The Insomniac's Submersible!



  • edited June 2012
    Like, 4am and she's up for the day? It might just be the sun.

    I figure night wakings are healthy, and I just need to go to bed earlier.
  • edited December 2013
    I finished my school for the quarter and find the Christmas update hit for Terraria. So naturally I HAD to play that some. It's time to break out my paladin hammer and smash my way to a possible nifty treasure. I needs me my Rudolph mount. I must know how that works. For SCIENCE!

    Also I'm impatiently waiting for tAPI to release so I can start rebuilding and expanding a little mod and this is a nice time killer that'll keep me involved in the game a bit longer while I wait.

    mario wrote: »
    Every night you fail to post in those threads when staying up late, we all die a little inside.
  • edited December 2013

  • edited December 2013
    I got a reasonable amount of sleep in order to be well rested for my job. BUT GUESS WHO'S GOT 16 DAYS OF VACATION AFTER TODAY OH YEAH THATS RIGHT ITS THIS GUY. Finally time to see if I can still pull off 3AM nights for 5 days straight.
  • edited February 2014
    So I'm up late as usual, feeling like sitting around doing something entirely unproductive but for some reason I get errors all the time trying to play any youtube videos. Earlier I couldn't connect to Steam. Geeze, it's like they WANT me to just go to bed or something.
  • edited February 2014
    I hope you stuck through it and just stayed up late anyway. That'll show that stupid brain!
  • edited February 2014
    Well Steam was working at that time. And later youtube was working again. So nuts to sleep. Sleep is for the sleepy!

    ...I should go to sleep soon. I have to get up sorta early.
  • edited March 2014
    Some nights I wish I had more interesting things to ramble about. I suppose there's the twitch plays pokémon thing? Did anyone bring that up? Does everyone know that's a thing? It's kinda funny...

    But regardless, I'm facing a nasty cold, I've been up doing horribly dull homework and I can't keep myself awake much longer.
  • edited March 2014
    TPP is a lot of fun to watch. It's made me want to play Pokemon, but my 3DS has been occupied by Bravely Default for the past 2 weeks or so.
  • edited March 2014
    I'd think it's less of a thing now that they've finished it. Though I also hear they moved on the Crystal, so who knows.
  • edited March 2014
    I don't play pokémon, so there isn't any nostalgia there for me, but I do find it an interesting social experiment and an even more interesting bit of technical management trying to tune the machine in such a way as to allow the masses of input to actually make some progress.
  • edited March 2014
    It got me in the mood to play more Pokemon as well. Managed to kick Animal Crossing out of my 3DS, it's been in there mostly nonstop since the launch date last summer. Now I'm finally making decent progress through Pokemon X, and I've also revisited my save file on HeartGold for the regular DS. In that game, due to a lot of good fortune, I'm now at the Elite Four with a team of severely underleveled monsters.
  • edited March 2014
    Obviously your strategy is now "additional good fortune". Also Twitch Plays Crystal is a whole lot more nostalgic and entertaining for me than the previous game, as Crystal was the first Pokemon game I seriously played.
  • edited March 2014
    In other random late-night news: Fuck you Extrapolate!
    *attempts to flip table*
  • edited May 2014
    2:30 a.m.? Yup. Absolutely no progress on the paper I've been banging my head over all day? Yup. Watching stupid youtube videos? Pony Pantspaghetti!

    Somebody wanna write a short ethics paper about death? Make sure it's in exact precise APA format and include at least one scholarly source!
  • edited May 2014
    I'll get you started:
    Death. Merriam-Webster defines death as "the end of life" and "the time when someone or something dies". Ethics. Merriam-Webster defines ethics as "an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior" and "a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong". And nowhere are these definitions more apparent -- beyond the dictionary -- then in the paper to follow.

    Also, the dictionary, being a scholarly effort to define all commonly-used English words, totally counts as a scholarly source.

    You're welcome.
  • edited May 2014
    Heh. Yeah. I got the paper written in any case. Using school databases to try and find "scholarly sources" has often been a rage-inducing disaster for me. I had actually found a paper about an experiment at one point that could have been good but the conclusion was a very politely and neutrally phrased explanation about how the people who ran the experiment should have been involved in designing the experiment in the first place instead of leaving that to the government agency that funded them so they could have a proper control group and actually get results that meant something. After reading through a ton of bullshit "scholarly sources" I eventually ran a single google search and got far more meaningful information on the second result from a far better source.

    Lesson learned: collegiate papers are stupid and "scholarly sources" are actually pretty terrible if you want meaningful information. Just ask Google. Google knows everything.
  • edited May 2014
    Tell me you used!
  • edited May 2014
    I wasn't aware they had that. Perhaps I'll use it on the next paper though! The results couldn't be any less helpful than the scholarly databases the schools got us hooked up with.
  • edited May 2014
    As a search engine it doesn't necessarily host any of the results, so, like, a lot of times it'll bring me to the IEEE site, which in turn tells me to sign up. Then I have to sign in through my school's library anyway. HOWEVER, it's what I use, and it gives relevant results.

    I believe there's an art to research, and I also believe that nobody is taught it anymore. I certainly have no idea what I'm doing.
  • edited October 2014
    Not sure if I was born this way or I've just conditioned myself by always procrastinating school projects (probably a little bit of both), but I'm always most focused in the middle of the night and it has followed me into my career. I pull late nighters almost weekly at this point working on projects into the wee hours of the night... But I have the benefit of getting away with it since I'm allowed to come into work after 10. No problem! ((SO glad I don't have kids right now, I can imagine children interfering with this habit just a bit)). I remember a couple of you folks being quite the night owls yourselves... Has anyone else fallen into the habit of working late at night occasionally, or am I truly crazy for enjoying this life? Maybe as I get older Ill change my mind about this, but for now it still seems to be working!

    Edit: looking through a couple previous pages in this thread, I suppose I've still made a lot if sleep progress since college. There's that at least!
  • edited October 2014
    As far as an actual job, no. I'm usually mentally clocked out the moment the day is done. For personal projects however, I'm a bit more motivated when working at night. Even on days off.
  • edited October 2014
    I habitually go to bed later than 2am every night. Well, morning I guess. Although I'm in job hunting mode at this point so that could change. Despite being awake that late I wouldn't say I'm more focused during that time so much as other people are in bed and therefore not bothering or distracting me.
  • edited October 2014
    If I didn't have cats that constantly demanded attention I would probably work from home more for that exact reason, but I've found that people are way less likely to lay on my keyboard at work than at home.
  • edited October 2014
    I'd prefer to not have cats. Or dogs. Or living things in general that are wholly dependent on me.
  • edited October 2014
    I always seem to become most motivated to work on my personal projects at the exact moment that I look at the time and think I should probably go to sleep or I'll feel terrible at work tomorrow.
  • edited October 2014
    XoLore wrote: »
    Despite being awake that late I wouldn't say I'm more focused during that time so much as other people are in bed and therefore not bothering or distracting me.

    That's a big part of it for me too. One of the unfortunate side effects of not having my own apartment anymore.
  • edited October 2014
    Nearing the end of my undergrad career here. I'm typically most motivated to do actual work early in the morning. In a perfect world I would wake up at 4 AM every day and work for a few hours with my morning coffee and the news. As it is right now its typically work until I'm burned out and then stay up until I'm relaxed, which means I'm normally actively going to sleep at around midnight.

    My mother and my brother, on the other hand, will happily work for 14 hours with no restroom breaks and sleep for 4 hours a night. I don't know how they do it.
  • edited November 2014
    So I've been having trouble with sleeping the last few nights as a result of some bothersome pains in my back and side. Largely a muscle thing an a professional massage helped a lot, but it's still a problem. I think I'll trying seeing a chiropractor and then back to the masseuse.

    On the other hand I've been trying to get a job and I think I might currently have two places trying to hire me. I guess that's good? I'm not sure how to handle this.