The Insomniac's Submersible!



  • edited May 2007
    They kept me out of the NHS because I didn't do enough community service...
  • edited May 2007
    I didn't do any homework in highschool and barely passed at all. Especially since I was caught up in a some bullshit political stuff that put extra requirements on us for graduation. Those requirements held for 2 years and were promptly dropped because they were a load of crap. I had to sit in a classroom and do paperwork in gym class because of those. I was basically cheated out of a proper highschool education. I had to get over procrastination and take my education more seriously in college to make up for that.

    I took Procrastination 101 and failed when I turned my homework in early.
  • edited May 2007
    Coursework is finished, and handed in successfully!

    But this balances the university I get in. I need at least AAB at A-Level to get into my first choice (Newcastle)
  • edited May 2007
    I was kept out of NHS because I got expelled for not selling drugs.
  • edited May 2007
    I'm in the JNHS....NOT FOR LONG, FOOLS!
  • edited October 2007
    I need to start getting my homework done earlier. These late nights will be the death of me. I've finished, but I'm all hopped up on caffeine with no place to go.
  • edited October 2007
    Masturbate until your balls and mind SHATTER.
  • edited October 2007
    I misread that as SHATNER. I'm not sure what that would entail, though.
  • edited December 2007
    Grad school sucks. You were right, Stef.

    Three major papers due a week from Friday. Will I make it, gang? Who fucking cares! We all die in the end regardless of our grades!
  • edited December 2007
    That's the spirit! But if you complete your papers, you will die in luxury, surrounded by beautiful women. If you don't, then you'll die in a grease fire accident while making fries at your local McDonalds.

    That's what I tell myself.
  • edited December 2007
    Grad school sucks. You were right, Stef.

    Three major papers due a week from Friday. Will I make it, gang? Who fucking cares! We all die in the end regardless of our grades!
    ...unless you're researching an immortality serum.
  • edited December 2007
    With today's patent laws, I highly doubt it!

    *disclaimer: I know nothing about today's patent laws.
  • edited December 2007
    I've finished my scoping document! And it's only 11.34pm! RAH!

    I however now need to research the works of Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen, Rupert Brooke et al. :(
  • edited December 2007
    Go learn something useful. Siegfried Sassoon, jeez.
  • edited December 2007
    Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, motherfucker!

    (Yes, I know it's from Owen.)
  • edited December 2007
    Well, since we're complaining about grad school sucking, I'm going to add to that voice.

    I'm doing my grad school applications right now, and it's FUCKING FRUSTRATING!! For some reason, these programs don't think it's necessary to tell applicants exactly what they need until they start the application itself. Or at least they pretend to, but then leave out crucial elements. So you think you've gotten everything prepared and are ready to go in and fill out the basic information and send in your writing sample, statement of purpose, etc.

    BUT NO!! Time to write up a 500 word TA Essay so that you can actually afford to go!!

    Grrr. This sucks. I started this process in August, too, so you'd think I'd be done by now.
  • edited October 2008
    Most of the time, I'm quite happy about my new job. Until I have to wake up at 5:00 in the friggin' morning for the opening shift.
  • edited October 2008
    i drunk yay it 2am.
  • edited January 2009
    While staying up until 7AM watching shitty 3D horror movies and playing LittleBigPlanet was awesome wonderful good times, it has thrown off my circadian rhythm rather harshly. Wide awake at 2:40 with nothing to do and no one to chat with. Maybe I'll read for a bit.
  • edited January 2009
    You get used to it in the end, mate.

    48 hours without sleep is now perfectly doable for me with almost no ill-effects :D
  • edited September 2009
    Awww. College has started up and I'm in my old ways of procrastinating and staying up late wasting valuable time on the internet.

    RYAN I hope you know that I wanted to go to work today, but instead of calling this morning to ask if I could come in, I could only manage to type a text at around 8 and then I fell asleep after no response. Staying up til 6 am sucks. But hey, I got that calculus done! :D And when I woke up at 1:00, after 7 hours of sleep, I realized I am so glad I actually slept in instead.

    Alright. So far I've finished two out of three assignments for tonight. I haven't even looked at this 3rd one yet.. hope it's not a doozy!

    My god I am SO LAZY. I guess it's time to start this next one. Reading back through this thread I was like "aww this is cute and sad and funny." Seems like so long ago :)
  • edited September 2009
    You were up for a while! But we had fun talking, and if it makes you feel better you interrupted some of my work too.
  • edited September 2009
    WOW! Bet you never thought your procrastination affected others, but it has consequences that reach around the world. That's something to be proud of, really.
  • edited September 2009
    Procrastination is contagious! My sleeping schedule is all off now though :) I stayed up til 6:30 again last night, got about 2 hours of sleep, went to (most of) my classes, came home, ate lunch, went to sleep at about 3, and woke up at 8 and ate dinner. Fun times. I think I'll be back to normal by tomorrow.
  • edited September 2009
    I never really allowed my sleep schedule to get that messed up in college. Just don't let yourself do that too much.
  • edited September 2009
    College has very little to do with it. When I was 13 I remembered my sleeping habits were staying up until 4 am every night during the summer and sleeping in until about 1 or 2. I really believe that my biological clock just works differently than the average person's, haha.

    This summer I actually noticed it the most. Almost all summer I was in 2 evening classes at a community college, 1 starting at 5:30 ending at 7:30 and another starting at 7:40 and ending at 9:40. Almost every single day that I didn't take a nap before hand, I would be SOO tired going in-- I would be dozing off and really trying very hard not to rest my head on my desk. And every single time I felt that feeling, I would feel myself start to wake up-- nothing had ever changed in the lectures-- at about 6:25. This happened so often that I actually started checking my watch as soon as I realized I was waking up to see if it was always the same time, and it was about 6:25 give or take 5 minutes every single time.

    I also never had any problems staying awake in my later class, ever. That's just how my body works-- I apparently wake up around 6:30 every night, and so it's so much easier for me to stay up late if I'm tired than it is to stay awake throughout the day. This summer was so funny because I would be SO tired in the afternoon that I would tell myself "ugghhh I need to get more sleep tonight, no matter what I tell myself later..." and then almost every night I would stay up later again since I wasn't tired.

    I've noticed it with other people as well, your classic examples of 'night owls'. My mom doesn't work and she stays up til around 2 every night, for no real reason- she just doesn't feel tired. I'm pretty sure my dad is also a night owl but he usually goes to bed early to get to work in the morning. And friends from high school, when I'm up late online, I'll consistently see the same people staying up late night after night.

    So yeah. My sleeping system is fucked, but to make it worse, I think this is closer to what my brain is wired for, haha. My sleeping schedules have been weird since I was like 12, 13 years old. Maybe I'll keep this thread alive from time to time, haha. I tend to stay up too late a lot :)
  • edited September 2009
    I'm pretty much like Lauren on this one. It's perfectly possible for me to stay up til 3 or 4 am without feeling too tired.
  • edited September 2009
    Was feeling a bit sick and went to bed at 6PM, woke up at 4:30AM. Now listening to podcasts really quietly so as to not wake Paul. Anyone around?
  • edited September 2009
    I am here. Hi Mario!
  • edited September 2009
    Right back atcha! Only without calling you "Mario", because that simply wouldn't be accurate.