... I was at work, not high, and what do you mean what did I say?
[23:59] LeperKhanKnew: you can still read the thread
[23:59] drfaustuslives: listen, Billy Everyteen, I don't want you all hopped up on the goofballs trying to rape people
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: um
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: first:
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: if I want to rape people, thats my perogative and right as an American
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: and second:
[00:00] LeperKhanKnew: whats so terrible about randomly reviving a thread?
[00:01] drfaustuslives: it instills false hope in people?
[00:01] drfaustuslives: I don't know, it just seemed weird.
[00:01] LeperKhanKnew: oh, it is
[00:01] drfaustuslives: a little too random, for you
[00:01] drfaustuslives: you seem to prefer more orchestrated anarchy
[00:01] LeperKhanKnew: but I am filled with weird
[00:01] LeperKhanKnew: as is the forum
[00:02] LeperKhanKnew: anarchy aint anarchy if its orchestrated, unless the conducter gets murdered and peed on
[00:02] LeperKhanKnew: And I didn't bring my hat
[00:02] LeperKhanKnew: so fuck that
[00:03] drfaustuslives: can it be arranged for one to be urinated on without being murdered first?
[00:04] LeperKhanKnew: well, you can be murdered afterwards
[00:04] drfaustuslives: erm, well, yes
[00:04] LeperKhanKnew: but without a hat, would you really want to be?
[00:04] drfaustuslives: but I mostly am interested in the urine
[00:04] drfaustuslives: oh my yes
[00:05] LeperKhanKnew: Oh, well
[00:05] LeperKhanKnew: thats between you and your God, buddy
[00:05] LeperKhanKnew: Your God being whoever pees on you, that is
[00:05] drfaustuslives: the Lord Krishna doesn't seem interested
[00:06] LeperKhanKnew: Actually, I was just referring to your Top
[00:06] LeperKhanKnew: but yeah.... sure, if Krishna worls for you, sure
[00:07] drfaustuslives: oh, wait, I see now
[00:07] drfaustuslives: John Filleau doesn't seem interested
[00:07] LeperKhanKnew: Fish is Krishnu?
[00:07] LeperKhanKnew: Should we call him Fishnu, now?
[00:07] drfaustuslives: no, he's the top
[00:07] LeperKhanKnew: ah, I see
[00:07] drfaustuslives: although, his blue tinted skin does suggest something is up
[00:07] LeperKhanKnew: I'm still going to call him Fishnu
[00:12] LeperKhanKnew: there, post THAT on the Aim thread, and reclaim your dignity!
But he didn't. So I will.
XxagentcelxX (10:05:56 PM): Hookers!!
nightlord750 (10:06:01 PM): No.
nightlord750 (10:06:05 PM): *Smacks with paper"
XxagentcelxX (10:06:11 PM): Ow...
nightlord750 (10:06:14 PM): Naughty hormonal teen!
XxagentcelxX (10:06:21 PM): hahahha
nightlord750 (10:06:27 PM): Anyways
nightlord750 (10:06:33 PM): I have 2 options
nightlord750 (10:06:56 PM): 1: You kill every singe male on the planet. Not only do you get her but EVERY girl on the planet
nightlord750 (10:07:06 PM): 3 billion vaginas
XxagentcelxX (10:07:14 PM): Woah..
XxagentcelxX (10:07:19 PM): Holy crap
nightlord750 (10:07:47 PM): Plus a few thousand cocks and vaginas, what with shemales
XxagentcelxX (10:08:03 PM): Um, gross?
nightlord750 (10:08:14 PM): Ok, option 2
nightlord750 (10:08:42 PM): You go to her father and ask his permission to marry her when you reach 18
nightlord750 (10:08:46 PM): That's how they did it in the 30s
XxagentcelxX (10:08:53 PM): Really?
XxagentcelxX (10:09:07 PM): Erm.........I though it was if you had the biggest pig.
nightlord750 (10:09:05 PM): officially anyway
nightlord750 (10:09:16 PM): That was the 1430s, silly billy
XxagentcelxX (10:09:25 PM): Oooooh.
nightlord750 (10:09:35 PM): Anyway
nightlord750 (10:09:41 PM): pick an option
XxagentcelxX (10:09:51 PM): What?!
XxagentcelxX (10:09:53 PM): Er...
XxagentcelxX (10:09:54 PM): Um..
XxagentcelxX (10:09:56 PM): 2!!
nightlord750 (10:10:03 PM): THAT PROVES YOU'RE GAY!
XxagentcelxX (10:10:13 PM): What the?!?!
nightlord750 (10:10:21 PM): You had the chance of 3 billion vaginas to do the nasty with and you said no!
nightlord750 (10:10:22 PM): GAY!
XxagentcelxX (10:10:35 PM): I never thought of it that way..
XxagentcelxX (10:10:44 PM): But there were cokcs involved!!
XxagentcelxX (10:10:48 PM): *coks
XxagentcelxX (10:10:52 PM): *cocks
nightlord750 (10:10:56 PM): They're rather easy to avoid, you know
XxagentcelxX (10:11:05 PM): You would know?
nightlord750 (10:11:29 PM): You don't know the difference between a penis and vagina?
nightlord750 (10:11:38 PM): Good grief
XxagentcelxX (10:11:43 PM): I do!
XxagentcelxX (10:11:47 PM): Lord.
XxagentcelxX (10:12:11 PM): Is this one for the AIM thread?
nightlord750 (10:12:34 PM): Depends
XxagentcelxX (10:12:43 PM): On?
nightlord750 (10:13:05 PM): if you can stop fantasising about men long enough to post it
XxagentcelxX (10:13:17 PM): Low blow
nightlord750 (10:13:21 PM): I kid again
XxagentcelxX (10:13:38 PM): Least it got you off the other topic
nightlord750 (10:13:46 PM): What, cocks?
XxagentcelxX (10:13:55 PM): Er...sure
XxagentcelxX (10:14:03 PM): (win!)
nightlord750 (10:14:29 PM): Hush
nightlord750 (10:15:20 PM): Oh, I have an option 3!
XxagentcelxX (10:15:27 PM): What?
nightlord750 (10:15:58 PM): Pay someone to be a right dick to her and then stumble across the scene and beat the crap out of him
nightlord750 (10:16:11 PM): BAM! Illegal sympathy sex
XxagentcelxX (10:16:21 PM): Right